
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
215 Chs

Caught in the act (3)

The wizarding duo, Astra and Karina, were so involved in each other's company. Like the remnants of their respective orgasms, the sudden crash of the closet door opening made them both jump and scream. They were captured and none other than domineering Kath. Astra and Karina just sat there for what seemed like forever looking at the redhead Kath still naked, not knowing what they should say at this point. The silence between the three is broken by Kath who spoke.

"Did you two hear what I just said?" She said without a hint of emotion on her face. How anyone could stand there naked with drops of sperm running down their legs and not have any emotions was beyond Astra and Karina's imagination.

"W-Well, we were… look ... hummm ..." Astra started to say, but couldn't find any excuse for the two of them to be naked and their juices dripping all over the cupboard.

"We were enjoying the Kathzy show." Karina said with a malicious smile. "And we may have had a little fun while we were watching the two of you fuck," Karina said with a small laugh.

"I see." The look on Kath's face was even more frightening if that were possible. "You two get out of there and sit on the couch ... NOW!" Kath turned and walked to a position in front of the couch waiting for the other two girls to follow her orders.

"What should we do, Karina?" Astra asked in a shaky voice.

"Well, since it's Kath, we should do what she says, unless, of course, you want to drive her crazy." Karina says. "Now, after all, we can only get scolded for spying, but if we ignore it we will be punished even more." Astra shakes her head and slowly gets up, followed by Karina. The two scared wizards approach the couch.

"Hurry, you bitches!" Kath said in a commanding voice seething with a hint of anger. His foot also started to tap impatiently as the other two slowly walked over to the couch.

"We are not bitches Kath! I am a virgin!" Astra says.

"What did you say, bitch?" Kath heard what she said, but she didn't care. "I found you two in MY closet, watching me have sex, completely naked and sweaty. Not to mention the pair of wet panties you two had on the floor, the body fluids still covering your Astra face ... With these facts, I can only assuming you ate Karina and the little bitch squirted in your face, which actually makes you a slut, but even worse is that you let Karina dominate you that way. Karina is a coward and a complete flirt now, so the fact that that she dominated you makes you even more pathetic than she is. And therefore a slut. Not to mention ... you're still all wet. " She said pointing to Astra's crack still dripping.

Astra could feel how wet she was, but she looked at what Kath was pointing as if to confirm. She could see immediately. The moisture on her soaked chunk hadn't gone away, in fact, if anything had increased since Kath started scolding her it was her excitement. "What's wrong with me? Why am I so excited about this situation now?" She thought to herself as Kath just looked at her, waiting for her answer. Astra looked down and started to answer.

"Kath, I ..." She started to say before being cut off by a soft, angelic voice.

"That's not very nice, Kath, you shouldn't call people such common names." Said Karina. Her snow-white hair was falling in front of her, covering just enough for her nipples to be covered. Karina is the first to sit on the couch. Crossing her legs, still completely naked, her silky smooth skin visible to the world. She doesn't seem to be affected by the degrading comments she's getting from Kath, nor does she seem uncomfortable being naked in front of her ...

"So, what should I call her Karina then? I mean, she doesn't really give a good impression that she's not a slut. Not to mention that she seems to be getting more excited since I caught you two." Kath said sternly.

Kath's naked body is a sight to behold. Her long red hair easily reached the middle of her beautiful breasts, they had to have at least D cups. Then, her toned stomach complete with a beautiful set of sit-ups, that would make any man jealous, of course Kath trains daily just to see them in that state. Descending to the lower regions, there is a beautiful slit, above which there is a soft tuft of well-trimmed crimson pubic hair, shaped like a triangle. Karina knew this body well, she had a lot of fun with Kath in the past.

"Well, Kathzy, you could try to be nice at least once, instead of driving people away with your masculine personality." She laughed as she said that, knowing it would provoke the redhead.

As intended, it made Kath even more hostile, her face contorted with anger at the comment.

"Shut up, you cursed demon slut. You're not much better than her, your will was broken a long time ago!" Kath roared with anger.

Karina just laughed because she could see that Kath was as easy to manipulate as ever. She leaned back on the couch, relaxing and exposing her own strength to both guild mates.

Karina was also wet at this point, but not because of any comments made. No, she was wet with the idea of ​​what Kath could have in store for them. Karina clearly remembers the previous meetings they had. If she met Kath, what would come would be a lot of fun for the three of them.

Astra was still standing between Kath and the couch Karina was on, listening to the shuttling between her guilds. Her excitement about this situation was growing by the second as her mind started to wander, thinking about what Kath was going to do with her. She imagined something like being bent over the redhead's knee and getting 100 strong slaps on the ass. This made her already soaked pussy even more soaked. Her face also looked distant and stunned while she was fantasizing about it. Kath noticed and started talking again.

"So cool, if you're not a slut, then why do you have such a perverted and pathetic look on your face now?" She smiled and pushed the girl on the couch next to Karina. "Besides, the little puddle on my floor below where YOU were practically proves how perverted you are Astra! I mean, who's excited about being insulted?

It's pretty pathetic. "Kath continued." I can only assume that you want people to step on you and treat you like trash. "Kath leaned closer to Astra now, speaking in a lower, whispered voice." Come on Astra , say it. Say how much you want to be degraded and treated like an ordinary prostitute. If you humble yourself for me, I can only grant your wish for your life, bitch. "

Astra couldn't believe how vulgar Kath was being with her now. But even more shocking was how much she was enjoying it. Her juices were now accumulating on the sofa below. Karina looked at Astra and could easily tell that the girl was about to pass out. So she decided to have a little fun too, at Astra's expense, of course. She leaned close to Astra and whispered in his ear.

