
The Life I Gained From Death

Kaden Adams has lived a detestable life in the view of others close to him. Winning the lottery at the age of 20 has granted him the freedom and money to do whatever he pleases. His own flat, super cars, and a lavish lifestyle that all seemed to just fell right into his lap. However he loses it all one day when he's met with an untimely death. He has a chance to regain the life he once took for granted, but the challenges that await him in a new world intends to reshape his entire character.

Ejay_Francis · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs

Chapter 9 - Mai's Struggle

"For all I know there isn't any settlements in or near the Redwood Forest." Elder Faye stated. "But there has been rumors of a singular person being spotted around here."

"I'm surprised there isn't much people living here." Damien said. "This place is beautiful and rich in all sorts of resources."

"Which is why this place is frequently visited by people who live in the outlands."

"You mentioned someone being spotted around here?" Ty asked.

"The witch of the Redwoods." Elder Treya said. "Rumors have been circling about her for years now. Whether she's a real witch or just some tall tale is unknown. I have a feeling though this disturbance in the lake of Lazarus might involve her in some way."

Never thought I'd get to see a witch in my lifetime. Damien thought to himself. I've heard countless bedtime stories about them that are meant to just scare kids. Let's see if this one lives up to their chilling reputation.


"Right this way." Via said as she guided Aaron towards her home. "It's just on the other side of this hill."

"There really isn't any other people out here." Aaron said.

"The closest settlement is outside of the Redwoods. For some reason, people from the land of water tend to avoid this place as much as possible. They occasionally come through to mine and forage but they never stay long."

"Have you ever tried moving to any of those settlements?"

"...They wouldn't want me around."


"We're here." She said as they came around the hill.

Aaron saw that there was a tree growing on the very top of the hill, however this tree was nowhere near the size as the surrounding trees. Even so, its canopy still stretched out very far as the tree hanged over the side of the hill. The roots from the tree covered the entire cliff face that Aaron and Via were now standing in front of.

"Xemperdévo." Via said softly as she placed her hand on one of the tree roots.

The roots then immediately began to shrink and uncover the small cave that was hidden behind them.

"This is where I live." Via said walking inside. "Make yourself at home."

There wasn't much inside. Mostly books scattered all over the floor and two single beds made of wool and some sort of animal skin. Clothes were piled up in a corner next to the beds and markings were carved into the walls of the cave. Aaron walked in behind her and began to inspect his new home.

"Oh yeah Aaron, which of the four great lands are you from?" She asked sorting through clothes.

"Four great... United States?"


"Sorry, what do you mean by four great lands?" Aaron asked.

"Water, Air, Earth and Fire. They are the four great lands where people reside." Via stated

"About that... I think I'm from an entire different world from this one. Everything I've seen so far would be unimaginable where I'm from." Aaron said as he sat on one of the beds.

"Oh! I've read about this!" She said energetically as she began checking all of the scattered books. "There's a chance people from different realms can be resurrected through the Lake of Lazars. If that happens, that person gains the essence of the body that was used to bring them back."

"You gotta slow down because I don't understand anything that you're saying."

Via then directed both of her arms over to the clothes pile and a gust of continuous wind shot in that direction. The wind lifted a pair of brown fur boots and carried them over to Aaron who was covering his face from the sudden gust of wind.

"This is air essence. You should be able to do this because Venmi was." Via stated with a large smile on her face. "Since you're not from this world there's a lot that I have to teach you, and this will be first on the list."


"Wind?" Kumori asked in a surprised tone.

Kaden had the four of them surrounded in a small wind vortex. Branches and leaves circled them at a speed that wasn't dangerous for them.

This wind feels like an extension of my own body. Kaden thought to himself. It's almost like I'm holding up the air around us with my own two hands. This is incredible... Wait a minute. Why do I suddenly... feel weak.

Kaden's vision became blurry as the wind circling them slowed down and after a few seconds completely stopped. Kaden stumbled forwards as his legs began to give out and was caught by Mai before he fell over.

"This is the first time you've ever released spiritual essence." Mai said to him. "Your body needs to gradually adjust to outputting energy like this."

"Heh... that was dope." Kaden said breathing heavily.

"Can you stand on your own?"

"Just about."

"Are you a mixed blood?" Kuria asked as she and Kumori walked over to them.


"No he's not, but he is special in a way like that." Mai answered. "I'll help you back home Kaden. We could end here for today, you made great progress."

"You don't sound very happy about my progress." Kaden said.

"Why wouldn't I be." Mai replied with a smile.

Kaden stopped talking and watched Mai as she placed his arm around her shoulders.

I spent years showing off a fake smile to the people around me. Kaden thought. It's become easy for me to tell it apart from a genuine smile and that just now was a fake.

A few minutes later.

"Thanks, I think I can manage by myself now." Kaden said as he pulled away from Mai.

"Are you sure?" Mai asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I've been relying on you enough as it is."

"Hey Miss Mai is there anyone else in Aestus who can use air essence?" Kumori asked.

"Not that I know of. There may be a few mixed bloods in the outer settlements, but for right now you're the only air essence user in the village."

"So I have to teach myself for the time being." Kaden replied. "By the way what's a mixed blood?"

"It's a person that could use two different elemental essences. It happens when a child is born from parents with different elements. Because our water continent and the people of the air continent are on such good terms we do have a fair amount of mixed bloods living in the outer settlements."

