
The Lies Within.

“You're my possession, Olivia, and nothing can change that.” He hollers. Olivia was betrayed by her family, as a price to pay for her stepfather's debt. A man she had grown up with and considers family. Without little knowledge that her marriage to the ruthless mafia boss is based on a deal made by her sister. Aiden Leandro had to agree to marry Olivia as a means for her stepfather to clear his debt and with no feelings attached to it, he vows to make her suffer for it. In the process, Olivia tries to win his heart, she discovers the truth. A painful truth that pierces her heart.

Anita_Micheal · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Wedding plans.

The date has been fixed and Olivia couldn't get the marriage thought off her mind, no matter how hard her mother kept telling her all would be fine.

The wedding would be next week, and she felt her heart racing. Oh heavens, she was definitely going to become someone's wife.

How about her job? She didn't get to talk about that with Aiden. She ruffled her smooth black hair and laid straight on the bed with her back hitting the soft duvet.

Olivia was lost in her thoughts and had no idea when she drifted to sleep. The next thing she heard was the knock on her door.

A little groan escaped her lips as she stretched her hands and tried to wake up from her deep slumber. "A minute please." She voiced out and got out of bed while dragging her legs to the door.

She opened it and met her mom standing by the door with a tray in her hand. "Are you alright? Are you sick?" Jane inquired while scanning her from head to toe.

"No. Why do you ask?" Olivia questioned with an arched brow.

"Because you haven't stepped out of your room since morning. I was beginning to get worried." Her mother spoke with a concerned tone and Olivia sighed.

"I'm fine, mom. What's that?" She inquired and stared at the covered plate on the tray.

"Your lunch. You didn't come out for breakfast, nor lunch, so I decided to bring it myself. Do you want to look skinny before your wedding?" Her mom questioned and Olivia felt her heart skip.

"Mom, can we talk without bringing up the wedding?" Olivia whispered and took hold of the tray from her mother.

"Fine. What time did Aiden say he is coming?" Jane questioned in a low voice while she stared directly at Olivia.

Olivia turned swiftly, her mouth dropped open as she stared at her mom. "Holly Molly!" She exclaimed and averted her eyes to the wall clock. It was ringing 2.30pm and Aiden had told her he would be coming around 3pm to pick her up.

"What is it? You're making me worry." Jane said with a puzzled look.

"I totally forgot he was coming today. Jeez! Thanks for reminding me." Olivia proclaimed and kept the tray on the little table before running into the bathroom.

Jane shook her head before leaving the room.

Olivia took a quick bath and walked out of the bathroom shortly. She had no idea on what to wear as she stood at the wardrobe for minutes while contemplating.

She picked up a jean trouser but decided to shove it inside the wardrobe and then, her hands rested on a long red dress, and she picked it.

Furthermore, she picked her undies and wore them on before wearing the dress. Her curves were so evident in it, and she was beginning to worry. Will Aiden be comfortable if she steps out with the dress? Will he think she was trying too hard to attract him before the wedding?

A voice was asking her to change it, while the other voice did the opposite. But then, she decided to go out with the dress because she might take forever in getting something else to wear.

She sat on the stool in front of the mirror and combed her long black hair backwards before putting on her jewelry.

Olivia picked a nude lipstick which was her favorite and applied it on her lips, but the next minute, she wiped it off completely. Was she doing too much? She thought, and then a knock was placed on the door, which scared her because she was not expecting it.

"Olivia darling, your husband is here." Her mother yelled, and she sniffed air while moving over to peep through her window and she sighted the fleet of cars outside.

How come she didn't hear cars driving into the compound, huh? She stared keenly at the cars and one thing for sure was that Aiden was rich.

Griffin told her he was a businessman and also owned a few restaurants. That was the only source of Aiden's money, she was told.

Olivia has never doubted what her family told her, and she didn't care to dig more on Aiden. She felt her parents would never do anything to hurt her. Literally, she had no idea she was getting married to the Capo of the Buffalo Arm family in New York. One of the strongest mafia families in the country.

Olivia didn't touch her food as she picked up her silver bag, slid her legs into her shoes, and walked out of the room.

Then she sighted everyone in the sitting room, and she greeted in a low voice. Aiden raised his head and looked into her direction.

"If you're ready, let's leave immediately." He uttered with no emotion attached to it, and Olivia nodded.

He stood up and looked at Griffin before walking out of the room. Olivia noticed how frightened Griffin was whenever Aiden was close to him, and she couldn't understand why.

She brushed the thought off and felt Aiden had a cold aura, and it might be the reason. Olivia walked behind Aiden, while his bodyguards opened the door for him when he got closer to the white BMW.

"Go in!" Aiden declared, and she hopped inside the car while he sat next to her, but a few inches separating them.

Max was the one driving the white BMW, and he drove out of the compound immediately.

Olivia felt uncomfortable as she sat next to Aiden. His concentration has been on his phone ever since the car started and no one said a single word.

Olivia turned swiftly to look at him, and she stared at his sharp pointed nose, his jawline and down to his pink lips, then she averted her eyes away while her heart raced heavily.

She looked through the window and admired nature as they drove in an uncomfortable silence.

"Take us to the mall." Aiden commanded and Max replied while taking the left turn.

After what seems like forever to Olivia, Max drove into a massive building and parked the car at the garage.

One of the bodyguards rushed and opened the car for Aiden, while Max did the same for Olivia. "Thank you." She whispered faintly.

"Do what is necessary." Aiden said to Max, and he replied with "Yes boss" before moving into the mall which has its name on it. "Westfield"

The building was huge and Olivia kept roaming her eyes around the place before she heard his voice. "Let's go in." And she nodded like a zombie and followed him behind.

Olivia dropped her mouth open the moment she stepped in. Jeez! The place was terrific.

Then she sighted people moving over to the other section of the mall. And a woman who was standing walked up to Aiden.

"Mr Aiden. So nice to meet you, Max told me what you need. Follow me please." The woman spoke and she led the way.

Aiden had told Olivia that they were going to get a few things for the wedding, and she had no idea the wedding dress was the first in his list.

Max caught up with them and whispered some words into Aiden's ears. They moved to the wedding dress section and Aiden sat on a couch while the woman took Olivia's hand and led her to the varieties of wedding dress.

"Mr Aiden has never brought a lady here. You're the first person." The woman whispered with a smile on her face.

"Never? Is he a regular customer here?" Olivia asked immediately and the woman nodded.

"Of course. He is one of our biggest customers. I have known him for a year now, ever since I started working at the mall." The woman answered and stretched her hands towards the wedding dresses placed all over the room. "Pick your taste!" She added.

Olivia was lost in her thoughts. Aiden has never brought a lady? How about Kayla? They didn't shop for the wedding dress together?