
Necessary Adjustments


The concept of regret was interesting to think about in the post-Unity Trials world. 

Survival was ultimately all that mattered these days. All players went about their lives understanding this concept. Society had been restructured, sure, but even though laws and social norms had slowly found their way back into people's minds, all it would take to push those laws and norms out of a player's mind was to threaten their survival. 

That is to say that, as long as he stayed alive, Thomas had no regrets. 

He would be lying if he said that things had worked out the way he wanted them to, however. 

"Um, Thomas?" A cute, somewhat timid voice called out to him from ahead, by the front of the tent. 

"Yes, Sally?" He asked, without taking his eyes off the notebook he was writing in. The scribbles on its pages were nothing terribly important. Just his thoughts on what he'd seen up to this point.