My name is Larorn Bael Zarch
Im an average person
My hobby consist of trash talking online or irl
that's right i touch some grass unlike someone here anyway
your wondering why i am talking to you
Its because of %@#$
Ah i forgot it was classified
anyway Im in this void for trillion of years
I died of ligma no its not ligma ball instead its a varient of Covid.
Im quite handsome and tall standing at 6.4 feet but im nothing compare to a race called reader.
Im bored as fuc
while suddenly im speaking i notice a figure getting closer to me
Finally a person hope its not a karen
The figure arrive in front of me and speak
*Hello my friend i notice you a bored so i will
prepare a negotiation for you*
hm thats quite sus but who cares im bored
ok what do you want
*nothing just a little bit of entertainment*
Ok that's not sus at all what will you give me
Ok im in and here take my money
*ok bye*
Wait let me get ready
My vision is suddenly becoming blurry and it become darkness all around me
I woke up and i say that im falling into the sky