
The Lone Wolf and the alpha

I groan, leaning my body over his, resting my forehead against his shoulder. “Ride me, Angel.” He commands, panting, guiding my hips. “Put it in me, please…” I beg, biting his shoulder, trying to control the pleasurable sensation that's taking over my body more intensely than any orgasm I have felt alone. He's just rubbing his dick on me, and the sensation is better than any I've been able to provide on my own. “Shut up.” He says hoarsely, digging his finger even harder into my hips, guiding the way I ride on his lap quickly, sliding my wet entrance and causing my clit to rub against his hard-on.

Ragab_Poudel · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 8

Thoughts of Rowan bombarded her making her wetter and more in need of release. Her fingers worked furiously on her clit. A sudden image of Rowan as a black wolf popped into her mind. She wasn't sure where it came from or how but the glossy dark fur, strength in his stance, and the glow of his emerald sent her over the edge. Her hips lifted, her legs shook, and her breasts heaved as she moaned loudly while her fingers played between her toned thighs. Her release was gratifying and exhausting. Relaxing back into the heated water Layla closed her eyes. She forgot about the strange image as her heartbeat slowed and returned to normal.

Finishing her bath Layla climbed out of the tub and put on a tank top and panties and climbed under the sheets. She meant to do some reading but all she could think of was Rowan. He was kind, smart, and so sexy. Why he was interested in her baffled Layla. No matter how hard she tried to focus on her book her thoughts always drifted back to the mark who inserted himself into her life. She tried desperately to remind herself not to get her hopes up but the thought of his tender kisses consumed her. She wanted to know what it would be like to return to his embrace and kiss him back. Her heart had gone off and become attached while her mind tried to reel it back in.

Giving up on reading Layla set her alarm and turned off the light. She lay thinking of Rowan until sleep brought her more images of the black wolf she wouldn't remember in the morning.


Rowan watched his mate's door intently making sure no one approached. He wondered what she was doing in her room when his phone rang.


"Rowan son, we need to meet tomorrow. My pack had a run in with some unknown wolves this afternoon"

"Is everyone okay?"

"Oh, yes! We didn't catch any of them but now that we know for sure that there are possible rogues we should take preliminary action. I already spoke with Terrence and Michaels they can meet at 12:30. Can you be there?"

Rowan groaned. Why did all of this have to happen while he was trying to court his mate? But protecting the pack was his duty getting more kisses would have to wait. "Yea, I'll be there."

"Good. At our regular conference spot. Now why do you sound so blue?"

"I'm supposed to have lunch with my mate tomorrow. But I guess I will have to postpone."

"The meeting will be rather short. Terrence says he has things to do." Hunt huffed. "Suddenly, he's not so worried about rogue wolves when they aren't on his territory."

"So we'll be out by 1:30?"

"1:30. Then you can get back to your mate. Maybe introduce me to the special girl?"

"Hunt we've only had one meal together. I might want to wait before I introduce her to everyone."

"Fine, fine. But I expect to meet her soon," he answered merrily.

"When she's officially mine you will be one of my first calls."

"One of?"

"Mina will never forgive me if I don't let her know first,"

"Ah, yes. You don't want to anger her like when you started that fire," He chuckled.

"Anyway, tomorrow 12:30. I'll be there," sighing Rowan hung up and dialed Dom.

"How did it go? Have you completed the mating?"

Rowan ground his teeth in annoyance, trying not to growl. He wished he could go into his mate's room and hold her close. He wanted to kiss her thoroughly instead of the light kisses they'd shared earlier but now he had to wait even longer than planned. "No. We're meeting the other Alphas again tomorrow. Hunt had some troubles with the possible rogue wolves and we need to make some decisions. Anything changed?"

"Those wolves haven't returned. Should I let David and Johan know about the meeting tomorrow?"

"Sure, I'm heading back to the compound now.

"That's good. You sound tired"

"I haven't slept in almost 48 hours."

"Well, get back here and sleep. We'll see you soon"

Rowan hung up and returned to the car. He yearned to go to his mate and sleep with her in his arms but he had to settle for his inadequate yet arousing daydreams.

Rowan sat in his car outside the main house. He knew as soon as he got out he would be bombarded with his pack wanting answers. He just didn't have the resolve to deal with it right now. Making up his mind Rowan decided to go for a run. He got of the car, stripped, and shifted letting his wolf come forward. Running swiftly he headed deep into the forest surrounding the compound. He felt some of the tension roll away as he lengthened his stride. Paying little attention to where he was going Rowan continued to run faster and faster enjoying the wind in his fur and the burn in his muscles distracting him from thoughts of his gorgeous mate sleeping in the dangerous motel.

