
The Lies Within.

“You're my possession, Olivia, and nothing can change that.” He hollers. Olivia was betrayed by her family, as a price to pay for her stepfather's debt. A man she had grown up with and considers family. Without little knowledge that her marriage to the ruthless mafia boss is based on a deal made by her sister. Aiden Leandro had to agree to marry Olivia as a means for her stepfather to clear his debt and with no feelings attached to it, he vows to make her suffer for it. In the process, Olivia tries to win his heart, she discovers the truth. A painful truth that pierces her heart.

Anita_Micheal · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

It seems like a prison.

The night didn't go as planned for Olivia because her head was filled with so many unanswered questions. Olivia felt she needed to ask Leah questions to satisfy her curiosity.

She had turned at night and noticed she was the only person in the room and was obviously lying alone in the bed.

Olivia hasn't seen Aiden since morning, she has stayed awake and drifted to sleep when it was 11pm. What kind of work was keeping him outside? And another disturbing thought was trying to find its way into her head.

She sat upright on the bed and wiped her face with her palm. She adjusted a few hairs, trying to obstruct her view while tucking them neatly behind her ears.

Furthermore, she sighed and took a deep breath before lying down back on the bed, but was unable to fall asleep. The moment Olivia noticed it was morning, she jumped out of bed and moved straight to the kitchen.

But she halted along the way when she heard a sound coming from a room. She was curious and wanted to see for herself.

Olivia tiptoed and took a turn, but the noise died down, and she couldn't detect which side it was coming from, but shortly, she heard footsteps approaching her, and she hid behind an open door.

Aiden walked out from a room while itching his nape, he had slept in one of the rooms because he was unable to stand Olivia.

He wasn't going to pretend like they were lovers, the marriage was just a way for Griffin to pay his debt, so why must he act as if he cares, huh?

He continued walking while Olivia watched him keenly as he moved into a different room. She arched her brows and followed behind him while turning to see if anyone was watching her.

Aiden moved into his library, a place he usually stays to think or read a book. Reading was one of his hobbies aside from drawing.

Olivia stood by the door and peeped inside, she noticed the books on the shelf but couldn't find Aiden inside. She wanted to go in but decided to stay back.

Maybe he wants to be alone and that's why he didn't bother to sleep in the bedroom. Was it because of her? No! She hasn't done anything wrong-Olivia thought while biting her bottom lip.

Then left instantly and moved to the kitchen. With a light heart, knowing fully well that Aiden had slept at home last night.

Olivia had decided to make breakfast herself before Leah came, and to make sure Aiden knew she was a good cook and could count on her even if Leah weren't around. She took the apron and wore it on, but then left the kitchen to wash her face and brushed her teeth first.

She came back shortly and kept pacing to and fro while contemplating on what to cook. Heavens! How come she doesn't even know Aiden's favorite food? How can she boastfully call herself his wife, huh?

The moment the wall clock in the kitchen clicked at 7am, she decided to cook the one thing ringing in her mind for long, and she took some slices of bread and eggs from the fridge. She was going to make toasted bread, scrambled eggs, bacon and some orange juice.

Later on, Olivia was done and had set up everything on a tray when Leah walked into the kitchen. She paused at the door with her eyes wide open.

"What in heaven's name are you doing?" Leah questioned with a blank expression as she moved swiftly towards the counter.

"Hey, good morning. I just had to prepare some things before you come. I want Aiden to eat what I made for breakfast." Olivia replied with a grin, and the elderly woman sighed.

"What if I get into trouble for letting the boss' wife cook, huh?" Leah asked in concern because she had no idea how Aiden was going to react.

"Nothing will happen okay, you weren't around when I did all these and I know he will be proud of me," Olivia uttered with her voice filled with confidence.

Leah sighed and sat on a stool in the kitchen while Olivia tried to clean up the kitchen and keep everything in order.

After some minutes, Max walked into the kitchen while panting, but placed his hands on his knees and took a deep breath the moment he sighted Olivia.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asked in a cracked voice while scanning him from head to toe.

"Of course. The boss couldn't find you in the room, so he thought…anyway, he wants to see you immediately." Max declared, and Olivia felt her heart skip for no reason while she averted her eyes to Leah.

"Right now?" She queried in a low tone and he nodded. "Alright, I will be right there shortly. Where is he?" She inquired.

"In the sitting room." Max added and left.

"I need to see him, I will just take his breakfast along," Olivia said excitedly before moving out of the kitchen with a tray in her hand.

