
The Lightning God of Jujutsu Kaisen

To die is annoying, to reincarnate was surely a way to be happy, unless you're reincarnated as the farm slayer of the Edo period, I have nothing else to do than to beat up farmers, weak Sorcerers, demons and demon slayers. My only hope is that I manage to become just as strong, or perhaps even stronger than Kashimo was by the time Kenjaku appears, or else I'm fucked, I guess.

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4 Chs

A Talk

Being Shaman is... admittedly harder than I had expected, all of this spirituality is taxing, and I'm not exactly the kind of guy that can stay still for meditation.

However, I understand that I need it to become strong, and if the likes of Ryu can become a Shaman, even with his particular situation, so can I.

I need to empty my mind to allow myself into becoming an Shaman, and not all Sorcerers are capable of becoming Shamans, the same way that not all Shaman can become Sorcerers, because although there is a similarity between Furyoku and Cursed Energy, the requirements to wield them are actually different.

"Kashimo, what kind of spirit would you be looking for?" Hao asked as I still didn't manage any spirit. It was hard for me because there were simply not many spirits with the potential or the drive to become strong, at least from the ones I've seen available so far.

"I guess the answer would be 'someone with drive' but that's too simplistic, I need a spirit that's able to cover for my weaknesses, perhaps an Spirit who I can use it autonomously without requiring my body would be the best, but I don't know many Spirits who can work as a Shikigami," My body was strong, and it would become even stronger when I finish learning the 'Constant Breathing' that the Demon Slayers knew plus the Cursed Mark, which I was planning in circumventing it's drawback by simply autonomously using RCT to heal back.

"There is indeed not many Shamans who can be strong as you are without their spirits, but it's not like you would win automatically, the difference between you and the strongest is still a mountain," Hao mentioned, which was true, I knew how strong Shamans could be, and how the strongest Shaman was right in front of my two eyes.

"I want to become strong to fight all of them you know, the Strongest Curse, the Strongest Sorcerer, the Strongest Demon, the Strongest Shaman and of course, the Strongest of them all," Which well, I thought it was Sukuna at one point, but now I believe it's Hao now, because the difference between Sukuna and Hao is of a child in comparison to myself.

Ridiculous in hindsight.

"...What do you think about the non-Shamans?" Hao asked me, but he decided to rephrase it when I raised my eyebrow.

"For example, humans and their greed keep creating curses, demons, hollows, their emotions give them power, makes them stronger, some believe that this world would be a much better place without them, what's your view on them?" Ah, that's what he meant.

Suguru asked this same question to Yuki, didn't he? To end all of the curses in the world by killing all of humanity.

"Well, the issue with this, is that although I don't care about killing the people I fight, I find it a bit distasteful when it's just plain genocide than just a natural occurrence that happens at the end of a fight," I begin telling him.

"Besides, like it or not, to kill off humans just like that is like suffocating a baby bird, because they have all sorts of potential," I told him, because I believed on that.

"What sort? All of them are corrupted by greed, even you do your work for money," That was true.

"I work for money because if I don't have anything else to trade, however Hao, I don't believe in simply stealing like you do as well,"

"A farmer has his grains, and he trades it for fish from the fisherman, the farmer trades his grains for my protection, what you do, however, is just as greedy, just lack the monetary means, for you're still taking away from the other person without any trade back, there's no balance," I knew he didn't like that, but it's the truth, and the truth hurts.

I can see him clenching his teeth at that, but manages to calm down.

"I understand what you say, but you side stepped when I was specifically asking about their potential," Hao reprimanded me, or maybe he just reminded me so that he could take his mind off what he was initially thinking.

"Humans, when they don't understand something, they observe, they theorize, they learn, that's Science, and I believe it's beautiful, there's uses for that everywhere, even on our own abilities, they're still observable by Humanity, my knowledge in Science has allowed my Cursed Energy Trait to be as much issue as many other Sorcerer's Cursed Technique," I continued explaining to him, as he looked curious.

"How so?" He asked of me.

"Atoms, things so little that only so few could see even amongst the likes of us, they are everywhere, and they have charges," I explained to him.

"Electric Charge causes a force when put in the electromagnetic spectrum, the charges can be positive and negative, by striking my opponent, I can transfer my opponent with positive charge, why? Because then when I unleash my negative charge, the positive and the negative well, to simplify, yearns to be reunited with the positive, that way, when I discharge my lightning, it doesn't lose any electricity towards the ground, it simply hits,"

I tell him as he looks confused.

"I am sorry, but... I have never seen anyone talk about it," Hao says incredulously.

"Well, admittedly, I haven't either, but that's the thing, in our current situation, it's a lot harder for Scientists to communicate with each other, however, it's not like there aren't any, Galileo Galilei, Copernicus, Kepler, Kambei Mori, that's the issue with people of this era, most of these people are still alive in our era, Humans observing Nature and understanding it, yet, unable to talk about it with others because they haven't learned about it themselves," If I were capable, I would've ran out of the place, and ran directly to any of these geniuses, musicians, painters, unfortunately, I had a hatred for boats, and they were too slow for myself, not to mention that the Chinese would rather kill me than accept me, even if I were to simply jump in Chinese land and run away so that they don't try to kill me.


