

Salazar, perhaps the only person Lucifer truly considered a friend. The man who introduced him to the wider world and gave him the best opportunity to truly establish himself magically. Lucifer always kept in touch, even when the old wizard started to get ostracized by his fellow founders, Salazar was the one who defended his fellow founders. He was the one who had to cool down Lucifer from sieging Hogwarts, slaughtering the current staff and handing a imp manned Hogwarts to the man he jokingly called grandfather.

That man was dead now, not even given the decency to die honorably. He was not only drugged by family, he was sold by family and left to burn an agonizing death for nothing else but a symbol towards the very ones who ostracized him.

Lucifer for the very first time felt grief, the sadness over the loss of a mentor and friend though great, paled in comparison to the complete and utter rage he felt towards not only the Slytherins, the British but also Hogwarts.

Where was Godric when his best friend needed him? Too busy judging him based on their different ethical views?

Where was Helga? Well, he couldn't in good concience blame her. She was never a fighter, a botanist? sure! a healer? the best you'll find. but a fighter she was not.

And Rowena should have known better than ostracize a man for using the very magic she loved to study, she was either too busy In her own research to care or she got blinded by her own hypocrisy.

No matter, They would pay.

Lucifer stared down at the sweating Thor, his features sat in a frigid mixture of horror and awe as he took in his esteemed lords wrath. "How many can we assemble in an hour?"

The question didn't take him by surprise as he thought it over "Five thousand imps and if you wish I can assemble a force of twenty thousand Vikings in your name"

Lucifer simply looked at him, "gather them all towards the Pillar of Leviathan, I shall personally arrange the escort"

The jarl simply bowed in subservience, feeling the norse blood in his veins boil in excitement.


The castle was in siege mode. its every defense activated and every class dismissed. They had successfully defended against most of the invading armies attempt at breaching the castle, the only casualty being the burnt carcass of his former best friend, hung by a pike at the castles entrance.

"I'm telling you! We should just burn them all, just like they burned Salazar!" The loud and rather hateful voice of Salazars son broke his musings

Helga, bless her soul replied "And stoop to their level? we will just tide this out and hopefully their run out of provisions before long dearie"

Her response came in the form of baleful green eyes, "They burned my father professor, and I will stoop so low I reach hell itself if that's what it takes to avenge him!"

The mention of hell reminded me of a rather dangerous element, Salazars past apprentice and supposed Demon Lord. Oh how he screamed when his old friend confided in him. He remembered hos old friends proud eyes as he proclaimed Lucifer "As the sharpest sword and most durable shield against the everlasting pursuit of the envious"

Godric shook his head as he recalled the moment, his eyes moistening in remembrance at better times.

"His death will be avenged Marvell, that much I can guarantee" came the cold analytical voice of Rowena, her frame leaning against the window as her eyes never left that god forsaken stake.

Marvell´s almost manic eyes spun to her, narrowing in suspicion "What of not stooping to their level?" he mocked

Godric couldn't blame him, there was nothing he wished more then to rush out there atop a Hippogryff, sword and wand blazing! "We aren't, but there is another who cares not for our noble goal of morality"

The words came almost whispered, the usually boisterous man strangely solemn, almost resigned as he continued "You have heard of Lucifer I assume?"

Marvell´s eyes softened, "Father´s apprentice? Indeed, Ive heard many a thing spoken of his brilliance" his eyes closed as he reminisced of the long proud tirades of his father about "The proper outstanding Lord he has become"

Godric sighed as his eyes shifted upon the endless stretch of soldiers outside "I have sent a missive to one of his vassals, he should have heard of the incident by now"

Gasps erupted from beside him, his eyes met the brown eyes of his Co-Founder Helga Hufflepuff, eyes that usually held such warmth and barely restrained joy were filled with a sense of terror that he had never witnessed.

Her voice came shaken and in whispers "The Demon Lord?" in the corner of His eyes he could see Rowena´s piercing eyes, no longer filled with their usual curiosity but now cold due to how occluded her mind had become after watching the scene of Salazars screams and fire.

Marvell´s eyes gained a cruel glint as he recalled Lucifer, who his father explained had become a being beyond normal wizards in terms of magical strength and the fact that the man didn't seem to age. Salazar claimed the Demon Lord truly lived up to the title, that he had embraced the dark with such natural ease and control, he proclaimed that he would be the dark leash upon the muggle world when needed.

"He may be a powerful man, but he is still one man! my father always said that one wizard was worth a thousand muggles! but there's ten thousand out there, We must help him!" Marvell would leave no chance that his father's legacy would perish in pursuit of revenge. No matter how utterly livid he was at the sight of what had become of his beloved father.

Helga seemed to have calmed herself after the reminder of Lucifer existence, a being who Salazar had confessed to them might be no man at all. Rather my first assumption at our initial meeting may have been more accurate than it seemed.

"No matter, He is a Lord and as such has a standing army few can compare to. He will not be arriving alone, I'm sure his wrath won't be as limited as you may assume" came the cold harsh words of Rowena. The others may not be as interested in what happened beyond the sacred walls of Hogwarts, but she received monthly missives from her previous students who traveled the world.

And one particular student had mentioned a large prosperous city in the fjords of Norway, he had claimed it was named "Syndebyen" the direct translation being "Sin City". A settlement that utterly worshiped a being named Lucifer, but unlike so many other religious fanatics, they claimed he was as real as they come, claiming he had even personally come to them and instated a vicious family of Northmen, Wizards and witches who had a almost innate affinity to water inclined magic.

The Leviathans, the proclaimed governors of Syndebyen, they lived in a giant castle at the base of an even larger pillar. Her student had written of the high status in the city, seen as Lucifer´s chosen and treated as such. What had surprised her was how the Leviathans were the greatest fanatics of them all, even going so far slaughtering entire cities in their Lords name.

She had until recently counted them lucky to live so far away, until she had heard the rumors of wizards and witches proclaiming themselves as Imps traveling the world, robbing countless libraries and family homes for knowledge.

It all led back to that aloof yet brilliant man, Lucifer LeMaléfique.

A great boom resounded from outside, the sudden manifestation such power shaking the very walls of the room they were in!

Marvell was the first to gather his wits and cast his eyes outward, and immediately felt his heart leap to his throat, his eyes observed a giant ethereal pillar having seemingly raised itself from nothing a sparse few kilometers from the camped army. His eyes roved over the obsidian obelisk as he caught sight of the giant pentagram with a lion embedded at its center, its sight reminded him back to one of his fathers lessons about the mysteries of runes, where he showed of one of Lucifer accomplishments in the art, in the form of a communication mirror that his father had guarded zealously.

"He is here.."


xSaintPablocreators' thoughts