"Astra, why don't you just admit you're so excited right now, you can barely think straight. Your cheeks are red, and worst of all, you're just gushing out of words, can you? So just give in, get on your knees and beg Kath to break you. Body, mind and soul. And if you do, I might even dominate you a little. It is obvious, after all, that you are just a sad and subtle girl, trying to play the tough guy. " Karina stated this in such a cold and emotionless voice.

Astra couldn't believe how degrading it was for her, first Kath treating her like a prostitute and now Karina was also treating her like she was a prostitute. She just lay down on the couch, a shocked expression on her face.

The other two were really smiling when she looked at them. She wondered if they had been in this together since the beginning. She just wanted to leave, but getting up now would certainly be bad for her health with the two strongest women in the guild scolding her.

"This is rich coming from your Karina ..." Kath said. "You are the most submissive girl I know, you have submitted to me many times after all, I even have the photos to prove it." She smiled with the last part. "And unless you want them to be made public, you will submit to me again today."

Kath was really showing her dark side today, thought Karina. Uncrossing her legs, giving Kath a look that could kill, but in the end she sighed. She knew she couldn't allow the photos to leak. Unless she wanted to be a laughing stock in the guild. She was not happy, however, with the pictures being placed over her head every time Kath wanted something. She would find them and end the blackmail against her. When she did, she would also take revenge on Kath for all the irritating things the redhead had forced her to do over the years.

"Okay, Kath. I don't seem to have a choice in the matter." Karina said with a sigh. "So, what do you want us to do this time?" She looked at Astra, who looked like she was about to pass out from fear of what Kath might do to them. Karina decided to put her hand back on the blonde in order to calm and comfort her. "It'll be fine, Astra."

While Astra was sitting there, many things went through her mind, contemplating what was going to happen to her. She had a few different visions at the time when Karina and Kath were talking. Each of them more humiliating for her than the last. They were all involving her being the shortest girl on the three-tiered totem. She was pulled out of her thoughts by the touch of a hand on her shoulder. Looking up immediately to see who had touched her, she saw it was Karina and breathed a sigh of relief.

Kath had thought about what she should do for the two voyeurs in the last few minutes. She smiled and held out her arm until it was just inches from Astra's face. Astra was unable to move at this moment, out of fear. Kath, grabbing the girl by the hair and dragging her off the couch, looked her straight in the eye.

"Now, Astra, it's time for you to learn what happens to people who disrespect me. Today you will learn the true meaning of humiliation." A wicked, wide smile on her face when she released Astra's blond curls, letting her fall to the floor. "Good girl, it looks like you've already learned to bow to those who are your superiors. That means less work I have to do to break it." Kath said manically.

Astra being thrown on the floor like a piece of trash, she just stayed on the floor. She didn't try to get up, as this would probably incur Kath's ire.

"Kath, please tell me ..." She couldn't finish her sentence. She felt a hard slap on the back of the neck. She looked at Kath, thinking that she was the one who hit Astra. But to your horror,

Kath hadn't moved an inch since dropping Astra to the floor. Looking back to see a devilish smile on Karina's face, Astra was shocked to see that Karina had hit her this time. She thought Karina was on her side, at least, but it seems that even the Dragon's Tear demon could be controlled if she had the right motivation.

"Karina, why?" Astra asked in shock.

"Be quiet, Astra." Karina replied "From this point on, you shouldn't speak unless it's spoken, do you understand that?" She had the appearance of a demon in her eyes now, and she was looking at poor defenseless Astra like a predator. "I am sorry Astra, but I cannot allow these photos to be released." Karina genuinely seemed not to want to treat Astra that way, but with so much at stake, she didn't really have a choice.

Astra was really alone now, she would be the lamb of sacrifice today, so to speak. She felt mixed emotions when she realized this. Anger, sadness, fear and the strangest of all was his excitement. Her rapture had not stopped dripping since she was degraded by Kath. "Am I getting excited about this?" She imagined it. But he quickly dismissed that idea. "No, there was no way I could get excited now with my friends treating me that way."

Kath finally broke her silence with an order. "Astra, I want you to crawl at my feet now and apologize for interrupting my fun with Regdar. And if you do, I will make it up to you." Kath smiled and snapped her finger. "NOW, you blonde idiot!" She was going to be extremely mean to Astra for sneaking into her house and watching her and Regdar's special moment.

Astra couldn't believe what she was hearing, her friend Kath was telling her to humble herself completely. Looking back at Karina, who gave Astra a penetrating look as if to tell her. "You better do what you're told or else ..." So it seemed that at that moment Astra had no choice in the matter. Decide that it was better to just end this, rather than prolong your suffering. She lowered her head as far as she could, with her forehead touching the floor, Astra began to humble herself to the audience of two.

"Please, Kath, forgive me for intruding on your home and watching your personal moment with Regdar! I beg your pardon." Astra begged. She didn't know if that would be good enough for the seemingly tyrannical red-haired demon or not, but it was all she had now and, therefore, gave it all. "Please don't punish me anymore Kath, I will never do that again and I promise to stay out of your house!"

Kath watched in silence as her guildmate humbled herself to apologize. Thinking to herself with a smile on her face. "I can't believe she really did this, she is so stupid, gullible and easy to control. I wonder how far I can take this whole thing. I will take this as far as I can, maybe I can break it after all." An even bigger smile formed on his lips. Karina, who was just watching the scene unfold, knew that the look Kath had on her face would probably not be very good for Astra.

