

"I spent 10 years of my life loving you! and you called it an insignificant crush.But now that you've lost the love of your life,you want my love back?"I said as tears rolled down my eyes "I can't believe you could be this selfish" I silently backed away tears still rolling my cheeks as I waved my head slowly. "I hope we never meet again Endo"

Imagi_nation · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 7


*Endo's POV*

'I can't believe I'm finally graduating, highschool has not been easy'

"sup bro"I greet Jayden my only other friend

"Bro we made it"

We exchange a handshake and hug each other. We'd both gotten accepted into Xh university and were both leaving for school by fall.

A few underclassmen walk towards us and ask for a picture we take a few with them, as soon as they leave I sight Lou and her dad heading our way with my family. Jayden soon notices and tries to escape but I don't let him 'He's had a crush on Lou all year long and I managed to convince him to tell her...who knows he might atleast get her number today.'

When they finally make thier way towards us my mom and Lou hand me flowers and Lou hands another one to Jayden... his ears instantly turns red and he mutters a thank you to her. She smiles at him and I'm pretty sure his legs almost gave out cause he grabbed my shoulder.

"Endo I have something to tell you, can you come with me for a sec?!" Lou says once we're done taking pics. Jayden is being bombarded with questions from both our parents so he doesn't notice us leave.

I follow Lou until we're at a quiet corner of the school then she suddenly stops walking and turns towards me.

"I like you"


"I like you Endo...and I don't expect you to accept my feelings or reciprocate them,I just didn't want you to graduate without me getting the chance to confess my feelings for you."


"Don't say anything please,I already know what you're going to say. We should head back everyone must be looking for us"

'Wow I had no idea Lou felt that way about me...I wish I could reciprocate her feelings since she's such an amazing person"

*Louis POV*

'i'm definitely going to confess to him today'i mentally remind myself. I see Endo and his friend Jayden taking pictures with some juniors and my heart skips a beat...For a second I almost rethink the confession, but then again I didn't want any regrets.

After taking pictures with our parents I ask Endo to speak to him privately and he followed me. Once we were at a quiet corner of the school I turn around and say...

"I like you"


"I like you Endo...and I don't expect you to accept my feelings or reciprocate them,I just didn't want you to graduate without me getting the chance to confess my feelings for you."

"Uhm...I"he mutters

"Don't say anything please,I already know what you're going to say. We should head back"

To be honest I kinda feel lighter now that I've gotten it off my chest, Thank God I ended up doing it.

*Jayden's POV"

I turn around and notice Endo leaving with Louis but decide to ignore it but after it keeps bothering me I decide to go after them. Just as I'm about to turn the corner I hear Louis speaking

"I like you Endo...and I don't expect you to accept my feelings or reciprocate them,I just didn't want you to graduate without me getting the chance to confess my feelings for you."

My heart sinks to my stomach and I leave immediately,I take another route so they don't see me buts as I turn a corner on my way back, I see Elsie making out with another guy.

'You've got to be kidding me' I take out my phone and begin to film them...

"Hey Els, having fun now are we?"

She turns towards me and her eyes grow wide.

"Shit"I hear her mutter as she quickly looks away

"You better get your explanation ready cause I ain't letting my buddy date sh*t like you"I say as I walk past her.


'Jayden Blue'

An 18 year old senior and Endo's only friend(Other than Lou) Is an only child,should be spoiled since his parents always give him whatever he wants but he isn't(They're super wealthy btw). His parents moved towns a year ago but he insisted on staying so he now lives alone.


Light Brown eyes

Dirty blonde hair

Pale skin


Dimples on both sides

Gap teeth

Veiny hands

Long slender fingers



A hopeless romantic

Looks like a player but is actually very loyal


His love languages are words of affirmation, quality time and gifting

Very shy and introverted but goofy around close friends

Loves reading

Good with elderly people and kids

Another main character unlocked🌚🤭


Hey guys😁I don't really have anything to say today. I just hope everyone's still enjoying the story🥰.

Byeee,see you tomorrow🤭💕.