"So S.S. isn't one of them, but he can use both water and air essence anyway?" Kumori asked.

"Yeah that's right." Mai replied. "I have a favor to ask all of you."

"What is it Miss Mai?"

"I want you two to accompany him home and make sure he doesn't collapse on the way there."

"Where are you heading to?" Kaden asked.

"To the surface. Can I ask you to inform either Kenzo or Elder Aira that I'm spending tonight above ground."

"If you're going topside, I wanna come too."

"No you need to rest. I'll be back in the morning to continue your training." She said as she walked away in the opposite direction.

"Let's go S.S. you heard Miss Mai." Kumori said.

"Is it alright for people to just leave the village?" Kaden asked.

"Yes, people are free to go and come as they please." Kuria answered. "Miss Mai does it quite a bit and she's usually out there overnight."

Hmm, maybe she has a boyfriend on the outside. Kaden thought. Nah she isn't the secrecy type. But still, she may be strong but going out there alone, while it's nighttime? Is she really going to be alright.

When night draws near in Aestus the artificial sun doesn't set, however it does become dimmer. The people can tell exactly what time of day it is above ground by how bright the sun is. As Kaden and the twins arrive back into to the village, it's about the time when the light would begin to fade.

"Wouldn't your parents be concerned if they saw you with me?" Kaden asked the twins.

"Our father passed away before we were born." Kuria stated.

"And mom's not in the village right now for complicated reasons." Kumori added.

They act mature for their age but they're still kids at the end of the day. I shouldn't ask much about their situation.

"We stay with Uncle Tez though, and he's done a more than great job raising us."

"Good day you three." Elder Aira said as she approached the trio.

"Elder Aira! S.S. has a message for you." Kumori said as she ran over and hugged Elder Aira.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, Mai said she was spending the night on the surface."

"Again huh? Well, I have a message for you two as well Kumo and Ria. Tez doesn't appreciate you two missing your classes today."

"How did he know?" Kumori asked.

"You can blame Kenzo the next time you see him." Elder Aira responded with a smile.


"For now you two head home."

"But Mai told us to escort this one home." Kuria said pointing up to Kaden.

"It's fine I'll walk with him. You two go on now."

"Yes mam." They both replied in unison.

Elder Aira and Kaden watched as the twins walked away, talking to each other.

"Care to join me on a walk Mister Adams."

"Kaden is fine with me grams." He replied.

"Alright Kaden, let's go."

He followed behind Elder Aira as they began their stroll through the village.

"How is your training coming along?" Aira asked.

"Yeah, about that. I accidentally released air essence instead of water today."

"Oh! That would make you the only air essence user in Aestus right now. There use to be a few of them here back in the day."

"I naturally stand out in whatever I do." Kaden said with a smirk.

"...And how did Mai react to that?"

"Well, she seemed kind of disappointed. I've been wondering if it was something I did?"

"No, it's most likely not you." Aira replied looking up to the lake. "She probably felt disappointment towards herself then."

"But, why?"

"You see Mai's parents, my daughter and her husband were exceptional essence users. They were talented and made good use of their talents by carrying out tasks for the village on the outside. They were assigned tasks all over the water continent because of their abilities and was recognized as two of the strongest water essence users. However as you could guest they were met with an untimely death."

"How did they die?"

"Anarchist. A group of people that are going around trying to keep the balance of the four great lands in check."

"But why?"

"Nobody knows. This group of people are elusive and their smart too. Nobody knows what their higher motives are. One day when Mai's mom went on an assignment outside of Aestus she was attack by them. Shortly after Mai's dad went after them for revenge."

"But he got killed too?"

"...This made us aware that these people are to be feared. Two of our best, seemingly taken down without any loss from the otherside. I took care of Mai after that and oversaw her training. However it appears Mai doesn't have the natural talent her parents had. To make a comparison, both Kumori and Kuria are much more capable than Mai is in a battle."

"That's a bit hard to believe." Kaden exclaimed.

"The people of Aestus quickly noticed this as well. Most of them pitied her while others thought her parents blood was wasted on her. 'Disgrace of the Aira family' some said."

Kaden clinched his fist in frustration and looked around at the people living there normal lives.

"Whenever she goes up to the surface, she trains very hard in hopes of becoming as strong as her parents one day. If you were able to release air essence today by chance, then she probably realized that you have more potential than her even though you've barely been in this world for a week."

"The longer I stay here, the more similarities I find between here and home. If you ask me she's been nothing but amazing so far, but I'd be surprised if she continues to treat after today."

"Why is that?" Aira questioned.

"Dealing with that kind of frustration everyday would be impossible for me. Trying your hardest and not being acknowledged while everyone around you is. I hate that."

"A feeling you've experienced?"

Kaden went silent and looked away.

Elder Aira smiled and said. "She'll come back tomorrow and teach you. As much as it frustrates her to see other people race pass her and get stronger. It also motivates her. Like I mentioned, she goes to the surface to train, not to lay down and rest. You're now just another person she strives to overtake. So Kaden, make sure you become someone worth chasing for her."

"...She really is amazing." Kaden said looking to the surface


On the surface, the sun was setting over Mai who was sat in a tree throwing fruit down towards three cat like creatures.

"Air huh?... I can't compete with that."