
The love bet

Scarlet thought she had won a jack pot when Kevin the cold , ruthless and handsome billionaire asked her to be his girlfriend and fiance to be. Falling so deep for him,she never once thought that this was a trap weaved for her. The love bet made by Kevin and his buddies whether he could go after a girl from downtown. But was adamant on winning the bet because no one thought that he could ever go to such extent. The illusion created by Kevin made his buddies to believe that it was true but it was only him who knew how the game would end. On the day of the engagement ceremony, she thought she was going to be the happiest woman on earth winning over the cold billionaire but too bad this was her worst nightmare ever. On that day she got to find out the truth when Kevin stood tall on the podium with several people watching when he said. " I think it's high time this game comes to an end." Gasps and murmurs broke out in the hall not believing what they were hearing. " I think am one of the greatest actors of all times because this game had no flows,the illusion of love created by me was so awesome,by the way scarlet I have never loved you but this was all about a bet. And I wanted to win and show everyone that nothing is impossible to me." Scarlet felt like her whole world was entirely collapsing,her face paled with cletched fists. She couldn't believe that the so called love was a sharm, moreover ashamed and betrayed in front of so many people. He didn't stop from there because when he got wind of her pregnancy,he ordered his men to get rid of the thing in her stomach. They used a sharp stick to carryout the abortion resulting into her death. She felt her soul slipping away from her body but couldn't do anything at all. She died a miserable death all in the name of the bet. The creator of this earth who created Adam and Eve decided to give her a second chance but with two choices. To live her life to the fullest and forgive plus to get all the sinners on earth to repent and seek God like never before or seek revenge destroying whoever was involved in her death but in the end to accompany the king of hell and his followers. What choice do you think she will choose?

DaoistmL9Uhz · perkotaan
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15 Chs

Chapter 9:The homework.

By the time I woke up the fog had already cleared up the sky when I peeked through the window. The light flooded through the ventilator system. Having a nice bath, I proceeded down stairs where the butler and the maid had already prepared breakfast. It was made of french toast with milk tea. My eyes caught a glimpse of a magazine laying on the glass table. I decided to make my home work about the various restaurants in the city with the needed qualifications to become a waitress since I didn't further my studies.

Circling all those that could be of great importance with a red pen. Seeking help from the maid,she switched on the smart tv. Ignorance is a very dangerous disease in life which can make you lose a lot of offers if taken for granted.

At legacy holdings.

Seated in his swivel chair, Kevin kept typing away on his laptop as his fingers danced at the same rythm over the keyboard. Posing in his actions,he pressed the intercom to summon his secretary to get him all the necessary documents about the acquisition of Rk enterprises. Within few minutes,his secretary walked in with the documents in a big brown sealed envelope. Removing the seal, he analysed the files before placing them in his laptop bag. He wouldn't have bothered with such a small company but they wanted to swallow a big piece which just got stuck in their mouths.

They should just blame this on greed for not being happy with what they had but to go after someone like him. This time he was gonna warn all those who tried to think they're way smarter than him because he would just beat them at their own games.

While legacy holdings was swamped with various projects worth billions,this wasn't the case with RK enterprises. Everything was in chaos as the stock prices plummeted from last night making the investors to withdraw at once.

Inside the board room of RK enterprises, the employees and the directors looked like they would kill the CEO at the moment for making them jobless. Though they had warned him not to get involved with Kevin but he never once listened. The only option was to quit before Kevin comes after them.

Taking slow steps to his once office,Jonas observed as everything that was once his but not anymore. The feeling of losing everything in a single night over his impulsiveness terrified him to the bones. He wished he could go back in time but to no vail.

Walking blamelessly, I got tired of watching TV and decided to have a breather in the gardens. The cool air caressed my skin as the birds on the trees chirped happily. I sat beneath the branches of a nodding plane tree. This was the kind of life I yearned for but I have to work hard to achieve everything on my own.

Having had enough of the fresh air, I went back to my room to select an outfit for tomorrow's job hunting. Opening the wardrobe, my eyes couldn't look away from the sets of clothes before me. They were simple but elegant, Ritah truly knew how to dress properly. Rummaging through them, finally selecting a jean and loose brouse with a pair of sneakers.

