
Chapter 29

The café owner's threat seems to have finally impacted the young friends. The main instigator looks around at his friends, a bit cowed now. They are all silent, the bravado from before gone. The café owner stares down at the group for a few more seconds before saying, his voice still stern, "Now, you're going to sit quietly, finish your drinks, and be on your way. Is that clear?"

The young man, his bravado replaced by a look of sullen resignation, nods. "Yeah, yeah, we'll be quiet. Just cool it, okay?" The other friends are all silent, their faces a mix of sheepishness and annoyance.

The café owner scans the group for a moment longer, as if to ensure that they're not going to cause more trouble. Then, satisfied that they're going to behave, he straightens up and says, "Good. Now keep your word and don't make me come over here again." With that, he turns and strides back to the counter, his face still flushed with anger.

As the café owner moves away, the group of young friends lean closer together, their voices now hushed and grumbles. They look a bit abashed, their earlier rowdy attitude now replaced by a quieter, more subdued mood. Some of the other patrons exhale, a bit of tension leaving the air.

The young couple who have been watching the scene breathe a sigh of relief, their earlier annoyed expressions now softened into something more relaxed. The young woman turns to her partner and comments in a low voice, "I thought that was going to escalate." The young man nods in agreement, saying, "Yeah, those guys were really obnoxious."

The middle-aged man, who had barely taken his eyes off the scene, now resumes sipping his coffee, looking rather satisfied. The noise level in the café has now gone back to a pleasant hum, a normal morning atmosphere restored. The barista behind the counter is now taking orders as usual, a pleasant smile on her face.

The café owner is now behind the counter, looking a bit more relaxed than before. He exchanges a look with the barista, his face still stern but now slightly less heated. The two of them share a brief conversation, their voices too low to be overheard. They turn their attention to the customers in front of them, the scene settling back to its regular, peaceful rhythm.

The young friends have now gone almost silent, their earlier loud chatter replaced by a few hushed whispers and the occasional subdued laugh. They look somewhat chastened, their earlier boldness now dampened. They continue to sit there, sipping their drinks, their heads bent low, their eyes flickering every now and then to the café owner, wary of drawing his attention again.

The young friends have now gone almost silent, their earlier loud chatter replaced by a few hushed whispers and the occasional subdued laugh. They look somewhat chastened, their earlier boldness now dampened. They continue to sit there, sipping their drinks, their heads bent low, their eyes flickering every now and then to the café owner, wary of drawing his attention again.

Some of the other patrons, though having returned to their own conversations, are still sneaking glances at the young friends, a few with disapproving looks but most with mild amusement. The café owner, noticing this, looks somewhat mollified that his display of authority has kept the unruly group under control.