
Chapter 59: Emotions

She stood outside, drawing in deep breaths when he exited the jail. "Yuliah," Ryas jogged over. "You need to be more careful."

Her eyes glared up at him, "Why because you own me?" Being out in the open gave her nerves a rest and she no longer responded in shouts.

"No, that's not it," he pulled her aside, and his face softened. "Go back with me. Please." With his knotted fingers he cupped her face with one hand. "We need to talk." His eyes pleaded with her.

"I'm so angry with you still." Yuliah choked up. She needed to get away from him. Being around Ryas at this moment irritated her, and she pulled away.

Ryas rushed forward and hooked his arm around her waist, "No, it's important, and we're leaving," then lifted her into his arms. "You can be mad at me, but we need to discuss it now."

"Put me down before you make me angrier," Yuliah snarled. "You can't just force me to do what you want," her voice began to strain. He treated her like property, and she hated that the most. "You're behaving like Liang! Like the Men, I hate. You always know what's best for me, right? Then force me to do what you want," She wanted her words to hurt him, and they did.

Ryas stopped and set Yuliah down. His face drained of emotion. "I saved you from him. I put the whole Southern Kingdom at risk for you, and I freed you from the North," his voice raised. "Don't compare me to him - ever again. Why can't see all that I've done for you," he turned and stalked away.

"Yes, leave, that's what you do," she shouted again - as tears fell from her eyes — why did she cry again? Yuliah dabbed at her eyes. Her emotions were so heightened today. More tears poured out, and she quickly wiped them. Yuliah didn't want Ryas to see her in case he turned back, but he never did; instead, Ryas climbed on his horse, tugged on the reins hard and took off.

Yuliah spent her morning walking through the streets of Murai. Her mood still soured but she did feel a little better.

The town consists of faded brown homes and shops built from wood. She could tell a Noble house from a laborer by the stone fence or how brightly colored the paint was. There were only four social classes, Royals, Nobles, Commoners, and Laborers. Anyone who wasn't a Royal or Noble was either a Commoner or Laborer.

In the Capital, General Wey insisted she traveled with Maids, but here Yuliah was free - just another face in a crowd of hundreds, where no one knew her. There were no reputations to uphold, and no rules to follow. This ought to be how a Woman should live. She could see why people left the Capital for Murai, even with the threat of the Ethereal Forest.

Lights and lanterns hung throughout the streets. Curious as to why the roads were so beautifully decorated Yuliah followed them until she found herself surrounded by rows of peach trees, that circled a magnificent marble fountain in the Townsquare. Vendors had set up shop on all sides. Fragrant smells of food flooded her nose, and she breathed in the scents.

Hunger pains racked her body. Yuliah wasn't sure how much longer she could starve. She didn't know anyone here but Ryas, and with no money, where would she get food? She cradled her gnawing belly.

Hmmm... Ryas had money, though... Maybe she could go back to the Inn and borrow a few coins from him... Yuliah bit onto her lip and thought it over. No... She couldn't, but then again he had so much. It's not like he would miss it. She headed back to the Inn.

Once she found her way back to the Inn, Yuliah spent a good ten minutes persuading the Attendant to let her into their room.

Inside the room, she made her way over to Ryas' bags. While going through the bags, she found one that belonged to her. What? She completely forgot about it. Yujen had this bag with him the night she escaped. The one he dropped into her lap. Yuliah pulled the clasp apart and reached inside.

Out of the bag came a tiny box adorned with jewels and two crimson birds. A jewelry box, perhaps? She flipped the lid and gasped. The amethyst ring! The one from the Ethereal Flow. General Wey must have hidden it from her all this time.

Yuliah dipped her hand into the bag for anything she could hide the ring in. She couldn't leave it behind. Her hands wrapped around a pouch, and she pulled it out.

Her eyes widened. Gold coins filled the pouch, and she didn't find just one but several pouches along with a bag of jewelry. General Wey, he must have prepared it for her. Yuliah cried. All this time she resented General Wey, but he did so many things to help her secretly when he didn't have too, just as Ryas did.

Yuliah's emotions were pretty stable, but today had been different. Maybe she overreacted. She dropped the ring into the pouch, slipped her wrist through the drawstrings, and headed out.

