
The War

It was a time after the war between the Mermaids and the Sirens. After the war the Queen of Oceana had 3 daughters. Lessaria( Middle Child), Kasia( Oldest Child) and Lechelle (Youngest Child). The Queen decided that for the safety of her childern she would put them on land.


The time has come. The Queen kissed her children goodbye then she casted them onto land,shedding tears and wishing the best for them. The girls were unconscious and washed up on shore. Three boys,which were all friends that lived together,were walking across the shoreline then they came across the unconscious girls. The boys exchanged looks then nodded and went to check up on the girls. They shook the girls awake and the girls exchanged confused looks with the boys.

Lessaria then finally spoke up,"Who are you guys?.... And where are we?" she asked the boys. Elijah the second oldest boy,spoke up and answered Lessaria with a charming smile,"Hello there~ I'm Elijah. Those two are Carson and Jordain. Carson is the oldest and Jordain is the youngest-" Jordain interrupted Elijah's speech, and said" I'm most certainly the hottest~" Jordain said with a wink. Elijah nudges Jordain in the chest, "No,i'm hotter!" Elijah protests. Jordain whinced in pain "Ow! What was that for?!" Elijah and Jordain started quarreling while Carson groaned and the girls couldn't even respond at this point. After the fight, Carson and his brother's decided to bring the girls home and to find out how they ended up on the beach unconscious.Once they reached home the boys started asking the girls questions about how they reached on the beach unconscious.Kaisa responed " We don't know how we ended up on the beach unconscious but you saved us and we are very forever grateful." So after asking the girls questions, Elijah decided to cook something for the girls to eat. Lessaria didn't feel safe around those boys, she knew that the boys were up to something.After Elijah finised cooking he gave the girls the food to eat. Only Lechelle and Kasia ate the food, Lessaria did not eat the food because she figured that something is wrong.Elijah asked Lessaria if she is not gonna eat, "No I am not hungry" Lessaria responded. After eating the boys decided to bring the girls to the beach to play volleyball.Lessaria asked Elijah "what is volleyball?" After explaining what volleyball is Elijah and the boys started to play volleyball while the girls went to collect seashells. While collecting seashells Kasia asked her sisters if they wanted to go for a swim.Lessaria and Lechelle both said yes and by the time the girls got into the water they realized that their feet turned into fish tails. Lechelle shouted "we're mermaids! this is so cool " Kasia replied " duh dummy what else could we be witches". Lessaria giggled at the girls and said "guys cut it out right now!" The girls decided to keep their identities a secret from the boys to keep them safe.The girls decided to swim around and see what they could find in the ocean. While swimming Kasia discoverd a kingdom full of mermaids. Kasia called out to her sisters " girls come look at this". The girls were so excited to see a kingdom full of other mermaids. The sisters decided to swim down there and look around. While swimming around the kingdom they bumped into another mermaid, her name was Italia she had three sisters: Olivia, Genesa and Elizabeth. They were the daughters of the current queen. "Your princesses!" Lechelle shouted. Yes we are let us bring you to see our mom. Once the girls reached the queen's castle the queen took one look at their tails and arrested them because she knew that they were the daughters of the past queen of Oceana based on the symbols on their tails and they would take her throne away from her.

  To be Continued