
The Lone Sirius

Serena is a brave and kindhearted but when she accidentally find out that she is not human her life take a turn for the worst...

Kayla_Nesbeth · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Serena New home

Serena is a brave and kind girl. Her parents died when she was 5 years ago or so she thought she moved in with her aunt Viviana and Her uncle Sam. Her aunt and uncle teaches her to read and write and one day Serena ask her aunt if she can go to school her aunt says yes Serena was 15 years ago and was ready to go to her new school.

When Serena arrive at BellView High school she was nervous and was wondering please would like her. A kind beautiful teacher walks up to Serena and ask her if she is new Serena said yes and the kind teacher lead Serena to the headmaster office.

There in the office Serena met a kind young man with red hair and green eyes Serena ask are you the headmaster of this school. The man reply yes I am Serena introduce herself and her hobbies and so on.

The headmaster give Serena her timetable and the same kind teacher from this morning introduce herself as Miss Samantha and tell Serena that she will be her teacher new homeroom teacher. When Serena and the teacher exit the office the headmaster never expected a beautiful girl like her was so kindhearted and sweet. The headmaster decided to make Serena ``his`` blood servant

When Serena enter the classroom a mean student throw a paper in her face. Serena was angry but she don't let it show so she throw the paper back at the mean student Serena said ``is this the way you people treat others other huh answer me`` Serena decided to avoid the mean student comments and walk in front of the class and introduce herself and her hobbies. Serena continue her classes and she made no friends but that doesn't brother her, she don't want any friends in the future.

It was Lunchtime.Serena enter the cafeteria she sat down and decided to have a peaceful lunchtime but she was wrong as she sat down and the mean girl from this morning the one who threw the paper at her, She and her minions surrounded Serena at her lunch table they planned to humiliate Serena in the whole school. As she was about to pour her lunch our Serena head, Serena stop it just in time and slapped the mean girl across her cheek the mean girl fell to the ground as she cry the mean girl told her minions the hold Serena and slapped her.

They obey as they hold Serena and slapped her Serena push them down on the floor and slapped them really hard. Serena grab the mean girl by her girl and take the mean girl lunch and pour it on her head and Serena Called the mean girl trash and pushed her to the floor once more.

The mean girl and her minions creep to the floor that beg Serena for mercy. Serena hissed and told them to piss off that she can enjoy her lunch. The headmaster arrived at the cafeteria and he called Serena to his office. The mean girl through the headmaster is going to expelled Serena...

But what well happen next stay tuned. Updated every two day in the week

Peace Out♥️