The Inn doubled as a restaurant, and Yuliah found herself outside the dining room where an attendant-served food. Several of Ryas' Men sat at tables scattered throughout the floor.

"Lady Yuliah," one of the Captains approached her. It was the young Man from the other day who helped her with the horse. "The General's not here, but how can I help you?"

"I'm just looking for food," she smiled at him. That's all Yuliah wanted was a bit of food.

The Captain took her by the hand, "Follow me. I can get you some food." He brought her to a round table where six Men sat.

"Who's this?" The Men asked.

"Oh, she's a friend of the General's."

"The one from yesterday?" They turned to one another and chuckled lowly.

Yuliah faked a smile. "Yes, that's me. I've had a long week," she rolled her eyes. When will she be able to live down her embarrassments?

"I didn't know the General kept a lady," one of the Captains cut in.

"She's the first," they said all at once.

"I"m not his kept woman. I'm your General's companion and more," she corrected them. "He doesn't have any friends that are women?" Yuliah asked them.

"No, I didn't' mean it in a bad way," the Captain sheepishly smiled at her. "The General has too much to do, or more like he has too much for us to do, and no time for anyone else."

"The General doesn't have a woman or harem of women around him?" Yuliah was curious to know what kind of relationships Ryas had in the past. She didn't believe that he did not have a courting history.

"None. You're the only one we've seen the General bring around. Don't get me wrong. There's plenty of Women after him," he gave her a smirk. "But our General he's as cold as they come," the Captain said and handed her a plate of food.

Tsk... Yuliah sneered. As expected with his looks and status, there would be a flock of women around him. She accepted the plate. "Who are they or how do these women look?" Yuliah wanted some insight into what to expect once they reached the Southern Kingdom. Who knows what would be waiting for her. These women were probably wealthy, beautiful, and snobby nobles. Yuliah lifted the spoon of food to her mouth. She was so hungry; her stomach cried out.

"Nothing compared to you," a deep husky voice murmured right into her ear.

Yuliah's spoon dropped from her hand and clanked onto the tabletop. She spun around - her eyes went wide as they stared into his. He had specks of violet that subtly mixed into the blues of his eyes. For a brief moment, she found herself lost in them before blinking her way out.

Chairs scraped across the floor as the Men jumped to their feet, "General," they bowed.

"What are you doing here?" Ryas smirked. He acted as though nothing had happened between them earlier. "Recruiting my Men?" He teased. "Or starting a mutiny?"

"What are you doing? Spying on me again?" Yuliah answered snarkily.

"No, you're sitting at a table with my top Captains. I'm here to pass down an order for them," he gave her that cocky ass smile whenever he out did her. Yuliah made a face at him when he turned to his Captains, who looked concerned.

"We were only entertaining her grievances, General. Nothing serious."

"Is that right?" Ryas eyed them.

"Yes! Of course," they all answered.

"Tell the Men we'll be in Murai for another week. I want everyone fully rested before we enter the Ethereal Forest. You're all on leave, but we need a few Men with the King. Figure out the details, and we'll go over it later."

The Captains looked puzzled at his words, "Are you sure, General," they finally answered and broke out into smiles.

"Yes. Now come, Yuliah, let's go," he had three fingers in the air and beckoned for her.

She ignored him. She wasn't some dog he could call whenever he wanted to. Yuliah was about to stuff a spoonful of vegetables in her mouth. It's his fault for not feeding her. That's why she came here to scavenge for food like a peasant. The spoon full of food came right up to her mouth but suddenly dropped to the table when Yuliah lifted into the air. What was he doing now? All she wanted to do was eat!

Ryas held her cradled against his chest, "We're leaving. We have somewhere else to be."

Yuliah blushed red, "Put me down. I thought you said you were only here to pass down an order," she hid her face in his chest while he carried her out. "Where are you taking me?"

"To eat. I need to feed my child..." he paused to look at her.

"I'm not your child," Yuliah said to him. What did he mean? Did he think she was a child? One that he had to take care of all the time.

"I never said that you were," he brought her to the end of a passageway before finally setting her down.

Yuliah was about to ask him what he meant, but the hallway opened up into a large banquet room full of people, and she lost her thought.

"The Regent's hosting a dinner for us. In Celebration of their Autumn Solstice. You're coming as my guest," Ryas wrapped one hand around her hip and pulled her sideways into him.

