
The love of the enchanted

What would you do if you were forced to marry a man? Not just any man, but a Cold-hearted, wretched, vile Duke. Follow Sara an ordinary girl from a family who works with an oil company, move in with her future husband. Is there any hope that there love will blossom? Or will Sara simply be stuck in a marriage that will only leave her bitter and just as cold as the Duke himself! **please leave any comments on my story, may they be criticism or simply love for the story. This is my first novel and I am still working very hard on it as well as adding more characters. Also leave a rating, any rating that you see fit for this story. -with love, Saaaritaaa

Sara_Wilson_4940 · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

It all started when I was taken away from the only home that I knew, to be taken to a man who was described as the most disgusting human of our time, but the wealthiest. My father worked hard to get me this engagement, I tried arguing it but of course couldn't because I knew it would better my families name and there current living. As I walk downstairs to greet my family for the last time I can't help but to be hit with hurt, looking at my mother reading her book at the table, while my youngest sister lynleigh is only playing with her full plate of food, and my father digging into the delicious breakfast our chef Guston had prepared.

"Goodmorning father." I smiled planting a light kiss to the top of his head while grabbing my seat beside him, as well as greeting my family members around me.

To be honest I'm not in the mood to eat, I look at my reflection in my spoon, taking a look at my deep blue eyes and the strands of blonde hair surrounding my face. In my family I'm not allowed to cut my hair, as it is rather long, as well as my moms and sisters. But, my sister and mother's hair is straight, where I have wavy hair that I have received from my dad. I have always been looked at as beautiful, but I never thought that-

"Honey are you going to continue to get lost in your mind while enjoying some time with your dearest family." My mother states giving me a grim look of worry on her face.

"No mother, I'm sorry. I am just thinking of how much I will miss seeing my family everyday, and I can't help but to worry about this man I will be living with." It's the truth, I don't know what I will do without my family, and I also have no idea as to what I should expect from this man. They say he is strong, very handsome but always shunned every female that showed him they wanted more then just a "overnight stay". I hope he doesn't expect to get me into bed as soon as I arrive, but I also wonder why would he accept such an offer after refusing the many women who had faced him with the same offer. He was a Duke, Duke Liam Malvich was his name.

"Honey you will be okay and I'm sure the Duke will allow you to visit after some time there. He is to be your husband, I don't believe he would ever keep you from us" says my mother and for the longest time I wondered why her face, as well as my fathers dropped. The room fell silent after that sentence and it was until I arrived to the castle and met the Duke, that I understood why.