She dropped it on the dining table before moving to the sitting room, and then she sighted him sitting comfortably with his hair a bit messy like he had run his hands into them countless times.

"Max told me you wanted to see me, good morning." Olivia whispered when she got closer, but he didn't even spare her a stare.

"Yes, I want to be certain you are still around and haven't run home." Aiden declared in a husky tone and crossed his legs.

Olivia nodded and bit her bottom lip when silence fell upon the place. He was still acting cold to her and keeping his distance. Wait! Was she really the problem?

Olivia decided to shrug all negative thought trying to find its way into her head. The fact that he hadn't even turned for a second to look at her was enough pain.

"Well…" she cleared her throat to get his attention, "I made breakfast for you, and it is already on the dining table, you should eat before it gets cold." She muttered and stared down at the floor.

"Did Leah make you prepare breakfast for me? Isn't cooking her job?" He asked with a bit of rage sounding in his voice.

"No! Leah has nothing to do with this. I made the breakfast alone, and she wasn't there." Olivia answered immediately and was wondering why he seemed miffed.

Does he want her to ask for his permission before cooking? But that's something she was supposed to do for him. Olivia was still processing the whole thing when his words hit her.

"Thank you, but I will wait for Leah to make something else for me." He uttered emotionlessly.

Olivia widened her eyes. "You haven't even tasted it. I specially made them for you." Olivia spoke faintly and tried not to shed a tear.

Aiden turned and faced her, his cold hazel eyes bore into her before he stood up from the couch and took a few steps closer to her.

"I never asked you to cook. Just take your time and eat everything, like I said; I will ask Leah to make something else." He proclaimed icily before walking past her to the kitchen.

A gasp escaped her lips and she blinked her lashes rapidly. Olivia felt a twisted pain in her chest, but she had no idea if it was his words that were making her feel that way, or because he had made her look so stupid and useless.

Was this really how they were going to keep living? She thought she was his wife, but why was he acting like she was a slave he loathed so much?

She fluttered her lashes and tried to control herself, she couldn't even concentrate as she walked slowly to the dinning room to get the tray.

Aiden was already seated, obviously waiting for Leah to serve him. Olivia looked at the untouched tray on the table before taking it to the kitchen.

Leah noticed the glum expression she held when she stepped in, and she stood in front of her. "What did he say to you?" She asked with concern, and Olivia couldn't hold back the tears anymore as she cried silently on her shoulder.

After a moment, Olivia kept the tray and wiped her face. "I'm sorry you have to see me this way, I just don't know why it hurts so much." She whispered and Leah asked her to sit.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I can't really say why he is acting cold to you, especially when you two are just married." Leah spoke, unable to hide her curiosity. "Have you known Aiden for a long time? Like, did you two date for a while?" Leah pressed further, but she shook her head.

"We didn't. I had no idea a man like him existed." Olivia uttered, making Leah pop her eyes open in shock.

"Wait! You two were never in a relationship? Then how did you end up here?" Leah yelled, but lowered her voice when she realized she was shouting. "Was it an arranged marriage?" She pressed further.

"Something of such, well, I had to grant my sister's wish when she died. But then, it seems like I fell for him along the line." Olivia whispered and lowered her gaze.

"Your sister? Your sister knew the boss?" Leah questioned with curiosity, but it made Olivia look at her with beady eyes.

"You of all people suppose to know my sister, we don't look alike because we aren't given birth to by the same woman, but her name is Kayla, she was Aiden's first wife." Olivia's words made Leah gasp while she dragged a chair to sit close to her.

"That crazy lady was your sister? Oh! Forgive my manners." Leah added, and Olivia placed her hand on hers.

"You know her, right? How was their relationship with Aiden? Was he cold to her? Were they lovebirds?" She rushed her words while hoping to get an answer.

"I can't really tell you how those two were. Besides, he warned us not to talk about his personal affairs while working. I'm sorry…" Leah uttered and patted her on the shoulder.

"Do you want to take his breakfast to him or should-"

"Please just take it to him, he might lose his appetite once he sees my face." Olivia replied with a sad tone.

Leah took hold of the tray and walked out of the kitchen while thinking deeply. Olivia's words ring inside her head, but she doubts if Aiden had a first wife. The person she said was her sister didn't seem like a wife when she came, she was always making a fuss because she wanted to leave. Something was wrong somewhere, but Leah knew it was better for her to take her mind off the boss's business if she wants to stay alive.