
the lion blood princess, the crown of blood trilogy

K_L_L_Mullens · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs


It was a rainy day, a gray drizzly morning. I walked into the palace courtyard, raindrops dripped onto the cobblestone ground. I made my way to the training grounds and I noticed two knights sparring. I hid behind the pillar knowing if I was seen I would be cut down on the spot ,it was my job to seek out a way into the castle, the princess would be returning soon then that would be our moment.

I heard rumors of the king gifting her the golden dove of destiny. she would be returning to take the crown very soon so we needed to be prepared for that. of course it was my job to ensure our plan was successful,

so far it wasn't but that doesn't mean we weren't working on it.

After sneaking around for the last half hour I finally got into the right part of the castle, I sneaked past guards and servants all the way to my destination. I stopped near the edge of the forest and waited for the right moment. I left small markings around places on the castle,places that were safe that we will be able to get through quickly without being noticed during the princess's coronation it would be crowded and loud these places would be quiet and unguarded.

We needed to find a way in without raising suspicion or alerting any guards to us.

Once satisfied enough I began walking back through the palace, my heart beating a bit fast and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I ran my fingers along the wood railing of the balcony, the wind blowing my blonde locks into my face. I pulled my cape tighter around me trying to cover myself as I stepped out. The sun was rising high in the sky and birds chirped in the trees and bushes. It was early yet. and not many people were around. I needed to get out before I was noticed.

I glanced up and there it was. the ballroom balcony. My mouth went dry my heart quickened and sweat formed on my forehead. was taking the crown princess at such a crowded event such a good idea, I started thinking to myself. the balcony balcony was the highest place in the castle it would provide the best view of everything. the ballroom itself was only for royalty and dignitaries. the lower floor of the palace housed the kitchen and storage rooms. the top floor consisted of apartments for those members of the court who lived there. well this better work I thought to myself and descended to stairs and snuck out a window to head back to the boat harbor where the captain would be waiting for his information.

I arrived back at the ship a few minutes later, the weather was still cold and grey and there was a mist covering the harbour and sea. I could hear the muffled sound of water lapping against the pier and wind rustling against the leaves above my head. I turned to the main deck where the captain sat on the steps writing in his journal. I tapped his shoulder. he jumped almost falling over, he turned to see me standing there holding out his bag. I smiled "here sir it's a map of the castle" I said handing him the leather case.

He opened the bag and looked down at the map "thank you marco" he said. I smiled "don't mention it captain was like stealing from a babe" I said with a smirk. he chuckled and tucked away the map safely under his arm. I watched him gather up the rest of his stuff and leave the deck. I turned and found a seat next to the mast and leaned against the pole, then it started to rain the rain pelted me relentlessly, I closed my eyes and let the coldness wash over me making me numb.

I must admit I was feeling nervous about out job, I didn't know what to expect but I knew it was going to be exciting. I sat there for awhile, the only sounds besides the pitter patter of the rain were my breathing and the waves crashing against the pier as the rain grew heavy. Suddenly there was a loud thunderclap and I froze in fear; it's not often the clouds are angry but this storm seemed angry and it was getting dark fast. "I should go" I thought "there's no telling how long it will take for this rain to stop, I'll have to go below deck before I catch my death of cold "

set at my desk reading over the pieces of map that showed the castle interior we could go through without having any problem now, Marco had done very well but I would never tell him that to his face he may get too cocky. I sighed as I put the piece of paper down and rubbed my temples. I was putting my crew through dangerous job in this kingdom, I couldn't afford any mistakes or mistakes would cost us our lives. I heard a knock on my open office door, I looked up from my work expecting to see Marco. A short young boy entered carrying a basket full of books, he placed them on my desk. "here's some new book selection sir" he said setting down the basket and bowing. He walked to the door. "thanks lad" I muttered. The door creaked shut and the boy disappeared out the door. the young lad had brought me many books about the kingdom, it was good idea to learn about the place that you were about to Rob blind, once we had the soon to be Queen the crown princess, would make our way across the meridian sea to the kingdom of morida where she would be sold off for quite a pretty penny it was a great deal. I thought to myself.

my thoughts were interrupted as I was brought out of my thoughts by someone knocking on my door. "Come in" I called. a man walked in I recognized him as one of the crew Alistair I think his name was a beautiful man in my eyes to beautiful to be a pirate, Id liked to keep an eye on him and keep him from the upcoming job to be honest beautiful men betray people pretty easily, he carried a tray which contained several cups on it "please come join me lad" I motioned for Alistair to sit down opposite me, he set the tray down next to me. " thank you lad" I replied. Alistair filled my cup with tea and I inhaled the scent. "you're very welcome, your captain cain I wanted to ask you something..." he trailed off as he fidgeted nervously, my smile dropped "of course" I replied as I poured myself another cup, Alistair gulped. "we have received intelligence from a shipmate that they had discovered the location of the princess and are planning to attack the carriage before in arrives at the castle" he said. I raised an eyebrow

"are you sure?" I asked him, I could sense something was amiss, he nodded in response. "well, if they did I can assume they thought it was a good idea to double cross me" I said completely flustered now, how the men I've taken In and given food water and shelter double cross me. Alistair coughed beside me , me forgetting he was even there, " okay boy don't tell anyone else what you just said to me not even the first mate.. you can go" I nodded at him and he left out the door.


I went back to reading my map when the rain started pouring harder outside the windows, I could hear it slapping the windows and the drops hitting against the glass like little pecks on a bug. I stood and paced around the room, "it has to be next week , I'm certain, the carriage is supposed to arrive some time then. I need to figure this plan out" I said pacing back to my chair and sitting down, I rested my head on my folded arms and closed my eyes listening to my own thoughts.

I woke up early the next morning, I was running behind schedule great.