"Well, I accept your apologies Astra ... but I can't let you off the hook so easily you filthy pervert." Kath satiated while looking at Astra's pathetic vision. She pushes her right foot. "Kiss my foot, Astra! Do it NOW!" She said sternly. His foot dangling in front of the blonde's face. Kath really wondered how much of that she would be able to get away with.

"W-what?" Astra looked up in surprise. Sudden heat ran through his guts at the order. "I can't do this ..." She started to say.

Kath gave Karina a quick look, who nodded. Karina stood up and grabbed Astra's neck, pulling on those strands of hair that Astra brushed every day. She probably pulled some of that hair out while pulling it too.

"What did I fucking say to you, Astra? Hmm?" She pulled the blonde's head back so she was looking directly at Karina's face. "I think I remember saying that you should do exactly what Kath told you to do." Karina had been angry at this point, at Astra's failure to follow orders. "Do you know that we are much stronger than you could ever hope to be, wise in magic, you damn bitch?" She added that last word to further degrade the girl.

"II am sorry, Karina!" Astra screamed in despair, her hair being pulled and pulled. She could feel that part of it had been ripped off by the way her scalp was burning.

She dared not fight Karina's strength, or do anything to provoke the demon further. "Please, Karina, I'm sorry I didn't disobey you anymore. I'll kiss her foot. I'll even lick and clean it if you want. Just, please, let go of my hair." Astra begged at this point to be released.

Kath was happy to learn that Astra was beginning to see the futility of trying to resist her will.

"Ok Karina, I think she understood, let her go and I will allow her to have one last chance to follow orders as a good slut should do." Kath pushed her right foot again, this time pushing her toe on the blonde's forehead, trying to intimidate her a little by wasting time. "Now Astra, go ahead, kiss my foot first ... and after you offered to do it, I want you to clean it too. Get all the sweat, dirt and soot off every inch of my foot. It's better not resist Astra again, My patience is running out and I have things to do later. " She said as she steadied her foot in front of Astra's face. "Oh and Astra ... you better do a good job ... or your punishment will be much worse."

Karina nodded and released Astra's hair, pushing her head right in front of Kath's foot.

Astra was looking at one of her close friends with a sweaty, stinky foot. It was obvious that Kath hadn't showered today, or maybe even more than that based on the smell of her foot. Even so, she was ordered to clean that stinking foot, unless she wanted something worse to happen to her; not that she could imagine anything worse than being on her knees being forced to clean a dirty foot, she would have to do what she was told. She looked at Kath again, hoping it was all a joke. But there was no change in his expression. Then she refocused on the foot that was just inches from her mouth.

Astra stuck out her smooth, slippery pink tongue, letting it move farther from her lips until it was completely out of her mouth. Slowly moving your face forward and closer to your goal. The closer his tongue got to Kath's foot, the more the smell invaded his nose. She was beginning to fear what it would taste like. After what seemed like forever to Astra, his tongue made direct contact with Kath's foot, touching the big toe. She was immediately struck by a salty and bitter taste of what she could only assume was dry sweat. His face contorted. She hated the taste. Still, in her gut, she felt herself getting wet again. "W-what? Why is this happening now?" She thought. She couldn't believe she was getting excited about such a thing.

She started to slide her tongue up and down where she first touched. She was trying to get used to the taste before proceeding with the filthy foot. But it doesn't matter how much. She licked her toe without a bath that her tongue touched first, she couldn't make the toe taste better. She would taste this dirt for weeks. But as bad as the taste was for her, she feared even more what would happen to her if she didn't. And so sliding your tongue around your toe, taking it to your mouth and sucking it. Your taste buds are attacked by bad taste every second that your tongue comes in contact with it.

After a minute or more, she pulls on the toe mouth. A loud popping sound can be heard from the now shiny and clean toe. Moving her mouth to the next toe, she takes it into her mouth and sucks it like she did with the last one. Repeating this process for every toe Kath had. Astra has started to develop a tolerance for flavor now. It ended at the last little toe with a loud, moist pop. A long strand of saliva connecting Kath's foot and her own soft, now very moist lips. Astra looked at Kath as if waiting for her next instructions. She had accepted the situation after the last 10 or so minutes of sucking on filthy fingers. She was at the bottom of the food chain here and did what she said.

Kath was looking at Astra the entire time she sucked on her toes. She liked to see her guildmate degrading so much. The two look at each other for a moment before Kath starts talking again.

"Did I tell you to stop Astra? Your job is certainly not done. That was just on my toes, you still have to finish cleaning my entire foot." She said, somewhat surprised that Astra had lasted so long. "So go ahead, and hurry up, I still have other plans for the three of us. Many of which you are the piece of meat we will use." She gave one of the most evil smiles you could imagine with that statement.

Nodding, Astra turned his head to the foot in front of him. She starts giving long licks on Kath's upper foot, making sure to make each spot as clean as possible. She certainly didn't want an angry Kath on her hands. But the taste on the tip of the foot was even worse than the toes. She was struggling to get down at times. His eyes were watering and his taste buds looked like they were on fire right now. However, she felt that this would not be the last part, nor would it be the worst part.

