
The Life Of A DJ {Sasuke FanFiction}

さすけxれあで Well...Hi there I'm Syink the masked DJ everyone knows of in Konoha and well I got transferred to this school and....I kinda...You know...Fell for some weird guy....Named Sasuke Uchiha....Umm and this story is basically about my life so have fun reading... *WARNING⚠ THIS STORY WILL HAVE LEMONS IN IT SO IF YOU DO NOT LIKE SEXUAL CONTENT DO NOT READ THIS STORY* There's a book two!!! Out now!!

BreQueenB · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs

Ch.Twenty-Eight: Slumber Party

Yuki's pov

"You know I always wondered why you even dated Sakura." I said while tracing circles on his chest with my finger.

"Well I thought she was cute at one point." Sasuke said while putting his hand on my ass.

"Oh really....What about now." I said while combing his hair with my fingers slightly tugging on it.

"I don't like her in that way anymore because I think you are sexy and one fine ass girl." Sasuke said while grabbing my ass.

"I better be." I said while lightly hitting his chest.

"Get some sleep babe." Sasuke said while kissing me and I soon fall asleep in his arms.

~Time skip to the next day!!~

Milo's pov

"Hey where is everyone." Naruto said

"Naruto....its 6 o'clock in the morning where do you think everyone is." I said while pouring me some fruit loops in a bowl.

"Oh right their probably sleeping." Naruto said while yawning

"Why are you up so early anyways." I said while looking at him.

"I'm use to getting up this early for school so it's kind of my thing why are you up so early." Naruto said

"I couldn't really sleep." I said

"Awe why?" Naruto asked while coming next to me leaning on the counter.

"I just feel guilty." I said while putting the box of cereal down.

"You still feel guilty about what happened with Sasuke." Naruto said

"Yea I can't help it..... You know... She was so mad at me I never want to go through that again ever.....I never want to lose her trust again it hurt so much to know that my own best friend and the boy I have a crush on hate me and not talk to me for a while.....Sasuke felt so lonely without her by his side....surprisingly I felt the same way about you." I said while looking down at the bowl of dry cereal.

"You know..... I felt lonely to even though I was mad at you guys I Didn't hate you for it I was just Upset that he kissed you I wanted to be the only one to do that to you." Naruto said

"Then be my boyfriend." I said while looking at Naruto "Be my boyfriend and keep me in check." I said

Naruto looked at me a bit shocked but his face soon turned into a gentle smile "Of course who else would keep you in check." Naruto said while smirking at me.

I smile and finish making my cereal

Then all of our friends came busting in the kitchen.

"We were looking for you Mio." Haru said at the same time as Kiba

"We were looking for you Naruto." Kiba said

"Wtf why?" I asked

"Hun we got to go get Yuki we're all having a girls day out." Haru said

"Why this early thought it's almost 7 o'clock in the morning now" I said

"We aren't going now we were just telling everyone to be ready around one." Hinata said

"Oh-kay." I said

"Oh yea do you know where Yuki is I can't find her I checked her room but she wasn't there." Haru said

"Don't worry about it we'll get her and Sasuke up around 12 o'clock." Naruto said

"Awe its no fun in waiting." Ino said

"Well your gonna have to." I said "Just let her rest for now." I said

"Right....." Haru said and they all left then Naruto came up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

"You gonna share the cereal." Naruto said

"Of course not if you want some then go fix your own." I said while kissing his cheek and taking my bowl of cereal taking it to my room why Naruto is tailing right behind me.

~12 o'clock~

Haru's pov

Mio and Naruto had us wait this fucking long just to wake my honey up I shouldn't have even listened to that girl

"Haru~" Karin said

"What." I said while sitting on my bed

"It's 12 o'clock." Karin said and I turned on my phone to see she is right and I get up out of bed.

"Come on let's go girls!!" I said while getting up.

"Yea!!" Everyone said and we went to Sasuke room.

Mio's pov

I saw a group of people that were together heading to Sasuke's room.

What the hell?... Oh no 😓

Naruto's pov

I was walking from the bathroom heading back to my girlfriends room and I just saw all my friends walking down the hallway to Sasuke's room.

"What the fuck is this shit..." I said then I ran back to Mio.

"Um babe did you see that?" And she nodded

"We need to stop them Yuki hates being woken up she REALLY HATES

it." Mio said while getting up walking towards the group of people.

"Oh no😓" I said

Sasuke's pov

I woke up a around 11 o'clock and right now I was just on my phone texting Itachi and holding Yuki while she slept.

Then I herd a bunch of people outside of my door then I decided to get up and put on some boxers Then I woke yuki up "babe wake up~" I said while shaking her lightly.

