
The Loan Shark's Obsession

Isabella At first, submitting to Alex's carnal demands was mere survival. But his insatiable hunger for my body awakened a primal desire within me. As his rough hands explored my curves, I felt powerless against the delicious ache he stirred. Now carrying his child, I must escape his possessive clutches before it's too late. Alex The bombshell Isabella was just some piece I used to settle a score. But damn, her body got its hooks in me deep. I can't get enough of tasting her, claiming every inch. She's mine. If she even thinks about running with my kid, I'll hunt her fine a*s down to the ends of the earth.

Jennifer_Evanze · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs


"How does it feel havin' to put up wit' this woman who don't want you after your own mother?"

The mention of that bitch who birthed me had my grip tightening on the crystal tumbler. I forced my composure to stay even as I leveled a cold stare at Dimitiri's arrogant face. "If you weren't my brother, I'd pull that forked tongue out through your fucking throat for saying that."

Dimitri didn't so much as flinch, just took another long drag of his cigar, the burning ember glowing brighter with each insolent inhale.