A few minutes later, she had finished cleaning the top of each foot as much as possible, they were glowing like Kath's toes were when she was done with them. Astra knew what she would have to clean up next, and she was afraid, as it was more than likely that it was the dirtiest, smellyest, most disgusting part of Kath's feet. Kath pulled out one of her chairs. Kath sat down on the chair and confirmed Astra's fears when she raised both feet and exposed the soles of both. The smell from the bottom was how she feared it, disgusting. they had what looked like dirt and bits of grass clinging to them, Kath had definitely not showered since she came back from the job she was doing.

It made Astra wonder why she had fucked Regdar in such a state.

Astra decided that it would be no use sitting here and contemplating these things as she had a job to do. His face tilted back and began to lick his filthy foot. Her taste buds were even worse than before, the strong dirty taste was making her almost want to throw up. A loud, miserable sound came from her as she swallowed some bits of grass that were stuck in the sole of Kath's foot.

"Astra ... did I tell you that you could make noise? Foot cleaners cannot make noise." She said in response to the choking sound.

Astra was not surprised at this point that Kath had said something so cold to her. She had gotten used to being mistreated by now. She maintained her constant cleanliness. She was almost finished at this point, she only had about half a foot left to finish. She prayed that nothing else she had to do again would be so disgusting. Kath had shown her true self this day with how wild and humiliating she could be. Astra finally managed to finish her job, lifting her head and rubbing her lips to get rid of the excess dirt.

Karina had just watched the whole scene unfold. She already knew how upset Kath could be. Still, she felt a little sorry for Astra as she watched the blonde finish her cleaning job. Still, it kind of excited his dominant side to see another girl on her knees humiliating herself for another.

"Damn Astra, you did a very good job of cleaning Kathzy's foot. I'm a little jealous." Karina joked. "I should have made you do this for me sometime."

Kath raised her left foot to check and make sure that Astra had done a good job of cleaning her feet. She didn't see a speck of soot, dirt, or anything other than the skin on her foot.

She was really surprised that Astra did such a good job, which Kath could only assume was the first time she cleaned a dirty foot.

"Very good work Astra, you did well for the first time, I am proud of you for being such a good whore." Kath said with a smile. Her mind going over what she should have Astra do next. Uncrossing the legs, leaving their wet piece exposed for Karina and Astra. Looking at Karina, she has a good idea. "Karina, you look sad that you're not part of this fun. Would you like her to do something with you?"

Karina was surprised that she was asked, Kath usually never let her have any choice in anything that happened during her sessions. Not that she was complaining, she had an idea of ​​something Astra could do for her, which hadn't been done before. She lifted her legs and spread her legs so that Astra could see.

"I want her to eat my ass until I come." Karina smiled at Astra when she said that.

"A very interesting request for the girl to make." Kath was intrigued by the new request. "But I kind of want to see you do that, too." Kath lay down and spread her legs, slowly touching in anticipation. She was still horny, after all, Regdar still hadn't satisfied her lust. Also, after watching the last 15 minutes and Astra cleaning her feet, she was even more excited than before.

"Do I really have to do this Karina? I mean, this is disgusting, you know what comes ..." Astra said as she tried to speak out of this. But the girl should have known better, because as soon as she started to protest, a loud "SLAP" echoed through the room, followed by the sharp pain in Astra's now red cheek. Her eyes also started to water because of the pain she felt now.

"Shut up Astra, didn't Kath tell you before? Just speak when spoken. Now put your face in my ass and wipe my ass!" She snapped her fingers "NOW Astra!" Karina demanded. Her hands supporting her legs, her ass wide open and exposed in the right position for Astra to go deep. "I want it as clean as Erzie's feet.

Karina smiled.

Still recovering from the hard slap on the face. Astra surrendered and nodded. Moving the face closer to the pink rose bud. her tongue reaching out when she reached him close enough. Taking a long lick at the puckered hole, Astra hoped the taste would be much worse than the taste. She was sure it would be as bad as her feet. But, to his surprise, the taste was somewhat sweet and smelled of lavender. Astra speeds up the pace, taking long, wet turns in the soft pink hole.

Karina moans excitedly as her wrinkled hole is licked by her friend. She had liked Astra's tongue before in the closet, so why not enjoy it now in her other hole? This was his reasoning behind making Astra do this. She was not interested in humiliating Astra, although it was a beneficial side effect, which she liked. No, his motive was more selfish than that. She just wanted to have Astra's pleasure. Not that she was going to reveal her reason, especially to Kath.

Kath was busy on her own, playing with her clit at the moment, as she watched Astra almost devour Karina's shit. She rolled her clit between her long slender fingers. A loud groan escaped her as she did. "Ahhhhh" would only provoke herself for now, she had other plans on how to come. Looking at the dresser, she stopped touching herself and stood up, walking over to her and removing two items from inside. One was a small vibrator, the other was a dark red bracelet. It had small bumps on the surface to please someone better. Tying herself around herself, Kath sat down again. The hard rubber stick pointing directly into the air as she resumed watching.

"Karina ..." Kath said to get his attention, before throwing the second toy in his direction. "Use that on your sore, sore prostitute's cunt. I know you won't be able to come with just one anal lick. So I give you permission to fuck yourself until you pass out." What she didn't say to Karina were two things. One being that the toy had a hidden ability. Not only did it vibrate, but it would send strong electric shocks through the woman who uses it. The second was that she tied that vibrator to a powerful aphrodisiac before Regdar came, in the hope of countless orgasms after he left. But in this way it is even more fun, she can laugh at Karina while she cums over and over like a desperate slut.

Karina, who was moaning softly with Astra's efforts to eat her ass, was happy to get a vibrator to use in her increasingly wet pussy. She turned it on and played with her clitoris first. She was already being teased by the long tongue flick she was getting from Astra, but the second the vibrator hit her pussy, Karina screamed with pleasure.

