
The Lost Pharaoh

A renowned archaeologist and historian died in a strange phenomenon inside a newly discovered tomb. His death was tragic but during his last moments a phenomenon occurred and brought him back to life. A new body, hazy memory, and a new life ahead of him. How will he handle the situation, and what struggles will he face. Join him in an adventure into a world full of mystery and precious discovery. Changing not only his destiny but the future of his new body. Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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19 Chs

A warrior path

Akhfurmeru village

Ebon people are dark skinned, strong build, tall and energetic. They are people coming from parts of Africa and settled in these areas; though Egypt woods on the stretch of the Nile river was full of beasts, it was full of resources and opportunity. The people adapted quickly here and expanded becoming the tribe of Ebon.

The village of Akhfurmeru was the center of their territory and home to their great warrior leader and ruler 'Khalid'. Boasting his height of almost 7 foot, he was not the largest but was the champion for 15 years now.

The average height for Ebonian people are around 6 foot and 6 inches but there are tall as 7 foot in their tribe. In addition, they are born with strength and endurance making their tribe look barbaric.

"Chief a representative from Walami wanted to speak to you." The chief with her wife who was half naked in the bed was doing something behind a thin veil.

"Let him wait." The deep and raspy voice echoed the room and it felt like it could swallow someone.


Despite the lack of style; the chief's shelter was huge and sturdy; with the skulls of some beasts in the wall and pelts in the floor, it gave the inside a unique vibe. Boasting clearly the trophies, it only means one thing; 'Strength'.

Sekani was mesmerized by the throne that was made of stone and marble while it has two huge horns in the back rest; the guards are clearly well-fed and built, while some women are dressed well. It showed great emphasis that they respect and loved the women in their tribe which is a good indication.

"Welcome." The deep voice seems to growl inside the room and a huge man with only a linen loin cloth emerged from the veil at the back; he did not have any protection but his body was enough to make even the strongest soldier or warrior hesitate to attack. The chief did not sit at the throne but got down in the steps to meet Sekani.

"I am Sekani, representative of Chief Sua here to send a message." Sekani stood like a child compare to him while looking slightly upwards at the huge man.

"They call me Khalid." He spoke staring at Sekani with interest. "I could not sense fear in your eyes, you are worthy to speak to me." Khalid smiled and was amused.

"I am honored." Sekani slightly bowed then continued. "I came here, to confirm why the Ebon tribe is constantly harassing the Walami." Sekani, with confidence said what his point directly.

"Mhh, my people are born warriors and fighting for hunts and small conflicts is not a concern. If your people have the ability to defend then we can respect them." The chief explained and was a bit disappointed. He clearly misunderstands the situation and seemed to not know what was happening outside his territory.

Sekani now understood a bit. "I would like to ask about the laws of Ebon tribe." Sekani did not further insist the issue so he diverted the topic; he now knew that someone is doing something behind this king, and it was pointless to discuss something that their ruler did not know, it might send more misunderstanding and result to another problem.

"Mhh, go ahead and ask." Khalid was now curious of what Sekani's quiery was.

"Is it true that anyone can challenge you for the throne after securing the requirements." Sekani boldly asked and the guards and his aides were quite astonished.

"Outsider, you are arrogant to ask something about that in front of our ruler." An aide said staring angrily at Sekani, but he ignored it and kept staring at Khalid.

"I admit It is true. But I must warn you that the village chiefs are not that easy" Khalid smiled and he was elated of the question so he answered earnestly. "I have claimed a few outsider in the past years, and it would be my pleasure to take more." Khalid said provoking and testing Sekani.

"I thank you for responding to my quiries, I deeply apologize but I should go now." Sekani humbly thanked Khalid and left the throne room.

"Chief, that child is mocking you, should I deal with him." The aide said staring at Khalid who was looking towards the door.

"He is mine, I have a feeling that he will return."


Sepnusai Village

"Young man, are you sure of your decision? There will be no backing out, challengers have no right to surrender, and your life will depend in the chief's decision." The guard in front of the door to the chief's house in the village said while smiling. They are clearly looking down at Sekani.

"Should I repeat my words again." Sekani was indignant with the treatment, but he played with the flow and still calmed down. The guards just sneered and guided him inside.

Inside the room the guards explained Sekani's challenge but the chief Beon just laughed at him looking down. "Fine." The chief who was about 6'5 tall huge built around 40 years old; black and messy hair, square faced and large eyebrows walked towards the wall and grabbed two axes. "Take your pick." Beon gesture to the wall with full of different weapons.

