
The Life Of A Villain In An Apocalypse

"Man i hate heros"- theres talk about heroes everywhere nowadays, but lets not forget ladies and gentelmen that you wouldnt have heroes without villains just like how there isnt joy without pain.

DaoistRdwVyX · perkotaan
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3 Chs

The Unexpected Encounter And She Wants Me To What

However, the bus kept going; it was too late to do anything now. To my surprise, some even shed tears.

I kept screaming without realizing until I heard a familiar voice.

"Axel, what are you even doing?" asked Amy Arion after clearing the horde of zombies. She was the senior in 3rd grade who used to be the strongest. A royal bloodline ran in her veins, and she was by no means an easy opponent. In fact, she had broken multiple records and was considered a genius for her generation. However, that all changed when she requested a duel with me because of her pride, and I wiped the floor with her.

But most importantly, my plan was at great risk - now that she knows I'm not dead, what should I do? "Should I kill her?" I accidentally muttered, while giving her a death stare.

"Yo, yo, calm down, Axel. I won't tell anyone," she replied while quickly backing away. I guess she thought I was embarrassed.

"Uhh, oi, you saw nothing today. In fact, I'm dead, you understand," I replied, getting myself together.

"Why should I?" she retorted in a manner that seemed like she wanted me to bribe her. Well, she had a point. There's no way I can kill her and make it look like a zombie, and if I did, the royal family won't rest until I'm found and executed. And that would be too much of a hassle.

"Fine, what do you want?" I replied with a deeper sigh than the sea.

"Ummm, make me your disciple!" she exclaimed, to which I turned dumbfounded and stood silent for a minute before I exclaimed -

"No way!! Then I'll be taking my leave." I was now trying to disappear as quickly as I can and not make this matter more significant, and hopefully be forgotten.

"Are you sure, though, A-X-E-L?" she said while spelling my name in a weird tone.

At this point, I had to outweigh the consequences and think of a new plan.

"Alright, however, I have a couple of conditions. First, you won't tell anyone about this; second, you will be deemed dead, and third, you'll follow whatever I say!!" I then exclaimed completely unhappily.

"Yay, master!" she instantly replied.

*(Someone pls help me TT)

"Shut it," I exclaimed back. Of course, I didn't see this coming. After all, she was someone of great pride, so to ask to be the disciple of the one that humiliated and stepped over her pride is a bit...

"Why do you even want to be my disciple?" I asked.

After a minute of silence, she spoke, "Back then, after I lost, I kept training and training, but no matter how much I tried, I knew I wasn't close to your level. And although I was angry at first when I saw you dozing off in class, I then realized that no one that doesn't work for it will get it, and therefore that means that you just worked mo-" She got cut off before she could finish.

"That's enough, let's go!" I don't like people prying into my life, no matter who they are.

As we were about to go, the sky started to roar with helicopters around the academy.

"Damn, this ain't good!!" - I exclaimed as I started to run and hide.

"What are we going to do, master?" - Amy asked while following me.

There were two possibilities - the authorities either come and survey the place looking for any survivors, or just bomb the whole place. After all, they can get away with the excuse that they found no survivors, and it isn't like they need this academy anyway. After all, there are a hundred other prestigious academies just like this one, and last time I checked, the royal family wasn't on too good terms with Amy. However, they were both troublesome.

Suddenly, a whirring sound was heard, and then BOOM a part of the academy has been sent up in flames.

"So, I guess that's their resort," I said.

"What do you mean, what's happening right now?" asked Amy with a pale look on her face while she was staring in fear and disbelief, her jaw trembling, and she could hardly speak.

"For someone that's 2 years older than me, you sure are naive. Look closely, this is what the world is like as well," I replied.

"You, why are you so calm? Just who are you?" she asked while trembling and turning even paler as she stared at me.

I refused to answer; she wasn't in her right mind, after all, so it wouldn't matter anyway. She was now looking at people getting exploded into pieces, their body parts scattered, people screaming in agony, fear, and suffering. It made no difference between zombies or real people, and all of it was done in the name of justice.

If she is going to act like this just from seeing that, then it might become troublesome when I become a villain. Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted as the next missile would be hitting us.

And the worst thing is, they blocked all the entrances. There was no escape.

Next Chapter: The Great Escape

Been adding sound effects and evrything, the next chapter is gonna be sick but please drop a review it helps me keep motivated, also thanks for the 6 people that added this to their collection even tho i released this yesterday, ur pretty damn quick.

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