"Ahhhh shit! This is amazing!" Karina felt as if an explosion had just exploded in her body, the wave of pleasurable sensation filling her more with every second that the vibrator touched her cunt. What she didn't know was that very soon the vibrator was going to deliver a direct shock to her core. As soon as she pushes the toy into its soaked handle, it activates.

Of course, Karina didn't take long to dip the toy straight into her cunt she expected. A loud cry of pleasure forced his soaked entrance. The aphrodisiacs in which the toy had been soaked secretly lined their tunnel of love, causing a fierce fire in their loins with each passing second. It was driving her crazy with lust. His hand was moving quickly to push the toy in and out of his bag. Then the time came, the toy was activated and sent a direct shock through the shaft and even Karina's vagina. The shock was in two ways, being carried by the juices soaking her pussy. A wave passed through his uterus and reached his ovaries and went up to the rest of his body, making him tingle with pleasure.

The other wave descended directly on her clitoris, hitting her with an almost unimaginable amount of pleasure, almost making her feel pain with the amount of iron that passed through her.

"AHHHHHH WW-WHAT THE HELL ... WA ... AHHHHHHH IS ... TOOOOOO ... AHHHH ... TOO!" Karina was screaming right now, her body being destroyed by wave after wave of warm and blessed pleasure. His senses were being overwhelmed by the immense amount of sensation that ran through his overly excited body. It made her shiver and spasm, which was causing some problems in Astra down there.

Astra was busy trying to devour the puckered hole when the first shock was sent by Karina. Karina was so wet that when the wave hit her clitoris, the juices that were dripping down Karina's ass took the shock to Astra's mouth, making her shiver as well. His eyes widened in shock as he traveled through his brain. His eyes rolled back on his head for a moment. She instinctively pushed her tongue out even further and straight into the ass she was licking before.

"Did you like the little adjustment I made on him Karina? I added a small, shocking feature to make me feel better. Oh, and I had spread it with an aphrodisiac before you two came here." Kath watched as the relentless shocks devastated Karina, but to her delight it also affected Astra. She started playing with her own nipples, teasing herself even more. She wanted to be soaked when she got involved in all of this. But for now, she'll just watch in silence.

Meanwhile, Karina was losing her head in pleasure as she plunged the vibrator as deeply into herself as she could with each thrust. She was already getting ready to come.

"AHHHHH GODDESS ... I AM ... ALREA ..." Her voice was starting to crack as the pleasure was getting too strong for her to control. She was about to roll right over the peak. And then she did, rolling straight off the cliff and into the empty abyss of happiness below. The explosive waves of pleasure that now ran through her body would make anyone jealous of how good she felt. She squirted her juices and they flew about 7 feet. They sprayed like a fountain, covering everything they came into contact with, including the floor, the furniture, the nearby wall and, of course, Astra as well. Some even caught Karina and Kath by splashing.

A few moments later, when Karina finally started to calm down a little, she lay down. A look of complete lust on your face. His mouth was wide open, his tongue stuck out and his eyes rolled. Karina had just experienced one of the best orgasms of her young life at the hands of an electric shock. She would certainly need a few moments to compose herself.

Kath, feeling splashed with the thick, clear femcum, smiled broadly. His mind whirling with ideas of what to do next to these two trolls. She had to admit that she was a little angry that Karina had broken into her apartment, and more annoyingly ... her. But she was willing to let it go ... for a price anyway.

"So Karina ... did I ever give you permission to come?" Kath asked, holding back her anger.

Karina was barely aware of her quiet environment. The rapture of orgasm turned his mind off. So she didn't answer. This would obviously irritate Kath, but Karina didn't care. She still felt very well.

Kath was angry that she was being ignored. Standing up and grabbing Astra by the scruff, just tossing her aside.

"Get out of my way, worm, you're not important now." She said coldly. "Then sit there and don't fucking move." Kath was furious now. "I need to discipline Karina, so I will get around you." She turned her attention to Karina and crawled on top of her, looking directly at the ivory-haired woman. "Now Karina ... I know you are not ignoring me. Because if you are ... then God help you, you will be sorry." Kath said ominously.

At this point, Karina had begun to realize where she was and what was going on. Her fear grew by the second, she knew very well what this red-haired demon was capable of. She shook the confusion in her head long enough to respond.

"D-Sorry ... Kath ... please ... don't punish me." She begged, between heavy breaths. Just a single thought was difficult enough for her to do now, speaking was another level of difficulty.

"I see ... so first you come without asking my permission ..." Kath slaps Karina hard on the face. 'That was his first offense. So you ignore me when I talk to you. "Another slap resounds around the room." And now you beg me not to punish him ... "A third slap hits the girl in the face. A red handprint having been left by this point." See you are as pathetic as Astra, but at least Astra seems to have learned that your place is below me. You haven't learned that yet, although I have owned it for almost 6 years. "Kath has started hitting Karina repeatedly now. Leaving a handprint wherever her hand connects.

Karina had already started to cry after the first five slaps. His face probably burned to an unimaginable level. Her tears were streaming down her face. But she had started to play with herself again. apparently enjoying the pain. Their juices were flowing freely again. This also did not go unnoticed by Kath, who grabbed the girls' hand and held it over her head.

