
the life of an evil emperor

the life of an emperor is based on dark desires the mc is the absolute worst but to the one's close to him he is the greatest friend. it is Au novel with me having just a basic understanding of the worlds --------------- the emperor is the demon of dreams night and shadows tremble in fear when he walks self-righteous people lay dead on the floor life itself is scared of his wrath he brings ruin and despair to all in this cosmos except himself yet his kindness shouldn't be taken lightly as he is very sensitive. ------- the mc is the absolute worst you have been warned and read till chapter 11 to get to know who he is the first 10 chapters are just cover up.

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25 Chs

my birth

3rd pov

In a space ship filled with aliens there was an pod in which an humanoid being was sleeping He has broad shoulders and long arms. He has a shell like neck and an attractive face.His Neckbones are covered by flesh. He has beautiful red eyes. He is built without any unevenness.

His wrists, Fists and Chest are strong like diamond his eyebrows, arms and foot are long. his knees, foot ,hair ends are even testicles,stomach and chest are elevated.his forehand, foot,eye corners are red lines on his soles, hair in the head and tip of his penis is smooth.

He has 3 folds in neck and belly. his nipples, soles, lines on the soles are depressed. He has a foot which does not show off the nerves, hair roots with single hair, small membrame virile, a navel without any flesh and a round head. Has 4 lines below his thumb,his eyelashes are long.

96 inches in height his thighs, arms, knees and cheeks are even eyebrows, nose cavities, ears, lips, nipples, knees, wrists, foot, waist, hands, legs, back are even.he has got excellent arrays of teeth with 4 teeths equivalent to that of tusk; has a walk equivalent to that of elephant, lion, bull and tiger.

has red lips.cheeks are fleshy and nose is elevated hair on the head is silver, eyes, teeth, skin, foot are smooth has white in his teeth and eyes.his stomach, chest, nose,shoulder, face elevated, head hair, nails, hairs, skin, thumb, penis are prominent.

(I think i overdid his description a little)

The man with an attractive face was in slumber in his pod where blue liquid swirled around him as he was surrounded by people of different alien races they were scientists who had found the dna sample of an ancient race long lost to time

The man needed no outer source of energy to live on.he could change his outer appearance by will.his muscles were powerful and as hard as diamond even though he didn't train his body.his regeneration rate was almost invisible to the eye as if he wasn't hurt in the first place and every time he took damage his body grew stronger.

As they couldn't damage his body anymore they stopped and observed his reproductive organs which could help him procreate with any race in this universe he could grow in height and decrease in height at will.

Strength enough to move the largest of mountains with his bare hands this was what they could observe in him physically as he slept his race was long extinct and only found when they stole some treasures from the kryptonians.

A random scientists pov

We have finally done it we gave birth to this ancient being who looked like an kryptonian but he was taller then many of them he was fully built with muscles all in the right area his attractive face could attract all creatures in the universe his reproductive organs were unmatched.

As we failed again and again to create this god-like being we lost hope.but we found the body of an ancient bio weapon [doomsday] which was still alive we destroyed its cells and reinforced them to create a single cell for this creature it was not a clone it was something beyond that.

A monster which could change like it wished it was god like but this monster which had been just born was beyond anything we or anyone could hope to create even the kryptonian cells which were known as the strongest cells in the known galaxy had failed to make a single cell for this monster

It was alive it was our ultimate weapon our trump card against the kryptonians it alone could destroy their entire planet.

As checked its body we found its beautiful red eyes we could see strange patters making it's eyes divine as we finished checked its body we left it in the healing fluid as we were about to leave it's eyes opened this time not by us but by itself it...it was awake.

As soon as he opened his eyes the things on the ground began levitate as our machines had a black out some where trying to run to the emergency exit but they stopped as the glass which couldn't be broken by even a kryptonian was broken by him as he nakedly steeped out of the glass.

We ran as the place was filled with fire.my wife i have to help her i thought i was orginally not a part of this organization but due to my poor condition i was forced to join this organization

My wife too was in the same organization the monster has been let loose damit if only i can reach my wife in time

As i pushed through others to reach for my wife they pushed me back and tried to save themselves.

This was not supposed to happen how is intelligent even though he is just born?

As i ran through the halls to reach the exit i saw many corpses they died horribly then i saw something among the corpses that caught my attention it was the body of my wife half of her face had been blown away as she cried tears of blood from another eye

The scene was horrifying for me as i vommited seeing my wife as i was consumed by despair i was cut in half the naked humanoid.no.the monster was smiling at me sadisticly as i was cut in half my intenstines and stomach were out of my body but i was still alive

I couldn't feel my lower half as i saw the eyes of the death he muttered "i am reborn"

As he started to walk away i realised how insignificant my death was all my life i worked hard gained a job and was betrayed by colleagues i fell to poverty my dead wife was staring at me her eyes still streaming blood.

As i watched my wifes lifeless and dark eyes i was consumed by darkness.

To be continued