
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

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30 Chs

Festivities and Goodbye Springs end

There seems to be some sort of food eating contest and a few other events.

If there was one thing you loved, it was food. So with that thought, you sat down at one of the tables set up for everyone. Surprisingly, there were quite a few people competing, you even saw Brick, he was a table away. Once the rules were explained and the whistle was blown, you began to devour the food before you.

The first course was something called a "steak", it was the size of your head. It was useless, though, you ate it at a simple and slow speed, savouring every bite. No one had dropped out yet, but the second course was a giant bowl of rice and meat. A "Beef Bowl" as it were, it was gargantuan in size and most of the participants could not finish it.

You continued on, all this new food was an amazing opportunity that you would not miss! Tackling this bowl of endless meat, you continued with your strategy. Taking your time, you eventually reached the pristine white bottom of the bowl, nothing was left behind,

not even a single grain of rice.

As you grabbed the water bottle to wash down the taste, you noticed the onlookers staring at you. What really stole your attention, though, was Hazel collection some money from frustrated observers. Seeing you look at her, she gave you a thumbs up and said "Go for it, kid! Win first place!"

First place? Oh right, you had forgotten this was a competition, all the food was just so delicious.

Many amazing dishes later, only you and Brick remained.

"So...just you and me kid. I'm not going to lose, not to you."

With those words, you both began your final dish. What stood before you was a bacon wrapped bacon cake. the meat filling was just....so good. You couldn't hold yourself back any longer! You grabbed the cake and ate it all faster than anyone could see.

A silence was all that followed after you had finished the cake.

"Wha....... " The sheer disbelief on Brick's face was mimicked by all onlookers. The only one, not a shocked by your feet, was Hazel.

She was quietly walking around collecting money from everyone.

"Ok, I give up, he wins. Now, I'm going to go throw up in the corner, you can send the second place prize to my house." With that, Brick stood up and walked away.

Throw up? Why would he do that after eating so much food! what a waste.

Accepting your first place prize, you left to experience more of the festivities.

[100 Lien Get!, Eating: (C) -->(C++)]


Having just eaten, you decided to do something to work off the food. You had noticed many people moving their bodies in extremely exaggerated ways. was this some kind of mating ritual, you thought? One question later and you had found out that it was not a mating ritual, but something called "Dancing". Having no other ideas on what to do, you decided to try your luck at this dancing. Sadly, your dancing skills were....non-existant. After stepping on many feet, you heard laughter behind you. Turning around, you found Brick laughing at your horrible dancing skills. Seeing your frustrated look, he challenged to a dance competition, stating that he wouldn't lose to you again. Seeing no other option but to accept, after all, you hadn't seen him dance, so he must be as bad as you!

What follows can only be described as a slaughter. The way Brick danced was....unnatural, his body moved in ways you didn't even know where possible! The crowd that had gathered did nothing to aid you, they were solely focused on Brick's performance.

Once he finished, he slightly turned his face towards you. You could just make out the smug and condescending smirk on his face.

"Pshhh...nothing personal...kid." He said as the crowd proceeded to applaud. You're quite sure it was very personal, maybe he was angry at losing the eating competition?

With that disaster finished, you quietly went and practiced dancing with Hazel. She wouldn't laugh at you, not for having horrible dancing skills.

[Dancing Skill Get!]


Having saved up money from cutting down trees, you decided to buy a digital image capturing device, more commonly known as a "Camera". It had taken almost all your money, but with this little device, you would be able to record any moment you wanted for all eternity. After taking a couple pictures of the festival, you turned your gaze upwards, the moon looked amazing, so you made sure to take a picture of that as well. Having finished testing out your new device, you went to find Hazel for a picture and maybe Brick, if he felt like taking one.

Hazel was found easily enough, she was drinking the weird drink and seemed quite....odd? Either way, she gladly accepted your offer and posed for a picture. A passerby was even kind enough to take one of you and her together.

Asking around for Bricks, you found him enjoying some of that same drink as well. Why was everyone drinking it? He seemed surprisingly happy and even accepted you offer, though, he never dropped that smug smile of his.

[Pictures Get! Camera Get! 50 Lien Lost!]


With only a little time before you had to go to sleep, you checked out the stalls one last time. Maybe you could buy something?

Having acquired some more money, you decided to see if there was anything else you might be interested in buying. Luckily, you found quite a few things that you wanted to buy. Most of them were books, there was

a lot of things you still didn't know, so you wanted to fill the gaps in your knowledge.

The Four Kingdoms And You

From what little you read, it seems this is a book detailing the four major Kingdom in which people live. You are apparently in "Vale".

Dancing For Idiots

Not wanting to ever be humiliated in "Dancing" again, you bought a copy of this book. Hopefully, it would allow you to dance at an acceptable level. If you ever had a chance to return to Spring's End, you would make

sure to wipe that smug smile off of Brick's face.

