
A normal day

I am Nicky Tim a second year high school student . today was our first day after vacation or you can say just a few days off but it is more good to feel like it was a vacation so you can atleast be happy .

so today I was asked out for a get together after vacation by a very handsome boy I don't really know his name but he is in our class I guess..... whatever I really wanted to go because he invited me I really wanted to go but i decline his offer ...... because I am a very big introvert and a really big one like if I was given power I would have already destroy half the population of the world like I am the same species as thanos like really ,, so being in a get together is like I am going in space without oxygen something like that so I tends to avoid people and anything related to them.

but I quite like good looking guys I just wish I would see them 24 hours if possible and I was just day dreaming happily but the phone start to ring like really what a nice dream I was having ,, I really did not wanted to pick up the phone it was in the table near my hand it was upside down so I was not able to see who was calling the more I didn't wanted to touch my phone I have to move my hand and if it's something useless but I have to see because there are only important no. I have saved and I don't pick up unwanted no. like who could want to waste their time in unwanted calls. the ringtone was too good or I didn't wanted to pickup the call I don't know however I keeping aside my personal feeling aside and moving my hand slowely I turned my phone and it was my mom it was now more of a reason I didn't want to answer the call but I knew if I don't answer she will continue calling and if I still don't answer she will come to my shell I have already experienced it so I don't want it to happen again before I could answer the phone the ringtone went off and I came out of flashback and called her as soon as possible or you can say my hands were moving in reflex to not let her come in my shell .

the ring was going once again and she pick up the call "my dear son" first thing she said and she sounded excited and I knew that was not a good news for me and I really mean it !!