
the lion blood princess, the crown of blood trilogy

K_L_L_Mullens · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Lord Barons plans

After heading to the ballroom I found myself in the middle of an attempt on the brats life, great now I will have to deal with her mistakes like always, "your grace how can we be of service?" baron spoke then took a bow in front of the duke

" ah yes son thank Goddess your here we have had a goblin attack" spoke the duke with a sigh

I then looked over at the girl covered in filth and wanted to gag but held myself back,

not only was she dirty the smell was ungodly.

mother was fussing over as usual like she was some fragile glass vase, " lord Dane would you mind escorting my mother and the princess to there chambers while this is sorted out" asking Dane was easy he was loyal to me,I had taken care of him when he was a boy. "of course milord" he bowed once more and took hold of the princess's hand and mother followed behind with another guard. I watched him leave then I faced duke, "the goblin attacked your majesty?" He questioned "yes... it attacked the princess" baron growled, and I knew something big had gone wrong with these damn goblins.

he lead me out to the garden my men following behind, at the last second I turned to face father " my lord why don't You stay here in case anything were to happen" I asked as politely as possible,

"your right I will stay it hard for me to walk the gardens at night anyway" he agreed "but son be careful they spoke of a portal being summoned by that monster" father warned me "I shall father" I said nodding then we both turned to the door where the guards were standing "come along men" I instructed, then we bowed to him and left for the garden.

the portal appeared and as soon as I stepped foot in the dead center of the maze of hedges I felt an overwhelming amount of magic in the air I could taste it like copper coins "there" baron called pointing to the portal as he approached it cautiously, my men followed suit. it seemed to pulse with energy and power and as I stared at it I could almost feel the strength and determination coming off it. as I got closer I could sense a very distinct aura inside the portal it felt familiar to me but I couldn't place it, "alright everyone fall back let me do the talking" i ordered. they didn't have a choice, my men fell back and waited patiently. the portal began glowing brighter that's when I saw it the disgusting monster, the thing has a gapping hole in its head so it was most definitely dead so there's no way we will be able to close this damn thing," You! Liam! come here remove the body place it down in the dungeons till we figure out how to close this" Liam bowed at the waist and collected the rank smelling corps without a second thought,

that man needs a promotion I thought to myself I looked around the large green murky gate before me, it would need magic to close it , that's something I was not blessed with unfortunately.

we left the gate with four of my best men, I needed him I thought "shit someone get him!! go get Dane now!!" I shouted at my soldiers and walked away I didn't need to deal with this shit with him here.

chapter 12 before the return

After the prince had talked me to my room I stripped of my ruined dress, I looked mt my body int the mirror it was just a bit ago it was smooth and without blemishes but now bruises were blooming all over my body the most noticable one around my neck, I was in pain but sleep would help I told myself.

I wrapped myself in my sheets and settled under the covers.

I drifted into a restless fitful sleep, I awoke several times during the night, I dreamed that I saw the same monster in the courtyard and heard it call my name again and again I would open my eyes with a jolt but it wasn't there , "would you like me to sing you to sleep my dear" asked my dove as she flew from he cage to perch on one of my bed posts , I nodded then she began to hum me a song and I finally drifted off to sleep.

I heard something as I slept it sounded so familiar I couldn't wake , it had to be my dove maybe she was using so type of magic to keep me asleep, that's when I suddenly understood what the song was it was mother's song, " weather wind or rain take me away I will always come back on the wings of the crowsthey know my face they know my place they will bring us home". after I knew what it was I lost all consciousness and slept dreamlessly.

a light was shining through the window of my room, I could see it was daylight and that's why I didn't move from my spot; I closed my eyes again trying to fall asleep, but then something happened that made my heart stop in fear, someone was knocking at my chamber door. I slowly sat up in bed, I felt my hair fall in my face I reached a shaky hand up to push it away and pulled the blanket up around me, who could be at the door at the crack of dawn I wondered, it must be grandmother I thought as my grandmother used to wake me every morning for breakfast, but after last night I was sure I would have been granted the morning off to get some rest, I walked to the door to see what she wanted when the door flew open inches from hitting my face I fell back onto the floor pulling my sheet up around myself,

"Excuse me!" I sputtered out watching my uncle enter my room, I was still sitting on the ground rubbing my ass which hurt slightly. I looked to my uncle to see he was wearing the clothes he wore last night, which I found odd like he had never been to bed , "what the hell are you doing on the floor girl?" he demanded

"well... er.... I... uh.." was all I managed to stammer out "you look like shit," he stated, walking over to the table in the center of my room and picked an apple from the bowl in the center, he put the apple to his mouth a took the loudest bite ever, "well?" he said with an irritated look in his eyes "uh... I...er...I've been... busy... I've um..." I trailed off looking at him with wide eyes wondering if he was going to hit me or kill me. I had no idea what he was angry about.

"you're a disgrace to the family you know that?" I gasped at his words as I stood up, he glared at me with hate, my knees started to tremble as I stared into his eyes " I am a princess and I will not be treated in such a way in this house or outside this house lord baron" I managed to choke out then trembling uncontrollably while pulling my bed sheets tighter around my body, "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME IN THAT WAY YOU BITCH!!" screamed lord baron as he closed to gap between us and he raised his hand and whipped in across my cheek with a loud smack, I felt the sting through my whole body it was painful but I stood my ground and started to turn to leave" get dressed and prepare to leave!" he shouted back to me, as he opened the door to leave I saw Dane standing just outside of the door and my stomach felt sick, "ah lord Dane help the child get dressed and ready to leave within the hour" uncle said while Dane bowed to him. was he listening to the whole encounter? why? why does it hurt? such a strange hopeless feeling, I turned away as he came through my doors I'm trying to keep my face composed for fear of tears falling in front of this man ,this man who I hardly know but suddenly I care what he thinks of me how weak I feel. then I felt his cool hand on my hot red cheek "Ellie?" he called softly " we need to go" I turned to face him anger rising in me suddenly

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT!" I yelled angrily pushing him away, how dare he call me that only mother had the right he looked back at me with empty eye's no emotion was shown as I broke down tears streaming down my face, his arms encircle me pulling me to his chest " shhhh its okay, I know" I fought him only for a moment before stilling in his arm excepting the comfort, he lightly touched my chin and lifted my head to look him in the eye and as I did I saw infinite black the world flipped and I was outside the sky black filled with stars and that's when I saw the Looming tree above me.