
The Lovely Magician & The Grumpy One

Unable to support or help her three friends who turned into thieves, Aria could only be depressed alone at home thinking about that. But one night, her friends enter the wrong house, and only Aria can save them. Little did she know that by going there, she’d meet someone & her destiny would begin to change drastically.

ThreeBites · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

That's Already Evil Enough

"Here is the medicine." Said Mrs. Rumia who finally came back again. "Do you need anything else?"

"No, just this." Rei replied while giving some gold coins.

"Oh, my! Do you have a smaller penny?" Asked Mrs. Rumia, though Rei didn't respond and immediately turned towards the door. "Th-Thank you very much!" Added Mrs. Rumia hastily.

"..." But of course Aria could only stay where she was even after that. Mrs. Rumia even went as far as to ask if she was alright because Aria looked like she was starting to break out in a cold sweat.

She might be able to force herself to escape if she really wanted to. But other than worrying that they might do something to Mrs. Rumia if she did, she also had no confidence in running away with her three younger siblings. 'Plus, they already heard my name…'

So after lying and telling Mrs. Rumia that she was fine, Aria finally steeled her legs to stand up and walked out, where the 2 nobles with ominous auras were waiting patiently for her.

"U-Um, uh, err…" Aria tried to move her lips even though she still couldn't dare to look at them. "P-P-Please allow me to take them home first. I promise I won't run away after that." She immediately begged.

Rei and Hiki briefly glanced at each other before glancing at the 3 little kids following behind her. Because no matter how rotten Rei and Hiki were, they also didn't want to directly kidnap a woman in front of her younger siblings just like that.

Well, not to mention that the atmosphere in the shopping square was still a bit lively even though it was already evening, so…

"Fine." They complied. But not unconditionally. "But if you really try to run away, I'll break their hands."


Rei threatened her just like that and Aria immediately felt like somebody held up a knife to her neck. So until all the way back to their home, to be honest it wasn't that different as if she was being followed by 2 angels of death.

"But wouldn't it be easier if you just kidnap her?" Hiki whispered.

"Yeah, but for now I don't want to look like a bad person just yet."

"...Rei, you just threatened to kill her younger siblings. That's already evil enough." He said. "But wait, could it be that you really want to be taught by her? Pfft."

Though when he was about to laugh when he said that, Hiki started to get annoyed first by the atmosphere of the area they started to enter.

Not only the huts around there were very shabby, the land in that area also looked very dry and neglected. Even weeds seem reluctant to grow here. "Jeez, do they live here?" He grumbled.

On the other hand, Aria was actually still panicking about what if those angels of death saw Arran later and instead decided to try and kill him again?! Like, it shouldn't be a problem as long as Aria didn't get them any closer to the back of the hut, but still!

"But Aria, are they your friends?" Mina asked.

"But aren't they nobles? Leyna said that nobles don't like to be friends with people like us." Lily also asked while glancing at the 2 men trailing far behind them.

"But they won't be joining us for dinner right? Our portions will be too little then!" Chimed in Kuvi.

"...Uhm, not really. They'll go after this." Reply Aria as much as could because she doesn't know how to respond anymore.

But after busy thinking about this and that, Aria at least thought that they should stop before they actually got home.

Aria took a deep breath first as if it was the last day of her life. And when she was ready, she then returned to lowering her body towards her 3 younger siblings. "Hey, um, I need to do something else, so can you go home first?" She said.

The three kids were confused, but she just continued. "You guys know how to peel the potatoes right? After that you can just boil it in water. Ah, but be careful with the fire. Also don't forget to add the salt. I saved it in the corner of…"

But Aria started to choke by herself. She didn't know at all that 2 men who saw them actually felt strange watching it too.

"…Seems like she really thought we would behead her." Hiki said, to which Rei couldn't reply.

And after some more sad messages, Aria finally sent her 3 younger siblings home first. Only then did she wipe her tears and turn around to face the 2 men. Then without any protest, Aria just immediately stretched out both of her hands.

"..." The two of them were confused, but finally Hiki understood first. "Ah, Rei, she wants to be tied! I don't have any ropes though." he squeaked. "Do you have any--"

BUGH! But before Hiki could continue his useless question, Rei immediately kicked Hiki's leg and pushed back Aria's hand lightly. "We're not here to arrest you or anything. Or, at least not yet." He said.

Not believing what she was hearing, Aria raised her head and was silent for a very long time. "...R-Really?"

"I mean, if you don't steal anything, we have no reason to do it." Rei replied. "Unlike your other 3 friends."

"..." Feeling her heart sink, Aria took a step back with her legs trembling.

Compared to criminals who immediately brandishing knives and machetes, people who actually talk a lot even though they have some killer eyes feels mooore creepy. "W-W-Where's Mika and Leyna?"

Not immediately answering, Rei instead felt that there was something wrong with Aria's question. "Hm? You're only asking 2 people? Does that mean you know one of your friends managed to escape?" He asked. "...Don't tell me he's still alive?"

"Huh? Are you kidding?" Hiki chirped. "Didn't you injure him with poison you usually used to hunt bears or something?" He said.

Rei was about to say yes, but suddenly he saw Aria's scared expression and just remembered that he was planning to use subtle methods first. "In my defense, I might as well have cured him if only he hadn't run away…"

'Though I would torment him a little.' Rei continued silently.

But because Aria clearly didn't look like she believed it yet, Rei went back to the rough ways. "Anyway, two of your friends are still alive. As long as you do what I say, I might let them go."

Aria was silent for a while before finally answering, "W-What do you want?"

"Easy. Just--"


But out of nowhere, Arran suddenly appeared and lunged from behind like a demon. Although of course Hiki and Rei managed to avoid it easily because his movements were the same as those of a drunk.

But even with the random movements, Arran still managed to pull Aria behind him and pointed the shovel he was carrying towards Hiki and Rei. "Don't you dare touch her!" he shouted.

Even though they were surprised, the two boys actually looked more confused seeing Arran could stand up like that. Even Hiki chuckled softly. "Wow, he's really still alive."