"I don't have anything to wear," Yuliah touched his arm, forgetting that she was angry with him. "There're so many people here," her eyes scanned the room. Social gatherings were her least favorite activity, but she knew how to fake it. "What am I supposed to do here?" She asked.

"Whatever you want to do but drink. Here, I brought you a change of clothes," Ryas pulled her into one of the empty rooms in the hallway.

Yuliah lost the grip around his arm and found herself in complete darkness. "Ryas," she felt around for him. The dark - her least favorite place to be.

Then the sound of a flame igniting came from behind her. Yuliah spun around to see Ryas engulfed in his Ethereal Spirit. His eyes became lighter, and a dark violet glow covered his entire body - giving them just enough light to see each other. His ability to use the Ethereal Spirit in different ways amazed Yuliah so much, that fascination replaced her anger.

Yuliah felt her heart lightened, "Ryas, you're glowing." How did he do this?

"Impressive, isn't it?" He chuckled and handed her what appeared to be some white clothes. "I picked this out for you," he spoke in a deep voice. One that melted away her anger.

She stared intensively into his glowing eyes and removed her top. His patience with her could always calm her anger, and she faintly smiled at him.

He took a step closer to Yuliah. "You're so beautiful," his arm stretched towards her face. "Let's talk later tonight. Whatever you're upset at me about tell me alright?"

When the back of his hot hand brushed down her cheek, then neck, tiny bumps peeked across her flesh. Yuliah dropped her skirt to the floor, baring her entire body to him - except for the little undergarments that cling to her breasts and bottom. "Yes, we should," she held onto his hand as he slid it down her body.

He moved quickly and soon she found herself in his arms. The flames of his Ethereal Spirit, warming her skin. "It doesn't burn me," her fingers tried to touch his Ethereal Spirit but only felt the heat on his skin.

"I would never let it hurt you," Ryas touched his mouth to hers, and Yuliah lost her breath and self within his lips.

When Ryas finally pulled away, her legs had tangled themselves around his waist, and his strong hands squeezed around her rear. "We should get going. The Regent and King will be waiting for me," he set her down.

"Now that is some kiss," she slowly reeled her head back. "Not what Ward forced onto me,"

"I know. That's why I don't like your so-called Commander. He doesn't know what's mine," Ryas grabbed the clothes he picked out for her off the floor and handed them to Yuliah.

"He knows. Ward purposely likes to make you angry. That's all," she slowly dressed still lightheaded from his touch and kisses.

Once she was fully dressed Ryas twirled her around. "The shirts a little too tight," Ryas tilted his head sideways with both hands pressed around her belly, "But you couldn't look more beautiful. I want to take you back to our room," one of his hands slid down her back, sending a shock up her skin and made her belly rise. "Your body seems to agree with me," He turned to Yuliah with that same smile. The one when he knew he'd won her over and gloated.

With one arm hooked around Ryas' neck, he seemed so pleased with himself and smiled broadly, and his arrogance went beyond what she could tolerate at this point. Yuliah wanted to wipe it from his face.

She rolled to her toes. Her lips skimmed over his neck softly then face, and Yuliah spoke in a honey tone. "Ryas..." She placed her lips right next to his ear.

Instantly his hands went around her waist, and he pressed himself hard against her body. "Yes,"

One of her hands found their way under Ryas' shirt and slithered over and down where the muscles on his stomach connected into a v shape - she rubbed her fingers gently across. He tensed then stiffened against her pelvis.

"Don't follow me or I'll make a scene," she said, then pushed him away. He looked pained as she walked away, her lips tugging upward.

"You better not drink. Or I will be," he threatened while crouched down.

This dinner might turn out to be fun after all, Yuliah strolled into the banquet room smiling. She was met at the door by an Attendant who offered her a drink. Yuliah gently tapped on the glass, knowing Ryas he would make good on his threat, and she didn't want him hovering around her all night. Yuliah set it down and opted for a glass of water instead.

Thank you for supporting this first time writer. I always want to give you all my best work and more, but I'm still learning as well, and I would appreciate any feedback you provide. Thanks for understanding and your support!

I'm glad Yuliah and Ryas have made up partially though.

Voriecreators' thoughts