"Wait, did you say Hollow?" I asked him as he raised an eyebrow.

"You're familiar with the subject?" He asked.


"I knew about them, but didn't think you know, they existed," Because that's another issue on my end, but that also presents another opportunity.

More pathaways, like a road that diverges in several places, but it all has a common end goal, be the strongest.

If I become immortal, what's stopping me from just going back and seeing how to become the strongest from another perspective? In that case, it's like walking everywhere while rolling a snowball, by traversing all these paths with my snowball, it will become giant.

And that's what power means, to be on top of everything, isn't it? To be powerful is to have the ability to change everything, no matter how exactly one executes said changes.

Power is Power, and there are many manners to it.

"You're thinking of training even harder," Hao says.

"Of course, I can't use anything science related because to go even further beyond on my understanding of my own abilities would require equipment and research that I cannot do by myself, and besides killing Demons, which is rather a past time for someone of my caliber, there is nothing else waiting for me but to become stronger," I told him as he hummed in thought.

"What about a family? I'm not one to say, but many of my followers have their own families," ...Well, yeah...

"What's the point? I only want to create my own family after I figure out immortality for everyone I care for," Or if I would have to relieve the Soul King of his demise.

"Kashimo, what is the Soul King?" He asked me.

"Hm? Well, depends really, this is all conjecture on my part," Because this shouldn't work as it is.

These colliding worlds, timelines woven together in a way I cannot understand, Muzan, Hao, Sukuna, I can't help but love it for all the fights that I will get myself onto.

"Before the world was known as it is, supposedly only a million years ago, but maybe from their perspective, there were no humans, only Hollows."

"The Soul King was born to tip the scales, as if the world naturally rejected Hollows, however, for how strong he was, he only mantained the status quo, and there were five powerful beings who didn't want it that way, decided to capture him, and the Soul King, for whatever reason, did nothing about it, yet, these five powerful beings cut him off in several pieces," I said as Hao looked confused.

"But why would they do that?" He asked.

"They wanted to create world where life had a purpose, and for that, they had to give meaning to death, that was the only way they could think of making things have a purpose, however, by doing that, they created Earth, Soul Society, Hell, Hueco Mundo, the Valley of Screams, and maybe even more planes of existence that I have no idea," I told him as he looked pained.

"So the Great Spirit is-" He stopped himself.

"It's possible that the Great Spirit is a part of the Soul King, because even a simple nail of him is able to make a human become a 'Fullbringer', not unlike a Sorcerer or a Shaman," I told him.

The rest of the day we simply continued to talk, he looked both ecstatic and horrified to talk about those things, but I wanted to talk about it to someone who would be able to get here by the time I had passed from this world, either because I managed to cheat death, or because Kenjaku made me a cursed object and gave me to someone else eat, or whatever exactly Kenjaku did to bring us back.

"We should be going, it's getting dark and I'd rather not have to use the Great Spirit of Fire to make a bonfire," I can't tell if that was supposed to be a joke or if he really didn't want to make a bonfire using the spirit, but I was okay.


It was couple days later that I was told that maybe I would have better luck on the north.

Hao had said he had to do something, but given that look on his face, I worry for what he had planned.

So I came here running with all of my speed. Took me a week to get directly to Hokkaido, wondering what was here waiting for me, I don't remember anything important in Hokkaido besides Horohoro's origin, right?

A- I might just have triggered a fight, because this sudden snowstorm is actually pretty impressive, yet it's not a domain ability, even if it feels like it.

"Ah, it's a spirit? Or maybe it's a cursed technique, no, wait, maybe it's Rukia? Wait, Rukia is not even that old," I stopped myself as I noticed an oni.

Black hair, pale skin, ice powers. Ah, a Yuki-onna, should've seen that happening.

"Good try, however that won't work, I have the flame breathing, which is your hard counter," Unless her ice powers is just that much better, but I don't think so, because I'm boosting my heating up myself with the electric heat, strengthening, even if temporarily at the cost that this will hit like a bitch the following day, RCT or not.

Everywhere she splashed with her ice, it came from water first, made me wonder if she was indeed a Yuki-onna, what a bother, why was everything such a hassle?

"I'm not here to kill you, you know?" Not unless you give me a reason to if I'm being honest.

"Lies! Deception! All of you humans hate me and always had! Blaming me for your inability to handle this cold!" She shouted as I really tried to understand it, although I couldn't.

This wasn't exactly something I can sympathize because frankly every single bad thing people accused me of was probably true to a point.

"Well? What can I do to help you then? I'm a Shaman, I believe that's the sort of thing I was made for," Right? I just have to dodge her until she answer me, because that way I can at least decide what exactly I'm supposed to do.

To prove exactly that I didn't want to mess with her, I put my sword back in it's sheath and sat down in the snow.

A grin on my face hopefully told her that I was on her side, but what if she thought I was goading her? My smile momentarily faltered as she cried, shit.

I have no idea how to comfort people! Kick ass? Sure! Comfort people? I barely know how to connect with them.

Oh well.

"Don't worry, it should all work out by the end," Yoh Asakura, I need your luck right now, because I don't know what to do.