
The Lost Pharaoh

A renowned archaeologist and historian died in a strange phenomenon inside a newly discovered tomb. His death was tragic but during his last moments a phenomenon occurred and brought him back to life. A new body, hazy memory, and a new life ahead of him. How will he handle the situation, and what struggles will he face. Join him in an adventure into a world full of mystery and precious discovery. Changing not only his destiny but the future of his new body. Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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19 Chs


"Father, did this issue happen before?" Sekani asked with worried facing Sua and the other elders inside the meeting room. Their worried face speaks about the gravity of the situation.

"Some conflicts of territory and misunderstanding sprouted from time to time, but not this serious." Sua pondered. "This might be something to do with the civil war in the south." Sekani was silent after hearing it and was also curious.

"I suspect the north is involved in this but let us not jump to conclusions, and maybe a peaceful approach can save the problem." Sua said with complicated look, and worry in his eyes.

Since the south plunged into civil war, intervention from the north also increased. Just this week, many skirmishes happened between the three tribes; It seems that the north wanted to stir chaos in the entire middle Egypt and instigated other tribes to create conflict but just as they are tackling the problem a messenger entered.

"Chief, A representative from the north arrive just now with some soldiers." A messenger was panting as he entered the room without permission with worried look.

They all stood up and checked outside and in the gate, the group of around 50 soldiers were scattered outside waiting for the gate to open. They seem to not cause trouble but it was yet uncertain.

"Welcome in Kezukhen, I apologize if we closed the gate. It was simply our protocol to be alerted after numerous soldier arrived. We mean no disrespect." Sua with loud voice spoke towards the soldiers.

"Chief, I am Ten-kheiat, Minister and Priestess. I need to talk to the chief." Ten-kheiat bowed respectfully.

"I am chief Sua, welcome again to this humble village, I can approve only you and some men but the rest should camp outside the village, after all my village is small to accommodate everyone. I sincerely apologize." The elder responded quickly without hesitation. The soldiers sneered, but they must waited for the decision of their leader Ten-kheiat.

"That would be fine, I will enter alone." Ten-kheiat again politely bowed and gestured for them to camp outside.


Inside the conference room most of the elders are gathered including Sekani and Sharifa. They must be all present to decide quickly if there are important issues that needs decision.

"I will be straight, my priority was to send the viziers message about the proposal of marriage. He was saddened of the refusal from last time, but still hoping for a formal reply and explanation. The vizier also wanted to form an agreement if ever the marriage proposal was accepted." Ten-kheiat with casual tone said in front of them.

"Priestess, I regret to say this but, the princess is already betrothed. And even if she was not, it was her decision not ours to whom she will marry." Chief Sua said, with serious but not arrogant tone.

Ten-kheiat who heard the explanation pondered for a bit and said. "We will provide constant training and technology for this agreement, support the farming and supply the equipments of the hunters; I promise you as a minister that we will not back out from our agreement."

"The benefits clearly is very rich, but I regret to say that we could not decide for the princess. Defying the rules is clearly violating my oath as chief of Wlamian. I sincerely apologize. However, if the princess is willing." Sua turned his head to Sharifa and the princess stood up from the floor and slowly walked towards them then sat beside his father.

"Princess, reconsider for the benefit of the people. It will help the overall improvement of the village, not only that; I can pursue the Pharaoh with the help of the vizier to make the village as part of northern Egypt." Ten-kheiat enticed the princess directly with her charismatic look. But it seems the princess was not interested.

"I could not do that priestess, I have already decided. We are already in trade, and we do not need for more." Sharifa was indignant.

"I must warn you that the other tribes are quite jealous of the current success of the Walamians, our help would be perfect in times of trouble." Ten-kheiat said without batting an eye and it was clearly a blatant intimidation. It was clear that they are the ones inciting the other tribes to make troubles; and now that the options are gone, its last resort is to intimidate them.

"Priestess, I respect you and the north but be careful with your words. I will not hesitate to offer your head to our Gods." Sua was angered by Ten-kheiat bullying. Sekani on the side was also fuming, and if not for the others he had killed the priestess.

Ten-kheiat did not say anything and just stood up then walked away.


