
The Life Of A Villain In An Apocalypse

"Man i hate heros"- theres talk about heroes everywhere nowadays, but lets not forget ladies and gentelmen that you wouldnt have heroes without villains just like how there isnt joy without pain.

DaoistRdwVyX · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The Unfortunate Misfortune

"There is no light without darkness; there's no joy without pain, and most of all, there are no heroes without villains," I sighed in a bored manner as I gazed upon the city from the roof of the academy.

These days, everyone was starting to become a hero, and this very academy was raising just that. However, the likelihood of meeting a villain in this day and age has decreased so much with all the regulations and everything that life has become the most dead boring thing ever.

"What a joke?" I sighed as I deeply thought of a solution and reflected on the quote until I came to a realization. Aren't heroes and villains the same? Don't they both fight for something and reap a reputation and great rewards? In fact, isn't being a villain better? Then you can get all the action you want whenever you want, and most importantly, you can do whatever you want!

"Perfect! Yes, yes, that's perfect!" I exclaimed excitedly as my eyes glistened, and my lungs filled with the fresh air before running back and forth, trying to come up with a plan. You see, being a villain in an academy would prove to be quite impossible due to the tight constraints and monitoring of the children. And though there hasn't been a case in the last 5 years, if you are caught even attempting such, you would be quickly disposed of.

"AAAAAXXEEEELLLLL!" someone screamed my name from behind.

"Oh, what the hell is it now?" I shouted as I looked behind me. There stood Emily, the closest thing to being the class thug, so naturally, we got along pretty well.

"There are zombies, you bastard!" she shouted back while panting, with a pale and serious face. I then gazed upon the city, and it looked fine on the surface, but at a closer look, there were a lot of car crashes. I guess this is supposed to be the part where I turn pale and go hide, but instead, my eyes glistened, and I was trying to suppress a smile so bad that I had to cover my face with my hand and in turn looked like a psychotic predator that's about to have a meal after 5 years of starvation.

"You psychotic bastard, what the hell is wrong with your face!" screamed Emily in disgust and probably even greater fear now.

"AHAHAHA, whatever could you mean, this is the most unfortunate misfortunate," I exclaimed like a man lost in pleasure where his teeth bear like fangs and his saliva starts drooling uncontrollably. Well, this was a perfect opportunity. If this goes well, then it would bring a lot of chaos, giving me the perfect chance to run and escape.

"Here you were!" said Temi, the number 1 most adored girl in the school. We didn't have much interaction; she was always the one that liked and harnessed a lot of unnecessary attention. So, to her appearance, my face turned to dire disgust that it was too much to hide. We were total opposites like fire and water.

"Ah, at least try to hide it!" Temi exclaimed as she looked at my face, which was now in great despair because the disgust level meter has broken off limits.

"Yeah, yeah, but why the hell have you summoned the whole school here? No way are you trying to propose to me 'cause then it's a NO!" I replied while trying to figure out how many students were behind her, a hundred? No, maybe two or three hundred. You see, she was the person that was born with way too much kindness to the point it has to be considered as a curse.

"So what are you going to do?" she exclaimed, completely ignoring my previous statement.

"Wow, can you believe that she completely ignored me? Me, the one she came begging for help. Wow, and they call her a noble goddess. Nah, they must have been greatly mistaken; I think she's actually the demon of greed," I whispered to myself and indirectly loud enough for them to hear. As for why she came, I guess it's only plausible. You see, I go by the nickname of the 'lazy genius,' although I'm antisocial with those hero-wannabe bastards and sleep most of the time. Every time it came to combat training and practice, I wiped the floor with them and never have lost a fight, even against the number 1 in the whole school, which is two grades above me, but that's just a side story.

"K, what do you want?" Temi exclaimed, trying to instill a sense of guilt within me.

"It's simple really. You and your gang to just simply leave this weak human being to enjoy his last moments alone."

"As if! We all know what you are capable of, plus our mana doesn't work on these zombies. You are this school's only hope. How will you live if you knew that hundreds of students lost their lives because of you?" Temi exclaimed.

"Quite happily!" I responded with an indifferent smile.

"AXEL!" Temi shouted as if she had enough.

"Fine, fine," I sighed heavily and tried to think of a plan to get my ass out of this mess. My mind now was thinking thousands of thoughts at a time, each carefully considering each of its main and indirect effects, and finally found it. However, it would require a bit of preparation.

any critiques,improvements let me know and ill get on it asap, and it would be very much appreciated. thanks

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