"I have mine." Sekani rejected the offer and tapped at his Kopesh in the waist.


Outside in a flat area the two of them faced to face ready for battle. The single requirement to challenge the Ruler is to defeat 10 village chiefs; that is why it was very difficult to challenge the chief specially for outsiders. There are some who passed by was killed by the ruler.

His sweaty and dark skin reflected the high sunlight; excited with the battle, Beon charged with full speed while throwing one of his axe. The blinding attack was almost impossible to dodge but Sekani was prepared and dodge it by parrying it slightly while moving left at the last second.

The friction of the two weapons created sparks and the thrown axe destroyed a tree at the background. His black flame tattoo glowed and activated his aura, while he dodged the constant attacks. "Are you thinking of tiring me." Beon shouted while smiling as his constant attack continued.

With precision; Sekani parried most of the attack and evaded the rest. "Gotcha." Beon put force in his slash attack and sure it was the end but his axe hit nothing, and he suddenly felt a pain in his right leg after his axe hit the ground creating a small crater.

As he looked at his right leg, it was slashed and the wound was huge. Panting with bloodied right leg he still raised the axe and did not feel defeat, warriors like him was hardened in battle and hunting and his injury is nothing, but it was clear that he will lose blood. "Cowards, is this your plan." Beon shouted as he saw Sekani just stood their observing him.

The skill that he learned from the last rank-up was able to intigrate some abilities from the souls energy he absorbed; meaning that all the past energy souls he absorb generated him some skills but not all can be integrated, but he was still not certain of how many percent he can learn the skills and abilities. It may be luck, but he absorbed some skills from the Ice wolf.

Beon was sure that Sekani will kite him till blood loose and claim victory, but it was the opposite; Sekani was charging straight without hesitation and it made him elated. "Come. Hahaha"

The sparks from weapon contact and loud chanting echoed in the village arena as many people and warriors were chanting. Their chief was clearly loosing and at disadvantage, but they did not mind, excitement and cheering filled the area as the battle goes on.

With a large thud, Beon fall to the ground while his both legs are wounded; with his will as a warrior, gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, but he felt a cold sensation in his neck. The kopesh rested in his neck. "The necklace or your life?"

"Are you looking down on me boy? Finish it already." His words of surrender contradicted his will and eagerness to fight, but he was done already and does not want any more humiliation.

"I came to challenge you as a warrior not as an enemy, I enjoyed the fight and hope for another battle in the future." Sekani whispered to Beon and grabbed his necklace from his neck.

He only stayed for the night before, moving on to his next opponent.



News of the defeat of Beon spread in the nearby village and the other chief are eager to meet the boy. And in Descam village arena the chief was already waiting for Sekani; as he arrived, he was cheered by hundreds of people and the arena was also prepared like it was an event or something.

He felt awkward but excited at the same time, he did not notice that he was getting addicted to fighting and improving himself; it may be a good improvement or not, but atleast he was enjoying it and learning at the same time.

The chief Utnas was not a tall man but his body was large; equipped with a decent shield and spear, the formidable Utnas was confident. With just the short introduction and nothing else, the fight begun and Sekani initiated the first attack.

Sekani's attacks was blocked by the shield and the spear counter attacks was very deadly and precise, but he evaded it with ease. "Tsk, this is difficult." Sekani blurted but he smiled.

It was an unending barrage of strikes but Utnas stand strong and unscathed; his movements started to slow down. "Damn, what is this." Utnas did not notice the changes because of the excitement, but he was now feeling a chill in his body.

Arms was slightly frozen and his shield and spear was exuding with a bit of fog; it was also frozen then he noticed his legs. "Shit, Ice magic." Utnas blurted and panicked, but he returned his focus into Sekani swiftly.

"So you noticed. But it's too late." Ram shouted as he attacked at his back while his legs was frozen. Utnas swung the spear at his back to avoid the potential attack but the sword was already in his neck.

"Surrender, I only want the necklace not your life." Sekani whispered as he was still cautious not to give a slight opportunity for Utnas.

"I surrender, but I will request another fight in the future." Utnas hesitated at first but he dropped his weapons and looked at his still cold arms full of ice crystals.

The crowd exploded in cheers and it was the first time they saw their chief defeated like that; they ignore Sekani's evasive movements but Sekani demonstrated his strength by blocking some of the most powerful strikes of Utnas, and they were satisfied.


The news quickly spread and even arrived to the ruler. "Hahahaha. I knew it, that boy is hiding his power." Khalid laughed like crazy and his aura spread throughout his shelter making the guards shiver in fear.