After Ten-kheiat and his soldiers left they continued the topic in the same room.

"Father, I am sorry." Sharifa felt guilty after the talks have failed.

"What are you saying my dear? Do you think I am easily bullied by those opportunistic people? They are clearly here for our tribe to be used as tools in the civil war in the south, then after that they will leave us back again in poverty and maybe worst." Sua was now a different person from his playful and energetic behavior becoming the true charismatic and dominating figure.

"Princess, we as elders already talked about this lately and the tribe elders are not willing to be part of their schemes." One elder followed noticing the awkward mood.

The village was a bit anxious of what happened but from their experience, they have been treated as not equals and looked down as barbaric, and only used as tools. If not for the difficult times, the tribe would not have to work in the cities to earn.

And now that they have solve their problems through Sekani's inventions, they don't need the help of the scheming north or south.

The issue calmed down and life in the tribe continue as usual despite the troubles they are facing.


"Huh?" Sharifa who was looking at the new developed microscope was startled. "RUNES." She blurted after testing the microscope.

"What?" Sekani let Sharifa to test his 5th version of the microscope, but he did not expect that kind of reaction, his hair stood up hearing the words.

After Sharifa retracted out from the microscope her face was pale, and Sekani immediately looked at the eyepiece.

Just like Sharifa; Sekani froze in place, looked at each other blankly and tried to calm down. Sekani with excitement looked at the microscope again and again; even adjusted the settings but it was the same result, and he was not hallucinating.

"RUNES in the cell, does that mean other living organisms have runes also?" Sekani pondered while Sharifa was looking again at the microscope.

"Love, lets record this new runes, and find out more of it." Sharifa after calming down from excitement suggested. She was after all a rune craftswoman and it was the biggest thing for them to discover new runes.

New discoveries meant new combinations and other effects and uses. That is why they quickly started to record their findings, and hope they can create more combinations out of it.

Their whole week was focused on observing almost everything they could think of from water, leaves, even Sekani's semen and one thing they observed is all of it have runes. It was as if the runes are the main thing that give life and magic to the beings in this world..


After just a week from Ten-kheiat visit, the tension between the three tribes was growing by the day. The two tribe as if they are together; systematically annoy the hunters, and even attack some of the farming fields.

"Chief, messages is pouring from other villages that they are constantly being bullied by other tribes, what should we do." One elder said worried.

"Damn, cowards. Those tribes surely got something from the north to do this. They would not do this cowardly if it's not for something big." Sua was angered but he could not think of something.

"Father, I will head to the other tribes and talk to them." Sekani stood up and faced Sua with determination. Sua who was a bit surprised stared at Sekani, while Sharifa knitted her brows.

"Father, this is not of guilt or anything about my involvement but to help the tribe. Besides, I can take care of myself." Sekani was determined to help and the truth is, he was still guilty that this was happening.

Sua pondered long and even looked at Sharifa and Hab, but they just looked at Sekani standing and still waiting for his response. "Fine, you will be my representative to make peace for us. You will decide base on your own judgement if demands are requested. I will respect and trust you no matter what your decision is." After saying that, Sua gave a bracelet just like he has, but it was silver with alternating black and white wolves embedded.


During the night inside their room, Sekani and the princess was still with separate beds, their tradition was not to engage sexually before marriage and it was a divine rule for them. Sekani was in the bed laying while Sharifa was on the other side sitting.

"Love, I am worried of you, please retract your mission." Sharifa with low and sad voice said while her head was down.

Sekani heard it and stood up slowly, walked towards her and sat beside. "Love, I will promise you I would return, and we will get married." Sekani stroked Sharifa's smooth wavy hair and caressed her face gently then kissed her.

Surprised but did not reject Sekani's kiss; their lips met for the first time and it made Sharifa blushed. "We would commit a crime if we do this." Sharifa said as their lips parted after the passionate kiss.

"Silly, I would not do that before we get married, I already promised your father and the elders." Sekani said, as he gave a light tap to Sharifa's forehead making her embarrassed.

"Also, do not forget to continue the research and teach the others." Sharifa nodded obediently while staring at Sekani obviously inlove.