
The Lost Princess Finds A Mate

Her parents were killed, but she promised to protect her brother. After a car accident forces him to live the rest of his life in a wheelchair so has to either step up and be the adult or let him suffer.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasi
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31 Chs

Prologue: The Wars

I don't know how the war started or why, but what I learned in school they say that the werewolves wanted all the land on this side of the border but the king refused to give them any because his people were there first. It was his kingdom and the only way the wolves would get any of it was over his dead body. The War lasted for four years. During that time I was born in secret, then almost two years later my brother came. I don't remember much from that year he was born since I was only two years old, but that was the year my parents died. I remember momma having my brother then handing him over to my nanny, her name is Marissa, then she has me come stand by the bed and tells me," Your father and I both love you very much, I know your a little young yet but I need you to protect your brother. You get to name him so make it good okay. Just remember we love you." Then my nanny takes my hand and we leave.

The next morning they told me my parents were dead and as far as anyone knew the Prince and princess never existed. So from that day on we are known as Kayla and William Samuels, my nanny became my mother. Things went well for the next sixteen years. Then a new war started. This one was between some rogue vampires and the werewolves. The vampires got tired of drinking the synthetic blood that they agreed to and wanted live blood. The werewolves didn't like this idea so they decided to stop them. One night on our way to my brothers sixteenth birthday party the war found us, a van full of vampires ran us off the road. The car rolled six times, both of my parents were killed. At least they died before the vampires struck. I was trapped in the backseat with william, I knew I had to get him out before the vampires turned to us. As the doors were pulled off of the car I grabbed Williams hand and told him to hold on I refused to let anything happen to him. Just then we hear a car pull up and people get out, the vampires turn on them. I can't see what's going on but I hear a lot of fighting. When it's over the people come over to see if anyone's alive. They get us out and call the cops and the ambulance. Once we are taken away I pass out. I wake up the next day only to be told my parents are dead and because of the car accident William will be forced to live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. I on the other hand was lucky, my left arm and leg were broke in two places. They set the brakes and put the casts on when I was asleep. I asked where my brother was, just then he gets wheeled into the room. once they get him into bed I tell him not to worry I will take care of him, then I think to myself I will destroy both the vampires and the werewolves since they destroyed our lives.