
The Lovely Magician & The Grumpy One

Unable to support or help her three friends who turned into thieves, Aria could only be depressed alone at home thinking about that. But one night, her friends enter the wrong house, and only Aria can save them. Little did she know that by going there, she’d meet someone & her destiny would begin to change drastically.

ThreeBites · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Even So, I Wanted You To Help Me

Since Helen was still a noble, Aria actually thought that she would definitely want to get a single private room. So she already told Feny beforehand that she should come with her and leave Helen's room.

But after Aria finished making sure that Helen didn't need anything else, Helen suddenly pulled Aria's skirt with a sullen face before she and Feny were about to leave. "Are you not going to sleep here?" She asked.

"..." Turned out she didn't want to sleep alone. After losing her parents, maybe she came to hate it. Aria remembered she was like that too once, because her wild thoughts just couldn't stop thinking about her parents.

Even Feny looked like she understood it. That's why she ran back and jumped onto the bed. "Aria, look. This bed is super huge!" She said. "And I'll take this pillow."

"Hey, take off your ugly shoes first when you go to bed, stupid!" Protested Helen while she ran to the bed and smacked Feny's butts.

Aria smiled for a moment seeing that, but then she took Helen's hand. "Come on, I'll help you change into your pajamas. I heard they have cute pajamas here." She said. "Feny, you too."

Aria accompanied them for some time until they're ready for bed. They kept fighting all the time. But after it was getting late, the two of them finally fell asleep on their own.

Aria suddenly choked up because she was reminded of Lily and the others. So she decided to go out and maybe get some tea to calm herself. But when she opened the door, it turned out there was already someone else who was about to knock on the door.

"Mr. Oliver…"

"Ah, hi." He said casually. "I actually came to your room and you weren't there. So I thought you might be here."

"Mm, yes. I decided to just sleep with Feny and Helen, so… But do you need something?"

"Because I miss you." He replied. Aria just went silent, so he quickly laughed. "I'm kidding, haha. You remember I said that I have insomnia, right? Actually I haven't really slept this week, so my head is starting to hurt again. So I hope you might have some medicine for it."

"Is that so? Then I'll go get it now--"

"I'll wait in the living room. So come there when you have it." He said, and then he left immediately.

"..." Aria did feel something might be off. But not wanting to continue to suspect him without any reason, she just shook her head to herself. "It's okay. He just want some medicine." She muttered. And it's not like he asked her to come to his room anyway.

So Aria went back to her room to get the medicine. And after she found it, she finally went to the living room. She hesitated again when she saw Oliver's figure waiting for her, but in the end she still walked there.

"But Mr. Oliver," Aria started as she sat on the sofa across from him. "If I may ask, how long have you been having insomnia? Was it just this week or longer? Do you usually take other medicines or something?"

"Mm..." Oliver was silent at first while enjoying the sight of Aria who was busy taking this and that out of her medicine bag. Only when Aria turned to him again did he respond. "Well, it's been a while. But apart from the chamomile tea the maid likes to make, I've never taken any medicine."

"Even when your head hurts?" Aria asked, but Oliver just smiled again. So with that little information, Aria started looking for medicines that she could give to him.

But then Oliver talked again. "By the way, where did you meet Rei?" He asked "Did he get hurt badly that he needed you?"

"...Mm, the story is kind of long. Maybe you should just ask Mr. Rei tomorrow."

"But he looks like he's okay now, right? Then why does he still need you? Just in case?" He asked again. But because Aria started to seem to ignore him, he started to chuckle. "Why? Did Rei tell you not to tell me anything?"

"I'm just not sure if I'm allowed to." Aria shortly answered. And she finally gave Oliver some tablets. "Now you can take this first. And while you drink it, I'll get some hot water to brew--"

Aria was about to stand up, but Oliver quickly grabbed her hand. "Hey, how much did Rei pay you?" He still asked. "I'll pay you 3 times as much, so how about you just work for me?"

"..." Aria wanted to step back to get away, but Oliver didn't loosen his grip at all.

"I'm doing this because you seem like a good person. But Rei always plans bad things, you know. That's definitely why he's here." Oliver continued again. "And if he intends to involve you, I guarantee you will regret it."

"…Mr. Oliver, please let my hand go."

"Hh, fine." He said while he let go of her hand. And after gulping his tablets without any water, he also stood up. "You can think about it. Just come to my room whenever you want." He said with a smile. And he finally left.

"..." Frozen in her place, Aria initially remained silent with mixed feelings there. But after a while she finally glanced sharply at the stairs leading to the 2nd floor, where Rei seemed to be standing there.

Aria had seen him for some time. But even though Oliver did and said all that, Aria felt quite hurt seeing that Rei had absolutely no intention of helping her, even now.

That's why while she hurriedly tidied up her medicine bag, Aria didn't want to lift her head at all when she had to go up the stairs and pass Rei's figure and wanted to just go straight back to her room.

"Are you okay?" But he still asked, which momentarily forced Aria to stop.

But even though Aria turned around, she still put on a sour face. "Not really. I was scared." She said.

Seeing that Aria looked sadder than he thought, Rei was taken aback a bit. He actually planned to help if Oliver tried to do something else with her. But while he was looking out for the worst, he ended up doing nothing.

"Mm, you looked like you could handle him earlier, so…" He tried to answer. "If only he tried to hurt you, I would--"

"Even so… I wanted you to help me."

"..." Realizing the girl in front of her really felt disappointed, Rei knew he had to stop making excuses. "I'm really sorry." He said again. "So, are you okay?"

Even though she still looked sad, Aria finally nodded.

Rei sighed softly, but then he talked again. "By the way, I'll be gone tomorrow morning with my uncle, so you'll be alone here." He said. "You know, for that thing."

"I don't need to come with you?"

"No, it's fine. Better if I talk to him alone."

"Is it going to take the whole day?"

"Maybe. I don't know." He answered. But feeling that she still looked worried, he added. "I'll tell Mr. Avo to accompany you. So if there's anything, you can ask him for help."

"...And I'll try to get back before evening." He added.

"Okay, I understand." Aria answered with a faint smile. "Be careful."