"You fucking bitch ... you can't even stop touching yourself while I hit you without mercy. Can't you help yourself, Karina? You're quite pathetic. Well, you won't come again without my permission, you bitch of shit. " Kath said as she tapped her friend's tight, wrinkled ass. "I will now be destroying you Karina ... when I am done with you, you will be begging me to stop." His hips pushed and plunged in and out of the oiled hole. "Astra did a good job soaking your ass enough that you were lubricated, at least. You really should be thanking her for that. You would be in a lot more pain if she didn't." Kath looked at Astra, who was still sitting on the floor. "Bring your stupid ass over here and eat my ass while I fuck this pointless bitch."

Astra felt sorry for Karina until she started getting her ass fucked. She was jealous of her at that moment. She was in need of good sperm now. His body had been provoked in the past 30 minutes. Then, when she was ordered to eat the redhead's ass, she grabbed the chance to taste the woman. Moving on quickly, she dipped her tongue into the pulsating sky. She had to be careful about how Kath was moving or she was going to end up with a broken nose. His tongue was shooting in and out of his friend's ass.

Kath moans as the tongue pushes its way past its entrance. "Ohhhh Astra, now I know why this slut came so easily. Her tongue is great getting in and out of me like that ... don't you fucking dare stop." She grabbed a handful of Karina's hair and tugged as she fucked the demon in submission. Karina's face told the story of her intimidation. Her mascara was no longer on her lashes, it was rolling down her cheek with the salty tears she shed. His face was slightly swollen and almost completely red from the wild slaps he had received.

Karina, who had been devastated by pleasure before, was still under the influence of the aphrodisiac. She was moaning and crying with pleasure like a bitch in heat at this point. Her pussy drenched the couch, floor and the strap that was fucking her bottom. Looking at her face, you would think that this once proud wizard was a shell of her former self. This was perhaps the truth at the moment, as Karina could only feel pleasure and it was once again overwhelming her brain. She was probably losing her brain cells with every second of sensory overload.

It didn't take long for Karina to reach the threshold of another orgasm. Kath noticed this and left immediately.

"Did you think you could get a second orgasm without my permission, you fucking bitch?" Kath asked. Karina pouted when her release was denied. "I want you to beg me, Karina. And show my new toy what awaits you in my care. I want you to commit your life to me again." Kath said as she was breathing heavily not just from the fuck she was giving, but from the lick she was getting at the hands of her new slave.

Astra was shocked to hear those words, she didn't want to be Kath's property. But the thought of what could happen to her if she protested, especially after seeing the state in which Karina was in, scared her more than anything else. So for now, she kept her mouth shut. continuing to lick and stick his tongue in the redhead's tight ass.

Kath pulled the strap off Karina's ass and plunged right into her soaked grip. Her vicious impulse making Karina cry out in ecstasy. She was going to fuck this stupid girl for her failures.

"So, how do you feel, Karina? For once again being in the receiver of my belt?" Kath asked teasing the girl who was more than likely unable to respond due to the amount of pleasure she was feeling. Still, Kath continued. "Come on, Karina ... tell me how pathetic you are ... since I fuck you, completely stupid." His provocation turning into degradation at this point.

Karina, to her credit, tried to respond to the reprehensible comments. But in the end, all that came out was a meaningless babble. His mouth simply could not form the words, nor was his brain capable of forming a single thought. That was how Kath had conquered the demon countless times before, with great pleasure. Finally, after about 10 minutes, Karina was unconscious with the countless orgasms she received at Kath's hands. She probably wouldn't wake up for a few hours.

Astra didn't stop her attack with her tongue on Kath's ass the whole time until Kath put her hand back and grabbed a handful of the blonde's hair.

"Now Astra ... it looks like the other prostitute is gone ... so it's just us." She smiled, an evil look on her face. "Now I can properly punish you for your transgression." Dragging the girl to the couch, she nodded. "But since this is your first offense against me ... I will be a little merciful to you." She stood over Astra, legs on either side of the blonde, the belt inches from her mouth. He was soaked with Karina's sperm. "Then get to work, bitch." She demanded.

Astra had a good idea of what Kath wanted her to do, she didn't want to do it. But she feared that if she didn't, she would be punished even more. Then she leaned forward and put the head of the fake stick between her lips. The sweet nectar that Karina had released, still hardened on the rubber stick. She took it very slowly in her mouth, over and over until she put it about half the length in her mouth. The lingering taste of Karina's holes filling her tongue. "At least it covers the unpleasant taste of feet from before."

She thought as she lowered herself further into the cock, sucking it hard as if it were a real cock.

"Ahh, what a good girl Astra, you are very good at this. If it were a real dick, I would be moaning with pleasure now. Are you sure you never did this before your slut?" She grabbed the blonde's neck, running her fingers through the golden locks. "Because I would say that you are a natural sucking cock whore." She was enjoying the power she had over the girl. She started to move her hips upward, pushing herself into Astra's mouth.

As Kath pushed into her mouth, Astra could feel the rubber penis sliding down her throat. His saliva is now mixing with the juices of the stick, making it shine even more. She moves her head up and down in length now as if it were a real stick. The deeper the penis goes down your throat, the more its saliva lubricates it, a little out of your mouth and running down your chin, as well as across your broad chest. Eventually, she was able to get the stick to the base, her nose pressing on Kath's abdomen. The damp sounds of choking filled the room as she gave the best blowjob of her life.

Kath was completely in love with how bitchy Astra was acting now, she was dripping with the thought of turning this once innocent and sweet girl into a dick addicted prostitute. She will have a lot of fun breaking this one, but Astra would eventually fall for her. Her thrusts became rougher as she moved forward in her own thoughts. Astra's well-being coming out of the window over time.

