
the lion blood princess, the crown of blood trilogy

K_L_L_Mullens · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

The realm

I don't remember much after my tenth birthday. The year was a confusing blur. When I did figure it out I wished that I could just stay that way forever. My life had changed drastically since the day mother had passed.

my father told me I would be leaving to learn how to be a good queen to rule one day, I fought at first then gave in I was young and needed to be taught. so off I went to mother's home kingdom the land in the middle of the sun they called it. it was in the realm of the fae folk I would spend ten years here at court then would I be sent home to rule??

.the king said I would only get stronger if i learned how to be a better person.

after several years at court, I began to see how wrong I had been.

people were cruel, my father was distant and angry, mother's brother was abusive very abusive towards me.

"Ellie " a voice called, my name echoed throughout my halls.

"yes mother" I replied turning around. mother wore a blue gown adorned with jewels and pearls and she carried herself as proud as ever. she placed a finger over my lips to shush me " you mustn't talk so loud." I giggled and so did she "oh mother how I've missed you" I cried and hugged her tight, burying my head in her shoulder

she returned the embrace, "and i've missed you dear Ellie," she said. "we should return to our palace, father is waiting for us to greet you." mother led me out into the hallway leading to the royal gardens. she opened the garden door and ushered me in. then I looked up at the sky as it grew dark and eerie I watched as a red light bloomed over everything. the sky filled with cawing crows and I turned to look at mother and as she turned to me, I saw the bones in her face where her skin should have been,she opened her mouth to speak and only dust escaped her gaping Maw, I screamed then I woke with a jolt, just another dream I thought to myself ,I was covered head to toe and sweat shaking heart racing " calm down Elowen "I said to myself I had to stop doing this.

I got up and slipped out of bed quietly. I wrapped a robe around myself and left the bedroom, my bare feet making no noise against the cool tile floors as I made my way towards the stairs. I made my way downstairs and headed towards the library, opening the door I was met with silence.

I stayed there all night enjoying the silence. I picked up many books tried to read them but I can only think of my night terrors, I thought of them for so long the sun started to peek through the windows and I sighed, another sleepless night.

the other thing I dreaded that came with the dawn was my lessons with my mother's brother he was a cruel man he wanted me to call him my Lord. he would beat me if I uttered a different name he was Lord Baron second in line behind my mother he would take over this Kingdom after his father my grandfather passed I never dared to speak out against him, I feared what he would do if I told them of how he treated me. he was an ugly little man but strong, he was trained as a knight but never saw battle, behind his back the maids called him the strong coward and I agreed.

this morning we were to be practicing etiquette.

"elowen? elowen?" I heard a snap then my hand was burning Lord Baron had hit me with the ruler he was holding in his hand, I gasped "sorry my Lord I was somewhere else". well don't let it happen again he said between gritted teeth. I finished my etiquette lesson early and wanted to head towards the gardens but first I needed to stop by my room to get my over coat, it was still cold and most of the ground was still ice covered and frozen. I found a note waiting for me in my room I opened it carefully with the letter opener on my bedside table, the letter said I was to change and head to the gardens grandmother was waiting for me in the gazebo for tea, just thinking about it made me happy I got see grandmother I did not know she had returned.

she sat at the table with her cup of tea in hands and smiled as soon as she saw me " hello little one you look very tired today" she said pouring me some tea " yes grandmother my lessons didn't go too well today.

then we talked about trivial things and enjoyed each other's company.

i ate dinner with Lord baron, grandfather and grandmother. we drank a toast to mothers memory and grandmother asked if my education has been going smoothly, I told him " yes grandfather it's going fine" it was a lie of course my education hasn't been perfect but the tutor who comes every week to help me with my studies was very nice and patient with me, I am learning a lot I hope. my tutor is a young lady from the Royal academy. her name is Arianne and I adore her she is very kind and funny.

after dinner grandmother dismissed me to my chambers, she kissed me softly on my cheek and then wished me sweet dreams "goodnight grandmother and may I tell lord baron that tomorrow we can play chess?" I asked, grandmother smiled and nodded "of course dear" she replied, I kissed her goodnight again and made my way to my chambers.

As I entered the door my stomach started to twist again the room was pitch black and I could feel something was watching me, I stood stock still I listened hard, nothing... just silence "it's okay my friend you're safe here" I gasped at the voice and lit my candle then my eyes adjusted to the dim light.

There in the center of the room was a large golden cage. inside the cage was the loveliest gold dove I've ever seen it was the size of a pear, it's feathers were as gold as honey. I slowly approached the cage while admiring its beauty as I placed a gentle hand on the glass and stroked it with my index finger. "how did you get here?" I whispered to it.

Suddenly a voice from the cage spoke. "hello love." I jumped back startled, "what!? who said that?!"

"I did" the dove cooed "you can speak? where did you come from?" I spoke my voice shaky.

"I'm a gift from your father" said the dove with an air of grace in her voice. She stretched out her goldfeathers and gently stroked my cheek she looked me straight in the eyes and continued "you want to know what your father wants you to become when you become queen?" she asked me, I nodded my head. "your father wishes you to become a conqueror mighty and great the strongest queen." She responded.

my mind whirred to process the information. I looked outside the window, the sky was filled with stars, a million tiny diamonds dancing in the vast expanse of space that seemed endless. "do you think I will?" I whispered I could feel a tear slipping from my eye onto my cheek. "yes it has been written so my dear so it will be."

she responded,

She flew towards me and perched upon the tip of my nose, my smile grew wide from ear to ear as I felt a warmth spread through my veins "what does it mean?" I asked.

"it means my queen will be powerful but she will also have a great destiny" she answered.

. I decided it was time I headed off to sleep I had lessons to learn tomorrow I bid the dove goodnight and laid back into bed my thoughts were racing with ideas I drifted quickly into slumber.

I was woken by someone knocking on the door. "come in grandfather" I shouted ,grandfather laughed as he entered my bedroom "so you know it's me just from my knock" he said with a deep throaty laugh. " yes grandfather I'm sorry, do you need something? I've already gotten dressed" I asked. grandpa chuckled again "yes actually" he answered "what was it grandfather?"

Grandpa walked up to me and reached inside his cloak pulling forth a small box with silver hinges. he handed it to me "it' s for you" he said. I took the box hesitantly I opened it, inside was a golden ring, engraved with intricate letters. "this is gorgeous" I said, looking up at my grandfather, he simply smiled and gave a nod of approval.

"thank you grandfather" I bowed down slightly. grandpa smiled "anytime" he said before leaving.

THIS FICTION OVER--------------------------------------------------------------------