"Mmm~" Yuki moaned not wanting to get up.

"Come on babe at least put some of my clothes." I said and she sat up looking at me with sleepy eyes.

"Why~" She asked while complaining

"There is a bunch of people outside of my door and unless if you want them to see you naked I suggest that you do what I just told you to do." I said while giving her a shirt of mine along with her underwear.

"Ugh!!!" Yuki said while getting out of bed and getting dressed

"Okay get back in bed if you want." I said while picking her up sitting her on the bed and she gets back under the covers and soon falls asleep

I get back on the bed and get back on my phone then I decided to change my password to Yuki's birthday


The all my friends busted in the door yelling "Oi shut up you guys are too fucking loud." I said

"Dude come on get ready the guys and the girls are splitting up today." Kiba said

"What why..." I asked

"The girls are having some sleep over outside in the trampoline." Kiba said

"But I wanted to take Yuki out today." I said

"Come on we only have a week here so spend time with the bro's Sasuke." Kiba said

"Tch... Fine but why can't we all stay in the trampoline..." I said

"Because that's only for the girls." Kiba said

"Babe...Babe wake up come on..." I said while shaking her up

"Oh my god Sasuke what do you want." Yuki said looking highly annoyed.

The only thing I do is point to everyone that's in the room

"Mio....You know I hate being woken up.... So why did you let them do it..." Yuki asked

"W-well you see I tried to stop them but Haru was so stubborn on w-wanting to w-wake you up." Mio said and I swear I saw a vein pop out on my baby's head.

"Haru...." Yuki said while getting out of bed "You wanted to get me up and now your going to pay the price for waking me." Yuki said and Haru left the room before Yuki could get to him.

"Get out." Yuki said to everyone and they all scattered.

"Babe hey come here and cuddle with daddy." I said

"Okay." Yuki said while coming towards me laying on my chest.

(Time skipp~)

Yuki's pov

I finally got up after a good 45 minutes it was now almost one o'clock I was feeling better than I did earlier...

"Hey get ready before haru comes." Sasuke said and I looked at him.

"I wanna stay with you." I said while pouting

"Just go with them and see what's up they might have liquor there." Sasuke said

"But-" "And sugar cookies." Sasuke said while cutting me off.

"Oooh sugar cookies are my favorite I'll go but will you be alright." I said

"I should be." Sasuke said while kissing me on my forehead.

I change into some clothes then I look at my self in the mirror.

"I actually look pretty good today."I said

" Damn right." Sasuke said while slapping my ass and groping it "This is all mine." He said while smirking while looking at me through the mirror.

And I pull out my phone and take a picture on my phone "That ones a keeper." I said while grinning

Then some one knocks on the door

"Come in." Sasuke said while pulling away from me.

Soon Naruto and Hinata comes in

"I have come to get you Yuki." Hinata said

"Okay well then I'll be off." I said while looking at Sasuke and he gives me a peck on the lips.

"Have a good time and don't kill anyone." Sasuke said while pulling away.

"I wont." Then I left with Hinata already feeling lonely without my boyfriend by my side.

Sasuke's pov

"Sooo.... Ready to go." Naruto said

"Yea I guess." I said

"You feel lonely without her too don't you." Naruto said

"Too....what do you mean by too you miss her or something." I said and Naruto holds his hands up.

"No.... No nothing like that it's just I miss Mio and we just started dating at little while ago." Naruto said and my eyes widened.

"Wait for real you asked her out... Finally dude." I said

"No I didn't ask her out she asked me out she beat me to it." Naruto said while looking down a little.

"You'll be fine bud now where we going." I asked

"No where were just going to be all the way up stairs on the third floor while the girls are on the first floor." Naruto said while walking out my room and I turn off the light walking out closing the door behind me.

Yuki's pov

Me and Hinata walks into this place with a bunch off food bars and then deserts along with a bunch of beds on the floor with flowers and other shit on the roof.

"Hold up wait before you even think about coming in here....wheres your onesie." Ino said

"Huh what onesie..." I said

"You didn't tell her Hinata." Ino said

"No sorry I forgot." Hinata said while looking away.

"It's fine but this is where we will be later on right now we're going to the mall." Ino said

"Wait where is every one else?" I asked

"At the mall." Hinata said "Haru said you were taking to long so he grabed Karin and Mio and left he told us to meet him at the food court."

"Ooh..." I said "My bad..." I said while laughing a little.

"Come on." Ino said while walking out

Today is gonna Straight hell!!!

A/n: after the graduation I'm ending this book then I'm going to make another one about her and sasukes life after yuki's college years are over.



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