
Chapter 11 ★ Freckled girl

Cedric POV

My childhood was short lived.

There are few moments I still remember from my adolescent years, but I do recall the sheer giddiness. The pure, unabashed, childlike excitement of life. It's something I haven't felt in a long, long time. Excitement. For years I've forgotten the feeling. It was lost to me, and I couldn't even recollect what it was like to be excited.

I feel it now. It's all I've known since Hendrix came along. She's all I think about now. All I want. All I crave. The things I used to strive for seem unimportant compared to my tiny Luna.

The worries of pretending to be a human Professor have left me, the stresses over leaving my pack behind have completely vanished. She's all that matters.