

"All the other elves living well in the heart of the city have forgotten about us. And you cannot blame them, honestly. They have already risen up the hierarchy and stereotypes, it would be a waste to throw it all away once the other people know they have ties with us."

They continued walking up until they reached the old woman's house. It was a ran down shack in the slums. "It might not be much, but it is still my home."

The neighbors had already fled the area in fear of the chimera going out of the house and going to them afterwards. "What does it look like?" Grim asked as he brandished his knife. Dart felt it – Grim was nervous.

"Guess I have to sharpen my claws for this one…" While Grim and the old lady were still talking, Dart took his time and readied his hands. After a short while, the two of them were alone.

"I told her to keep a safe distance and never walk in the house. Not until we are finished with it. And just for safety, I also said to call Marko up in case we did not come back after an hour." Grim said as his hands were shaken, trying to hold his knife.

It was the first time that they got to fight another chimera again after what happened at the back at Grim's town. "Oi, you sure we can handle this thing?" Dart asked him. "I can see you're shaking in your boots right there." The baby dragon pointed out. "Just in case you forgot, if you die – then that means I die as well."

Dart was sorely mistaken, it was the opposite in fact. Grim was already excited to fight his second chimera. He thought that this would be the start of his journey as a chimera hunter. His fingers are shaking because of anticipation, not due to fear and the likes.

"Of course, no way I'd forget about something like that. Do not worry, we can take care of this thing. I am certain of it. If we cannot take out small fry like this, then we have no right to call ourselves chimera hunters." Grim Fenris' determination and drive as contagious, it was like Dart was caught up in his emotions. "Let's do it, then." The baby dragon said with a confident snarl.