
The Love in the moonlight

After facing a hard life in her father's house, Kaoru escapes an attempted rape and is moved far away from home by her younger half sister, Kohana, to a temple in another town. There she is caught between two brothers who have more to them that meets the eyes. What more? Kaoru suffers the immortal anger and grudge of an abandoned lover who curses her to a repeated lifetime of unrequited love but she is blessed by a kind woman who disproves of the curse. Kaoru is then caught between the heated love rivalry between the two brothers and loses her life to it. She reincarnate and it begins all over again and this time she is pressed to choose, and her choice will either bring her to ruin again or bless her. Who does she give her heart to?

Immortal_blossoms · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter 009

The journey back to the temple was no longer a walk for Susumu had brought a cart pulled by bulls with him when he came. Kana and Kaoru sat in the cart while Susumu walked. How has it been since she felt this sense of freedom? Kaoru wondered. It has been almost a year since she left home and she has almost become a temple maiden, this was not the life she envisioned for herself but she was still happy with it.

Although they had walked when they first went to the infirmary Kaoru was caught up in her thoughts to appreciate the beauty of nature around her. After getting quite the scare due to that suspicious epidemic she had learnt to appreciate what she's got. She might never get to see them again.

Leaning slightly out of the cart Kaoru could now see the scenery around her. They were just passing a rice field, farmers were up and about tending to the crops. They would sprinkle the seeds on the mush soil and press them into it with their feet. She could see, and feel their contentment as they waved to them in greeting.

Then they got to a hill they hadn't crossed when coming and Susumu told her they were taking another route so she could see the village in its simple beauty.

'You seem to know Hirubira well' Kaoru said as she swayed to the rocking of the cart. 'Did you grow up here?'

'You could say that, but my hometown is much more beautiful. It's a pity its doors are forever closed to me.' Susumu said wistfully and shook his head.

Kaoru decided not to press for answers, what did he do that he couldn't return home? Although she didn't consider the Kaneko household her home, the first young master Yuukou and her sister Kohana were her home. She could return if she wanted to and they would welcome her, she was positive.

When they descended the hill they passed by a lake. Some girls no older than fifteen were washing clothes and playing in the water, one of the girls had broken teeth but she laughed without a care in the world revelling in the innocence of their youth. And she remembered she wasn't much older than them but she felt so old!

Soon the temple was in sight. Its colourful walls gleamed in the sun as they got closer coaxing her to admire its beauty. Its pillars were strong and painted in bright colours. All the colours of the temple blended beautifully with the vast greenery around it, and the servants and temple maidens worked together in harmony giving off the air of a utopia of peace.

When Kaoru and Kohana rushed here it was late and her mind was in turmoil, she wasn't in the right frame of mind to sense the beauty, even after the festival and all the months she spent here she still didn't see it. Maybe one has to leave something to appreciate it better.

Susumu helped her and Kana out of the cart and a servant came to lead the bulls away. She looked and Kana and realized she hadn't spoken a word on their way back. Her eyes were glazed and a blank look adorned her face but she came to before Kaoru could say anything so she dismissed it as a trick her mind played on her.

'Lady Kaoru' an unfamiliar face called to her. She pointed to herself to be sure she was the one being called a lady and the person nodded.

'Your father sends word' the person began, 'he wants you back and we are to return at first light.'

I realized I misspelt Hirubira and Birubara in most of all the chapters. I'm really sorry :-!

Immortal_blossomscreators' thoughts