
Chapter two:First day of UA

Your door flings open "Y/N WAKE UP!" You shoot up "WHAT THE HELL?!" You scream. "WAKE UP! GET READY FOR SCHOOL NOW!" you mom was screaming at you but you were too tired to care then you realized what she said. You shot up & hurried to get dressed and run out the front door without saying goodbye. You run to the school luckily you live only a few blocks away. You get there panting so heavily you feel like you're going to pass out and lean against the lockers. "Holy hell" your heavy breathing has muted all other sounds as your breathing slows you realize that people are flooding in. You hurry and open your locker and get your stuff put in it. You feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around and see Kirishima staring back at you. You just stare into his eyes and see a gleam. "You okay?" He says. "Uh um well yeah. I'm fine" the bell rings you kiss his cheek"Well gotta go bye" you grab your bag & run to your first class. He watches you run off "Uh okay bye?" He walks to his class. You get to your class and sit in the back as usual you see other kids walk into the classroom. You tap your fingers impatiently and put your head on your desk. You feel someone tap your shoulder and you look up at them you see a silver haired boy. "Are you okay?" He asks concerningly. "Uh yeah I'm fine" you smile at him he smiles back. "I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu." he holds out his hand for you to shake you shake it "I'm Y/n L/n'' -~Lunch time~- You get up to leave "Hey Y/n?" says Tetsutetsu ``Yeah?" "Do you wanna-" He starts to say but then you hear a voice come from the hall "Y/N~~" Kirishima said in a sing-songy voice. He walks in the door smiling "Hey Kiri" You say. He walks over to you and hugs you & puts an arm around you & looks at Tetsutetsu ``Is this guy bothering you?" He slightly activates his quirk " No no. Actually he's a friend of mine" You say with a smile "Really? Nice to meet you bro!" He shakes tetsutetsu's hand & smiles. "Yeah this is Tetsutetsu Kiri'' You say happily "Cool name bro! I'm Ejiro Kirishima! I go by Kiri most of the time" He says with a big grin "Nice to meet you" Tetsutetsu smiles. You look at the door and see a blonde headed boy glaring at you and Kirishima you slightly tug at kiri's shirt & whisper in his ear "Who's at the door?" He quickly looks at the door "Oh that's Katsuki Bakugou. He's a real hot head" Kirishima laughs. "O-kay. Well if you don't have any plans do you wanna come get lunch with us?" you look at tetsutetsu with a smile. "Yeah of course as long as it's okay with kiri '' he says "Of course it's okay with kiri he won't mind trust me" you say with a smile. Kirishima had gone over to katsuki and started talking to him about his quirk. You grab Tetsutetsu's arm and walk to the door he walks next to you slightly blushing. You stop next to kiri "Lets gooo i'm hungry" Katsuki just gives you a judging look and scoffs rolling his eyes. "Okay okay let's go. Oh bakugou do you wanna come with us?" Kiri says. "Yeah sure whatever" Kirishima smiles. You walk down the hall still holding onto Tetsutetsu's arm. Tetsutetsu is still slightly blushing but not enough for you to notice. You hurry down the hall smiling. You finally get outside and start towards the cafe. You hadn't noticed but Kiri and Bakugou were way behind you. You get to the cafe and Bakugou and Kiri are way behind you. You groan and walk in anyways pulling Tetsutetsu behind you. You and Tetsutetsu wait in line. While you're waiting he turns to you and asks "So you and Kirishima are a thing?" "Yeah why?" you say looking up at him. "Oh just because he seems like he's really involved with his friend at the moment." he says looking you in the eyes. You look away "Yeah it's whatever. Kiri just likes talking to his friends." Your voice had softened while you were talking. The bell rings and kiri and bakugou walk through the door. You wave but he completely ignores you or he just didn't see you. You sigh and just wait in line. Kiri and bakugou come and stand behind you guys. You all get your coffee and food then walk out of the cafe. You tell kiri tetsutetsu and bakugou bye then walk back to the school with a mad expression. Kiri and Bakugou keep on walking tetsutetsu behind them. "Hey uh I gotta hurry back to class bye!" bakugou says. Tetsutetsu catches up with kiri now walking beside him. "So uh kirishima I want to ask you a couple of questions." Tetsutetsu says in an upbeat voice. "Yeah of course" kirishima replies. "Okay so I was wondering how you stole Y/ns heart." tetsutetsu says. "Well I- wait you're not gonna try to take her from me are you?" Kiri says. "No of course not I just wanted advice because you seem like such a manly guy and she seems like she really enjoys your company." tetsutetsu says in a very manly-ish voice. "You think I'm MaNlY?!" Kirishima asks in a not manly tone. "Yeah obviously. That's why I'm asking for advice from such a manly man" tetsutetsu slightly rolls his eyes. "My life is now complete. I have been declared a manly man." Kirishima says dramatically. Tetsutetsu checks his watch ~12:54 PM~. "Holy sh- Hey dude we'll continue this convo later we gotta get to class!" He says hurriedly. "Yeah wait for me out front after school" Kiri says in a hurried tone. "Okay see you then" They both hurry to class.