"Okay, Astra, you can stop sucking my fake cock now. Lie on the floor, face down and butt up." Kath would finish what she started. But first, she needed to make sure Astra was as broken as Karina. She went to the dresser for a minute, covering the brace with the same aphrodisiac that had been used on Karina. Returning, she positions herself right on top of Astra, sliding the tip of his cock against Astra's ass, then up to her soaked pussy. "So, Astra, judging by your excitement, I would say that you want that dick ... Well, I won't give it to you." She says. "That is, unless ... you beg me for it ... beg your new Mistress to break your mind like she did with that demon bitch over there."

Astra could not bear to sit still and let Kath say those things. She speaks now.

"Y-You are not my Lady Kath! You are not my owner!" She says while her chest and chin are glowing from her own saliva. "I put up with it so far because I feared you!" She was creating more courage by the second as she spoke her mind. "But enough curse!" She exclaimed defiantly.

Kath was surprised that Astra wanted to fight back at this point in the game. But she didn't care at all, in fact, she thought it would be more fun that way. After all, breaking a girl's spirit is often more fun than being completely submissive.

"Sorry Astra, maybe I heard you wrong, but did you just say no?" She asked. The time has come for Kath to start breaking Astra's spirit. "Do you realize how much you've freely submitted, right Astra? I mean, you've been on your knees for the past hour or else cleaning every disgusting part of my body and Karina's body." Kath pointed out.

Astra had to admit that the redhead was right about her not making a good case, she was not the most challenging during this whole thing. But she had to stand her ground at this point. Then she got up and looked at Kath. "I'm not going to do this, Kath!" Astra screamed. Her heart was pounding in her chest now, mainly because of the adrenaline she felt when facing Kath. But part of it was for fear of making a mistake.

"I see ..." said Kath calmly. Getting up, Kath slowly walked over to Astra, the cock of her face bouncing with every step she takes. his eyes filled with something that could only be supposed to be anger. Her hand lifted for just a moment before she reached down and tugged on the blonde's hair. bringing his face to face with his now frowning expression. "Now listen here, you cunt, I'm not kidding you! If you don't do what I say, I can inflict much more pain on you than you would ever think possible."

Astra had a decision to make at this point, her face was just inches from Kath's and she knew that if she continued to challenge the redhead, she would probably find herself in a worse situation than just being fucked. So, deciding to play it safe for now, she shakes her head and begs Kath.

"O-Ok you won, I will obey you ... M-Madam." She struggled to say the last word. Pungent pains filled his head as each strand of hair pulled at his skull. She hoped Kath would release him soon. Luckily for her, Kath did just that, letting the blonde fall to the floor like a rag doll. Astra just stood there for a moment, trying to regain his composure.

"Well, come on Astra, I don't have all day. I need to go get another job on the guild council." Kath looked more agitated now. "So get up and curl up on that couch there ..." She stopped, another much better idea came to her. "Actually, ride Karina, but make sure your ass is high enough for me to fuck your brains out. I wonder if that will wake you up?"

Astra wondered what Kath had planned for her, but stood up since it didn't matter anyway. She had to obey or else she would be punished. Straddling the unconscious girl, Astra made sure to have her ass and pussy exposed enough that Kath had access. She had to lean forward and was very close to her friend's lips now. All Astra could do now was to expect the inevitable.

Kath walked slowly towards the two girls on the sofa. Positioning his fake stick at the already soaked entrance to Astra's crack. She was about to make this girl lose some brain cells.

"And you said you're not an Astra slut? Well, the disgusting juices you're dripping on my floor say otherwise." Kath said to degrade the poor girl. before hitting the stick straight into the waiting hole. Kath also activated a vibration setting on the toy before diving so she could get out too. Her impulse was strong and quick, and with that Kath had just taken Astra's virginity.

Astra screamed as she felt the penis go all the way to its deepest parts on the first thrust. Her virginity had just been taken away by someone she considered a close friend. It only added to the humiliation she felt for everything that happened today. She looked down and saw a little blood dripping from her soaked fragment, which only confirmed that her virginity was gone, lost forever to her. Kath was her first time.

Kath didn't think Astra was telling the truth about being a virgin, not with the way she acted today. But it seems that the girl was because her blood ran down the fake stick and mixed with the aphrodisiac that still lines the stick. She didn't even give Astra a chance to mourn her virginity while her hips kept pushing, making sure to hit Astra as hard as she could with each thrust.

Astra had started to feel the heat in her groin now, it was quickly replacing the pain she had felt a moment before, when her virginity was destroyed. It was starting to look very good to her. She had forgotten, with all the distractions, that Kath had soaked the brace with a very potent aphrodisiac. She then realized that she would probably end up broken as Karina had been in a short time, as was evident from her dripping pussy and pleasure resonating through her body. She could feel her rational thought escaping by the second, as her rapture was struck. Now knowing what Karina was feeling while she was broken.

A loud groan escaped his lips, his body betraying his mind. His lust is beginning to take over. Her hips moving back against the cock inside her, the feeling of warmth spread through her body now. Her moans louder and louder, Astra was already fast approaching a huge orgasm. She instinctively lowers her hands to play with her nipples. She plays, twists and nips gently, sending even more pleasure through her body already dominated by pleasure.

Kath is fucking the girl with reckless abandon, her left hand pinching her own nipples, her right hitting the girl's ass hard. The sensations in her own soaked entrails hit her. She lets out a loud groan when the vibrations reach the right spot.

