While Cliff, a 27 year old young man, was visiting his grandparents, he was caught in what is called a "summoning" which took him to a forest infested with unknown creatures, he decided that in order to survive, he should be ready to brave all the dangers that would present to him, with his “drain” skill he would fight them to become stronger
In the fortress, the icy wind of winter roared with fury, swirling the snow into a relentless storm that engulfed everything in its path. The houses and streets were buried under a white blanket, creating a landscape that was both magnificent and terrifying. The inhabitants huddled in shelter, waiting for the storm to calm, while nature displayed its full power in this striking winter spectacle.
Despite the relentless weather outside, Cliff had not stopped his training. Sitting cross-legged in front of the fireplace, he immersed himself in a deep meditation session. Determined not to let the bad weather hinder his practice, he focused entirely on his quest for inner peace and personal development. The raging elements outside could not distract him. His determination and discipline were as solid as the dancing flames that illuminated his focused face.