It felt surreal because I still couldn't believe this. What would have become of me in this big city where I don't have a connection if I didn't accidentally meet Ritah?

But it's all thanks to Ritah my savior who welcomed me wholeheartedly, though tomorrow is gonna be a long day with challenges but I will never back down until my last breath.

At KS international hospital.

Ritah had just taken a sit ever since he arrived in the morning. She was swamped with patients with different issues and couldn't complain since it was her duty as a doctor to attend and care for these patients. Today it seemed like there was no time for even a single bit since most patients had made appointments with her. She had just finished eating her lunch when her assistant came to her for an emergency.

Putting on her coat,she rushed out of her office to attend to an emergency patient. In the city center of freedom city stood a restaurant with mahogany teakwood. Though most people just saw the facade of a restaurant there was more to that. It was a place for gathering information from the big shots, socialites and those from the upper class.

" Manager! , I think we are short of one more waitress since Anna resigned yet the whole of next week we're booked upto next month ."

Betty the head of stuff reported to Mr Bennett.

He had blonde hair with brown eyes gazing at the new menu. His prominent features - cheek bones rather heavy jawline. Narrow forehead seemed biblical, his workers and people thought him stern, unforgiving often difficult to move to laughter. But never judgemental. Standing up from his sit,he shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants. Suddenly turning around he said, " Go ahead and inform the marketing department to do the needful." Bowing her head, Betty marched out of his office . Closing the door behind her , Betty breathed a sigh clutched her chest like her heart was almost leaping out.

Organizing her outfit,she headed towards the marketing department to convey his order and resolve the issue as soon as possible. During the lunch break all waitresses gathered at the cafeteria where they normally have lunch whenever they're not busy with orders. After placing their orders, everyone sat down to enjoy the delicious meal and it's when Betty Angie who was smiling like a love sick fool. Joining the crew,they made space for her since she was their superior. Everyone was complimenting and giving congrats to Angie for the big diamond ring on her finger.

" Ohh! , my what a beautiful ring, congrats Angie." Betty congratulated her as she took a bite of her food. Others didn't feel happy about their superior to invade their space especially Valerie who felt animosity towards Betty for being bossy huffed her chest and stood up leaving to others amazement.

" You what ladies? ,my boo is loaded and he's gonna build a house for me because he took me to the site , isn't this awesome! It feels great for falling for the right man." Angie said breaking the silence showing off to others. Some didn't like the way she vibed while showing off like they're losers. Some balled their fists in envy and jealous regretting for not hooking up with such rich guys.

Getting up from their seats, they went back to their duties since the lunch break was over . Betty felt genuinely happy for Angie though she didn't trust men a hundred percent as they can change colors like a chameleon. Today he might be blue and tomorrow green,so men are always unpredictable in their actions and words and it's very hard to tell whether what they say is true or false.

We women have an in born weakness of being easily manipulated and deceived. Take Eva for example,she clearly knew that they were forbidden to eat the fruit in the garden of Eden but when the serpent enticed her with lies, she succumbed to the temptations but also offered the fruit to her husband. This made the creator to curse them leading to the current death everyone has to face. Snapping out of her reverie,she went back to her working station.

The reporters from various media houses crowded the building of legacy holdings. The body guards allowed them to enter the large hall where the interview was to be held.

They were very excited to get the juicy news about the acquisition of Rk enterprises that just declared bankruptcy early this morning. The business world was taken by surprise when legacy holdings declared over their handles that they were gonna acquire Rk enterprises and he never dealt with small companies unless there was something fishy was going on. At that moment,Mr Gideon the head of the IT department arrived amidst flashes and whispers of the reporters in the hall. They prepared their cameras and laptops ready to capture every single moment of the interview.

Taking the microphone, he stood on the podium and started addressing them saying

" I thank everyone who has attended today's interview though arranged on an emergency. First and foremost, the CEO of RK enterprises couldn't handle the company anymore thus the acquisition. You will follow the protocol as usual to get answers to all your questions. Thank you." After the brief introduction, he stepped away from the podium to allow the CEO to explain everything behind the acquisition.

Suddenly two silhouettes appeared. Mr Kevin in the front and his secretary in tow. Taking the microphone, he stood amidst the flashes of the cameras. His cold green emerald eyes keenly observed everyone in the hall.