Swimming For Land Lovers

Water, apparently it had a chance to suffocate you if you didn't know how to properly traverse it. Not wanting to die to something as simple as water, you made sure to grab a copy of this book.

Dust For Dummies and Other Inadequate Individuals

When you had asked the store clerk why he had a book on dust, he proceeded to explain how dust was a very important part of everyday life. You doubt it's really That important, after all, dust is only fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of

earth or waste. Still, you made sure to grab a copy, maybe dust was used as a biological weapon on this planet. Though, you rather disliked the title of the book.

Basic Outdoor Survival Guide

When you told the clerk your only survival skills consisted of killing an animal and

then eating it, he made sure you bought this book.This Bear Gills must really have been an amazing Faunus, his book is apparently the number one selling survival book.

A Map

Spotting a rather large piece of paper, you asked what it was. After a rather long

moment of silence, the stall owner informed you that it was a map of Remnant.

You made sure to buy it, this way you could finally see what the world looked like from above. Hopefully, it would keep you from getting lost, that's what maps were for, right?


Having woken up rather early, you made your way towards the kitchen. What you found was

a note from Hazel explaining where your food was and that she had gone off to prepare everything for your departure.

Breakfast was delicious, as always. Eating your eggs and bacon, you recalled that eggs were unborn offspring of chickens? You hadn't noticed mankind eating children before, was this an isolated thing? Did chickens

do something that caused mankind to deal out such a harsh punishment? Chickens seemed rather docile to you. Maybe chickens were descendants of Grimm?It's the only thing that makes sense to you. Then again, eggs tasted amazing, you couldn't blame mankind for eating them.

Finishing your food, you collect your things and headed off towards the meeting place detailed in Hazels note.

You had arrived early, or so Hazel had told you. The hunter team was apparently still sleeping. Having the perfect opportunity to thank Hazel, you did just that. You thanked her for all the great food she gave you, how she allowed you to use one of her rooms as a temporary lodging, and most of all, how she taught you so much.

"Hmph, don't sweat it, kid. It's not like you didn't teach me things either." Her smile brightens your day.

"Not to mention the fact that you saved this town. If you hadn't allowed Brick to get his notes back....who knows wat that Zinogre could have done" Her voice does nothing to hide her relief.

You inform her that either way, it was great getting to know her.

"That's right, I got a little gift for you." She says grabbing something from a nearby table.

A gift? What could it possibly be?

"It's not anything fancy, kid. I might have made a killing from the bets i made on you during the eating contest, but most of that goes towards the town." She says as she hands you the gift wrapped box

"It's a photo album. I saw how you were taking so many pictures yesterday, hopefully, you can put it to good use. I even included a picture frame for any special pictures you want to display" Her once more growing smile

causes the corners of your lips to twitch.

"Hah! Is that the beginning of a smile I see? Needs some work, you gotta keep practicing." Only Laughter follows her words

You make sure to thank her. You tell her that you will carry it with you wherever you go. In response, she pats your shoulder.

Asking her if she had seen Brick, she informs you that he's waiting where the aircraft will land.

With that, you both head to find Bricks.

Finding Brick, he immediately starts talking with Hazel. After he's finished, he looks at you.

You thank him for the food he gave you, and for his help in saving the town.

"Sure, sure. Enjoy your life as a hunter, kid. Just remember that your dancing skills are absolute trash and how you'll never

be as amazing as I." His smile is one completely different from Hazel's. It does little to hide his sense of victory and accomplishment.

You simply mention the fact that you didn't run away from the eating competition.

"Tch..." His smug smile is replaced with an annoyed stare.

Having a great idea, you suggest that the three of you take a picture together.

Surprisingly, Brick agrees. Though, Hazel was staring at him quite hard.

You'll put this picture in the frame, you think.

You stand in the middle, Brick to your left and Hazel to your right, her arm on your shoulder. Brick decided to raise both his index and middle fingers behind your head at the last second. That symbol means peace right?

Is this him secretly telling you that he's accepted you? Either way, you think that it's a great picture.

When the time finally comes, most of the town shows up. They all wish you good luck and that you have a great day. Some of the younger females profess their undying love to you, whatever that is. They are quickly quieted by their parents.

As you are about to leave, Hazel comes up and wraps both hands around you.

You like hugs.

She gives you a piece of paper. It shows a number for you to call when you finally get yourself a scroll. She proceeds to explain that a scroll is a communication device that is about the size of your hand.

With that done, she looks at you and tells you, "Have a great day Mordin. I Hope to see you again" The sincerity in her voice gets across just fine.

You say your goodbyes to everyone and are soon on the plane. It will only be a little while before you reach vale.

====Prologue END====