"ARGHHHH" was all she could muster at the moment.

Meanwhile, under the two, Karina started to move. She woke up to the sounds of passion, opening her eyes and seeing the scene above her. She, of course, was still exhausted from the big consistent orgasm she had before. She didn't think the other two realized that she was awake yet, which presented her with an opportunity. His mouth moved forward, his hands gripped Astra's head, pulling her down and kissing the girl.

The simultaneous "mmmm" sound was heard by Kath, who knew that Karina had woken up. She didn't care, all she wanted to do was go out and kick those two sluts from the apartment. But first, she had to make sure that Astra knew who owned it. His twisted and sadistically ingenious mind. She came up with a plan to do just that.

Astra would enjoy in about 30 seconds at this rate. She felt herself getting confused, her mind, body and heart racing as she approached what could arguably be the biggest orgasm she has ever had.

Kath, feeling the impending orgasm, stopped pushing immediately. It was time to own the girl. Astra shouted in protest as expected.

"Kk-Kath! Please don't stop ..." His plea would not be answered yet, however. Kath grabbed the back of her head and pulled back, leaning forward as the dominant redhead spoke. "So you want to enjoy Astra? Well, I'm afraid it will cost you ... so what is it worth to you?" She would enjoy this moment.

Astra had no sense of rational thinking at this point, just thinking about his own lust. To her credit, although it was not as broken as Karina was. His voice sounded. "W-what do you mean Kath? I just want to come right now, PLEASE ..." The last word much louder than the rest. Kath gave a quick smile, she had the blonde now.

"Well Astra ... your orgasm will not be free ... so what are you going to give me to achieve it?" She knew what she wanted, but she had to make Astra want it too, so the persuasion began. She pushed from time to time, in order to keep Astra on edge, teasing her and slowly breaking her resistance. She had to admit to herself that Astra was much more difficult to break than Karina. It took Karina just a few minutes under such pressure to break and sell herself to Kath for a single orgasm.

"What ... do you ... want Kath?" She asked, trying to move her pussy deeper into the toy for that launch, but to enjoy it, she was being held very tightly. "Please, Kath ..." She finally started to fall apart. "I'll do whatever you want, just let me come ... This is driving me crazy!" She had just said the words that sealed her destiny.

"What do I want huh?" Kath smiled. "Then shout for me ... tell the world who now owns your ass, Astra!" Kath hit her with everything she had, beating Astra's cock trying to tease her further. "So I want you to repeat the phrase ... Mis ... no, Goddess Kath owns me now, I am hers to use, abuse and throw away for her own selfish pleasure." Kath hit her again for fun. "So let's talk about your orgasm when you've done that."

Karina just heard below. She knew that Kath had Astra where she wanted it and that the blonde would not be able to resist now. The game is over, Astra lost. She smirked. "You fell like me, Astra ... I'm sorry" She thought to herself.

Astra didn't think about what he was doing for more than a few seconds before screaming.

"THE GODDESS KATH HAS ME NOW! I AM HER TO USE, ABUSE AND PLAY OUT FOR ITS OWN SELFISH PLEASURE!" Astra said the phrase as soon as she was instructed, her fate was now sealed. His body was property. Her painful desire put her in this mess and she would never be able to get out of it. But at the time, she didn't care.

A huge smile adorned Kath's lips as she approached.

"Good girl ... slave Astra." The last words said in a much softer tone. "Now I said we were going to talk about your orgasm ... so all you have to do is beg me now." She smiled, letting Astra escape easily, as she just gave herself over to Kath's mind, body and soul.

"Please, Goddess Kath! Please, let your slave come!" She begged. Her eyes were filled with lust, telling the story of the agony she was feeling to kill herself.

Kath happily complied with her pleas from younger slaves, hitting the stick in her vulva, plowing whatever dignity the girl had left. It didn't take long to make Astra fall off the cliff. Astra squirmed and screamed with pleasure as he roared in what was sure to be one of the best orgasms of his life.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK ME! I AM CUMMING SO HARDDDDD!" Astra was hit by waves and waves of mind-breaking sensations. Her body couldn't even handle everything she was feeling. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth and she was drooling over Karina, her eyes rolled over in her head. She lost consciousness shortly thereafter, during a devastating orgasm. She fell on top of Karina, her juices flowing and covering everything below.

As if on cue, Kath came too, her own pleasure growing for a while, though hers was not as great as the other two. She still screamed in ecstasy. Her juices dripped down her leg and onto the floor, mixing with the puddles of sperm that had been expelled from the other two girls. She fell forward after she finished and stayed there at the top of the pile, regaining her strength.


A few hours later and the three girls had fallen asleep on top of each other, but they were beginning to wake up. Kath and Astra rolled Karina and fell to the floor. Karina was the first to wake up, followed by Kath, then Astra, who had to undergo Kath's treatment. The three looked at each other, but Kath was the first to speak.

"Okay, that was fun slaves ... but time for you two little bitches to leave until I call you again ... So get the hell out of here, you can't stay here. I already have a lot of cleaning work to do because of all the fluids you two left in my room. Rot Magic is really the best for subduing bitches." Kath's heart was cold again.

The other two quickly grabbed their clothes, dressed, and left. Just leaving Kath in the room. She stood up and looked around. A big smile on her face when she started to dress after a shower. Going out the door, she was going to have them clean up her house later as a punishment for squirting everywhere, but for now, she was going to the guild hall to see the others and get a new mission and fuck some more...

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