

"What is wrong with me? Am I not supposed to be alright?" Travis thought as he looked at the white ceiling in front of him.

"I know what you are probably thinking but, you shouldn't worry. Truth is, when you were training with me here, you were only training your soul to become stronger and sharper. However, your body was still healing itself. The process isn't done yet, that I why you feel all those pains. Don't worry, everything will be alright"

  Drey's voice suddenly came through Travis' ears.

"I know that!" Travis replied not even caring about what Drey said. He was still angry for what Drey had done to him. He didn't understand why Drey would suddenly decide to keep something as essential from him. He knew that Drey wanted to protect him. He understood Drey's concerns, yet, he couldn't understand why he had to be protected always.