

Lucinda fought long and hard for her happiness before she finally threw in the cold towel, she gave up when her father left her in the cold and dirty world to strive and survive on her own. He had been her sole protector and fighter, especially against the harsh treatment from her step mother and sister, but when he died few weeks to her mating ceremony she lost interest In life generally, knowing fully well That her step mother and step older sister had every chance and power to frustrate her excessively, now that no one is around to protect her. Although it’s not like anyone had been there to protect her generally from them, her father was always outdoors to fend for them, but at least he came home most times to yell and warn them to stay away from her. It felt like hey planned his death, instantly they took her mate from her on the mating ceremony by turning him against her before she even met him, they had taken space in his life and in her presence he announced her step sister as his queen and rejected her ridiculously in public, turning her into an ordinary maid. “You are a whore and you can never be my queen, a hag like you is tainted and wretched! ..Get her out of my sight!!” Her mate's furious and bitter voice filled her dreams every night, his tune as he bellowed at her on the first night of their meeting took on a life of its own and turned into a daily nightmare for her. She wondered how gullible he must be to easily take the words of her step mother and sister for it, without bothering to hear from her, she was so sad and dissapionted in him. The one person she thought would carry her on his shoulder and carry her to safety away from her enemies. Lucinda closed her heart to any form of love or freedom but when a knight in shining armour came in the form of her prisoner and buyer, the scary, crazily wealthy and famous hybrid king with the vampire and werewolf breed, Lucinda almost didn’t believe it. From buying her to be an ordinary sex slave and blood bag where he could feed from and satisfy his pleasures in his bed, she became his queen and wife embedded with wealth and authority. What will happen along the way and how will her step mother and sister take the news of her new found luck and love? Will Lucinda give in to her prisoner and allow the raging wind of love and attraction between them break the barrier of coldness, fear and heartbreak in her heart? Will she go back to her mate when he comes running and begging her for forgiveness? Can she and the hybrid king find a happy ever after or will his coldness and superiority scare her away and deny the intense attraction and pure raging romance between them?

Daoist4rnkPX · Fantasi
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10 Chs



"What would you have done? Answer me and stop sitting there quiet and sad looking, must solve this bridge between us once and for all!,"

This time I tried putting out any form of threat or authority and intimidation out of my voice, I cannot beat another day to see my wife like this, avoiding me and looking so depressed.

I thought I could ignore her sullen look and go about my day but I was wrong, it's only few days after Tiara's presence in my life and I can't even concentrate on my work.

"Really? Are you asking me to talk now? Did you allow me express myself when she barged in on us the other night!," Lucinda responded for the first time since she sat curled up in my office chair.

Smirking at her to encourage her to speak more, I raised my brow when she sighed and opened her mouth to keep talking, it gladdens my heart to hear her voice even though she's jabbing words at me.

At this point I don't care, I want to hear from her, listen to her pain and solve all her worries, my wolf isn't happy and I'm disorganized as well.

"You made your point clear the other day, you are my husband and I have no day in anything g you decide to do, she's the mother if your daughter and I can't do anything about that!,"

She kept talking, looking straight into my eyes, I saw the fear and agitation but yet I wanted to praise her aloud for standing up to me, everyone is scared of me I know that but Lucinda wouldn't let that stop her when she's ready to talk, just like now

Another reason why I love her, she's very smart and kind hearted, aside from her sumptuous body and delicious blood that I can't seems to get off my mind.

"You think talking about your ex-husband would solve this issue right now , you just be joking if you intend for me to apologize for having you to my fill when I wanted, you are my woman!,"

This time I was softer with my approach, the goal is to explain my feelings and how she hurt me to her. We need to start communication one way or the other and Lucinda is teaching me to listen, even though she doesn't know it.

"I didn't talk about him at first! You started it, making me feel like I have made the same mistake, I gave myself to you even though I know it would cause me trouble, you are tooo powerful and handsome to stay with one woman and you know.

I wanted to talk to smile and express how happy I'm to hear that she thinks I'm handsome?l, ofcourse I know she's fighting so hard not to feel anything for me but I wasn't aware that she's that attracted to my charm.

"And who told you I love Tiara, I explained what she did to me but you went ahead to place me side by side with your lousy ex-husband, do you want to ho back to him?"