Finally, his wolf led them back to the main house. Shifting quickly, Rowan grab pants from the supply shed on the edge of the forest, and headed back to the house. Thoughts of his mate returned unsolicited giving Rowan a stern expression which thankfully kept his pack members at bay. Although very serious Rowan rarely lost his temper but his expression kept anyone from pushing their luck. By this time everyone knew that their Alpha had found his mate and had yet to claim her. If anything could make a shifter rage that could so the majority gave him a wide berth.

Cautiously Johan and Dom approached his Alpha. "I heard another meeting has been called for tomorrow. What time should we be ready?"

"The meeting is at 12:30. We will leave here at 11:30. I have to make a stop first."

"Got it."

"Any changes in patrol?"

"No, Alpha. No new wolves or threats."

"Let anyone going on a run tonight know to stay close to the compound. No sleeping in the forest either."

"Yes, Alpha. Eva is waiting for you in the office." Dom added as they left him.

Rowan headed toward his office hoping whatever Eva had to say would be brief. The lack of sleep was starting to take its toll. Eva sat in his chair organizing his papers.

"Anyone else sitting in my chair and I'd tear their throat out" Rowan grumbled leaning against the door.

"I wish you would. Then I wouldn't feel compelled to keep your papers in order. I'm beginning to think when you asked me to be Alpha Female you really were asking for a glorified secretary." Eva snorted. Giving the desk one more glance to make sure everything was in order she stood up and let Rowan take his seat in the plush black chair.

"Eva you are so much more than a secretary. You also make a wonderful therapist."

"Gee thanks," she said rolling her eyes. "As you can see you have three stacks of papers on your desk. Dom and I helped with as much as we could but they still need to be review by you and have your signature added. There are a couple letters from the council. It seems there is a conference being held fairly soon and they need a response from you. The last stack are papers Dom and I couldn't figure out. You wrote notes all over them and therefore you have to deal with them."

Looking down at his desk he was relieved Dom and Eva were so good at their jobs. Without them he was sure everything would have fallen apart years ago. "Thanks Eva. You're a lifesaver"

"Of course. Also, remember that this Friday is the pack barbeque. Rowan had completely forgotten about the bimonthly pack dinner. Most nights the pack members ate with their families or on their own but twice a month the entire pack gathered for a barbeque hosted by the Alpha. He welcomed each of the members and worked to make them feel at home. It was one of the reasons his pack was so close. Their Alpha was sometimes stern but they knew he cared. Rowan respected every member of his pack even the omegas which was unusual. Omegas made up the majority of the pack. They weren't warriors and didn't have a particular skill that could aid the pack but they kept the compound running. Without the omegas a pack had no purpose and would fall apart. Many alphas wouldn't even acknowledge an omega but Rowan knew every pack member by name, welcomed them into his home, and spent time with them. It was something his father had instilled in him so this dinner was important.

"I've already talked to Mina. Everything will be ready but I thought with everything going on you might have forgotten."

"I did."

Eva shook her head. Usually her Alpha was on top of everything in a day his mate had turned him into a mess. He looked so tired and disheveled.

"So, X I know that you have been avoiding the topic but how is your mate?" Rowan looked up and narrowed his eyes.

"Don't give me that look. As the current Alpha Female I have a right to know about the woman taking my place. Not that I won't be thrilled to give it to her." Eva had been honored when Rowan asked her to be Alpha Female but now she found herself excited to be just another beta. The job was exhausting and she would be glad to not have to deal with the drama between the females anymore, especially Delia. That bitch caused more trouble than she was worth.

"She's wonderful" Rowan conceded. "She's smart, strong, and beautiful. You will like her"

"Have you told her about what we are?"

"Eva we had one dinner together. I didn't want to scare her away."

"Yea, I suppose not. Then I wouldn't get to tell her all of my favorite stories about you!"

"You wouldn't dare" Rowan growled.

"I most definitely will. That's what friends are for"

"Ok. Well you just wait until you meet your mate. I've got stories too."

"Just you try it X. You may be Alpha but I have some great blackmail stories" Getting up to leave the office Eva turned around once more, "X, leave the papers for one more day. There is nothing pressing. And get some sleep you look awful" she said only half joking. She smiled and left her Alpha.

Standing and stretching Rowan made his way to his suite on the upper floor. He was surprised Mina didn't wait up for him to spill details about his mate but she was probably with her mate. Thankfully, he made it to his room with no more interruptions and fell into bed. If he hadn't been so tired he would have noticed the girl under his blue satin sheets.