
The Twin Prince of Beacon

"W-w-w-w-Why are you in my bed?" Glynda said, stuttering her words.

"You don't remember?" Suther said as he tilted his head sideways.

"Remember what?"

She could not remember a single thing after she finished drinking a whole pint of beer. Everything that she experienced throughout the night was just a blur in this witch's eyes. Contrary to her, Suther's body adapted to the alcohol and subsequently became immune to its effects unintentionally, though it does have its perks aside from losing the ability to be intoxicated. No longer can he succumb to peer pressure.

A red, lavish blush surfaced on her complexion as she tried her best to cover her body with the bed sheets. By doing so, Glynda unknowingly revealed his chiseled abs. The light of the sun reflected off it, allowing his six-pack to blind her eyes. Other than his abdomen, she saw scars all over his body. It was like a collage of cuts, burns, and stab wounds that conflicted with his silver frame.

The figure he built over the years was like an artwork of its own.

"I guess you need an explanation. Though it'll take a while."


After the fiasco at the bar, Ozpin, Sung Jin Woo, Suther, and Glynda are now walking back to their home. Ozpin in particular, is crying over his empty wallet. The amount of food and alcohol she ordered was over the budget limit. It resulted in him losing most of his money. Yet, what he caused here was nothing to regret. Laughs, jokes, bonds, and overall, just having fun was worth the bang of his buck.

The night went chugging along until Glynda lost her strength to walk. Ozpin and Sung Jin Woo rushed to help, but Suther took the opportunity and carried her like a newlywed bride.

"Bold of you to assume that I need help, 'cause you are right. I need help." Glynda said angrily, all the while, crossing her arms.

"You're too drunk, young lady... and heavy." Suther said jokingly, causing Glynda to slap him with her riding crop. Ozpin chuckled, and Sung looked at him with admiration. Because of his abnormal body, carrying Glynda was like holding feathers. Not much effort was needed.

Ozpin then told both of them. "I'll go ahead and lead Sir Sung Jin Woo to the teachers' dorms. Please take care of Glynda for me. "

Suther nodded and began walking to her home while parting ways with the remaining few. Sung Jin Woo waved goodbye as their figures began to vanish into the night. The headmaster tapped his back to signal him.

"Let's go. You're new to the school, after all. "

And so they parted ways. Ozpin with his new employee and Suther with his cute drunkard.

A few minutes had passed, when the drunkard and the God Eater reached a somewhat extravagant house. From the outside, this house looks magnificent. It has been built with white cedar wood and has gray stone decorations. Large, octagonal windows brighten up the house and have been added in a very asymmetrical way.

Inside, the house is equipped with a small kitchen and 2 bathrooms. It also has a small living room, two bedrooms, a small dining area, and a bar.

The building is fairly square in shape. The house is half surrounded by overgrown wooden overhanging panels. The second floor is the same size as the first, which has been built exactly on top of the floor below it. This floor has a different style than the floor below.

The house itself is surrounded by paved ground, with a small pond at one side and various potted plants all around the house.

Arriving inside her room, it was cluttered with tons of books, scrolls, and research papers that seemed to never end. Suther carefully placed her in the vacant bed, tucked her in, removed her shoes, and then sat on the side of the bed while observing her sleeping face.

"To think that you were this beautiful. I may have to take you for myself, but I'm not that kind of person. " Suther mused, he had received no response. He presumes that she is now deeply asleep. He then stands from his seat and exits.

Before he could leave, he felt his left sleeve being tugged.

"Don't... go." Glynda said softly.

Those words that she said reminded him of the past. He did not have time to tend to his ill-struck sister, and foolishly dove into the madness of research. The God eater desired all of the Aragami business to end as soon as possible, but by the time he reached the status of "platoon leader'', he had forgotten the people he was supposed to protect. All he could see upon his return was a gravestone with her name.

He started his madness and he will finish it. That is why he continued to be a God eater.

In his train of thought, he was pulled into Glynda's arms. She embraces him with her tenderness and warmth, with the scent of her perfume masking her alcoholic scent. After feeling the comfort, Suther indulged in her charity and gave in to the pleasure. Now laying at her side, he could see Glynda's face with greater clarity.

Something fell from the floor. He looked to the side to see what it was and saw her pleated top on the ground.


Suther looked back and saw her bare skin and breasts, clad in a seductive expression. With her strong grip, which was distinct to her abilities, she effortlessly ripped his clothing to reveal his own skin.


At this point, he expected the inevitable, so he closed his eyes and waited for it to happen. A few minutes passed by with nothing happening, He then opened his eyes and saw that she was knocked out.

"Ah~ Warm as a marshmallow."

Glynda ripped his clothes for the sake of warmth. Disappointment pounded his mood and just slept as well.


She is now enlightened by the events relayed by Suther, she lets off a sigh of relief. Nothing too major happened at night, yet deep in her heart, she wanted something significant from him. She looked at her clock and saw that it was 6:30 AM. It is just half an hour before their duties start, and they are without prejudice, far away from the academy. Suther rested his head on her shoulders to see what she was looking at.

Worry struck the witch and the silver.

Immediately, the two bolted out of the bed and wore whatever was available to them. Glynda tied her hair back while Suther wore his previous clothing. Due to the buttons of his long-sleeve polo being detached by a certain someone, he had no choice but to wear it. With haste and panic overwhelming logic, they ran back to Beacon.

Entering Beacon, they bumped into RWBY and JNPR rushing late in late as well.

"Yo, Teach! Did you have fun last night?" Yang asked jokingly after inspecting their attire.

"Not Now! We're about to be late!" Glynda shouted.

"Yay! Late buds!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Shut It, Ruby!" The two said in unison, causing Ruby to close her mouth. Though the answer was uncalled for, it was understandable for their situation was dire.


Barely in a nick of time, Suther was able to bring his God arc with him to class. The open field where he teaches is already filled with students. Coincidentally, Team RWBY and JNPR are also in this session. Before he could enter the field, Sung Jin Woo was at the door with a notebook in hand.

"You're almost late." The shadow Monarch stated.

"It's not like I wanted to." The God eater retorted.

"Nevertheless, your students are waiting earnestly." He points at the door leading to the open field.

Suther adjusts his clothing, then exits through the door along with Sung Jin Woo by his side. "Let's not disappoint our fools shall we?"