My voice contracted at once when I asked her, she batted her eyelid and stammered and that wasn't a good enough answer, it made my brain twitch and I almost let my wolf out again

"You don't have to respond to that Lucinda, you can't do anything about your marriage with me and I don't love any woman. I love you and I want you, this is fact you need to believe me,"

"Yes, Tiara is the mother of my lovely daughter and I can't let that little girl stay alive without a father, I couldn't bear to be away from her, but after what she told me."

My voice relaxed once I started talking about my precious daughter, one of the people I would go into battle for.

"The plan isn't to introduce Amelia to you like this but what could I have done? She called me secretky and was crying,"

I paused to inhale my breath and father my emotions, Lucinda eyes was teary suddenly and she grabbed my hands. Until I felt her warm feel in my hands I didn't know how much I was holding my breath.

"Lucinda I will go crazy if you threaten to leave me and it will hurt us both, you can't leave me and you can't unlove me, there will be so many challenge in our future because I'm crazy and I'm not so innocent but you can't leave me"

"You have to understand this path that k made and stick by it, you are the only woman I can live with! The only woman who makes me breath fresh air, how can I let you go?,"

She squeezed my hand and clean her tears with her elbow, shaking her head in understanding even though I know she's not totally in sync with what I just said.

Lucinda wouos so anything to get out of my life, maybe not back yo Eric but far away from any possesive love, I'm sorry to hee but that's the love I can give, I cannot let her be! I cannot let her go away from my sight.

"Don't paint me into a hilorrible person, that's not fair Spencer! If you ask me how I fell so deep into your love trap, I can't describe it, I don't know if this is meant to be and I'm Going to retrace my step!,"

When Lucinda started talking about retracing her step to unlove me, my wolf cried. He cried so hard and I felt the urge to do something to make her delete those words immediately but I didn't want to do the usual me.

That's what she expect and want, another reason to hate me, to want to be away from me and I won't give her that, instead I smiled sadly at her and pulled her into my lap, strapping her quickly before she flew from me.

She turned to read my expression, confusion in her eyes. Maybe she didn't believe I could be that calm or understanding, I made a quick mental note to do things that would shock her, just like this. I need to become unpredictable around her.

"Uhmmm, I don't hate your little girl, Amelia is sweet and she was in my building yesterday, we talked and I didn't know she came here on an order, she told me about her mother bullying her and putting the blame of your marriage breakup on her little head and I was pissed,"

"Pissed at the situation, pissed at myself for being the reason and I can't bear to see her sad innocent face," she finally opened her heart to me. Just like I wanted.

I kissed her right ear and pulled her closer to me, almost choking the air out of her, this is because I wanted what I was about to say get to the inner most part of her heart.

"Listen to me Lucinda, Amelia isn't angry that you are in my life, she's six years old and she knows everything that happened between me and her mother, how we got divorced and went our seperate ways,"

"I kept Tiara alive because of our daughter sake, I didn't want to be the killer of our daughters' mother, Tiara deserved to die after hurting me like that, sleeping with my guards like a pig!,"

"I had to do something when Amelia called me

For the second time To complain about Tiara bringing in various men, it's not save for her and I can't stand that, i have all the care and protection here and I have you,"

I heard her shocked gasp, she wasn't expecting that I will entrust Amelia to her or feel like she would stay with me to take care of my daughter, she want to leave and Amelia is another way of keeping her mind off leaving, although I won't tell her that part.

"She beat Amelia up to, Your daughter told me! I was so angry when she opened up to me yesterday, you need to teach her a lesson!,"

Lucinda retorted, the jealousy in her voice. I knew at once that the punishment she mentioned isn't about Tiara maltreating our daughter Alone, there's jealousy behind those words and I love the fact that she doesn't like Tiara.

"We will get to that bridge Lucinda, for now you have to promise to stay away from Tiara, she's dark and desperate. Once we've sighed the child transfer certificate, she will be out of our life finally."

The plan was to suprise Lucinda with the news but I couldn't hold the plan to myself anymore, I needed to give Lucinda a form of assurance, for her to know that I'm not in any way considering to keep Tiara as my whore or mistress or whatever she's thinking.

"Right now I need you to tell me Lucinda, let's solve this thick air once and for all, what do you want me to do? What do you want from me? Anything that will make you happy, just mention it!," I knew I shouldn't ask Lucinda like this, she's crazy and might say something to piss me off, but it's worth a try.