
A Bountiful Harvest and Gifts

Opening his eyes Xu Xinying began to pull himself up and look at his surroundings, and turning to look behind him he saw the beast that had almost taken his life and that he had barely slayed during the night. Looking at it Xu Xiuying managed to get a better look at the beast. As Xu Xiuying examined it he trailed around the corpse seeing the unique attributes the beast had.

Whether it be the beast's six legs, it’s canines jutting out of its mouth, or its natural black pelt which seemed out of place in the sunlight. Xu Xiuying kept looking the beast over, still finding his encounter with the beast to be surreal to him. Xu Xiuying held the beast and tried seeing if he could put it in his inventory when the beast’s corpse seemed to just turn to dust and vanish.

{Longclaw-Cougar: Claws x 16 - Grade: Ucommon}{Longclaw-Cougar: Bones x 80 - Grade: Ucommon}{Longclaw-Cougar: Pelt x 1 - Grade: Rare}{Longclaw-Cougar: Muscle Fibers x 100 - Grade: Uncommon}{Longclaw-Cougar: Meat x 20 - Grade: Ucommon}{Longclaw-Cougar: Teeth x 20 - Grade: Ucommon}

Seeing the bountiful harvest he had received, Xu Xiuying became overjoyed at what he had managed to acquire in his short time in the new world. Looking over the harvest he had just acquired, Xu Xiuying's eyes seemed to drift towards the first gifts he had received after arriving in the new world. Looking over the three items he had left untouched over trying to find an exit to the rainforest.

{Thunder Forged Manuel - Grade: Exotic}{Electrokinesis - Grade: Rare}{Thunder Slice x Weapon Augment - Grade: Rare}

First reaching for the {Electrokinesis} tomb it dropped in front of him landing softly on the ground. Picking it up he saw nothing of great detail on the tomb except for the lightning bolt at the center of the cover; But opening the tomb brought more surprises.

{Learn {Electrokinesis}}


Looking at the inquiry from the tomb Xu Xiuying pressed yes where he promptly fell forward face first into the ground as his muscles seized as if they were being electrocuted and his head felt like someone was trying to pound years worth of study into someone's head. After what felt like the worst migraines to ever exist seemed to subside and his muscles relaxed Xu Xiuying tried getting his feet under him so he could continue what he was doing.

{Electrokinesis - Grade: Rare}

{Lvl: 01/100 - Exp: 00/100}{Cost: 2.5Mp/Sec}

{Perk: 10% Electrical Damage Resistance, -10% Cost of Electrical Skills}

Happy seeing his new skill Xu Xiuying brought his hands up apart from each other before small arcs of electricity began to run through his hands. And more ecstatic Xu Xiuying could not be, as he kept playing around with the electricity between his hands before he felt himself become more tired.


{08/38 Mp}

Stopping before he completely tuckered himself out, Xu Xiuying moved onto another one of the gifts that he received. Xu Xiuyin secondly pulled out {Thunder Slice x Weapon Augment - Grade: Rare}. And again Xu Xiuying opened it. But instead of being able to learn it the tomb asked to be paired with a weapon. And doing just that Xu Xiuying brabbed {Shìyìng} and brought it close to the {Thunder Slice - Grade: Rare}. Where it then asked.

{Augment {Shìyìng} with {Thunder Slice - Grade: Rare}}


Pressing yes for a second time that day the book vanished and {Shìyìng} began to glow. And when the glow seemed to subside {Shìyìng} had changed very little in terms of shape but now instead of only the seeing the darkened steel he now saw inscriptions on both sides of the blade that seemed to glow yellowish and seemed to give out the occasional ark of electricity. Now inspecting the new and better {Shìyìng} Xu Xiuying grew endlessly happy.


{Grade: Rare Plus}{Dmg: 38-45}

{Weapon Augment: Thunder Slice}{Cost: 10 Mp}

{Weapon Skill: ???}

Seeing that {Shìyìng} had increased in Grade Xu Xiuying became even more desperate to try to use the new augmented weapon Xu Xiuying checked his Mp to see if he was able to at least use it once. {11.6/38 Mp} Happy to be able to use it once he prepared to swing {Shìyìng} towards one of the trees in his vicinity and with a quick step Xu Xiuying swung {Shìyìng}.


Sounded the arc of electricity that flew from {Shìyìng} and struck the tree and seemed to almost get halfway through it. Ecstatic at having another advantage over some of the beasts that resided in the rainforest. [Woohoo] yelled out Xu Xiuying just thinking of how much stronger he had gotten within only one afternoon.


{Lvl: 01/100 - Exp: 10/100}{Cost: 2.5Mp/Sec}

And finally his attention came to the third and final gift he had yet to use. {Thunder Forged Manuel - Grade: Exotic} and just seeing that it held a different grade from the other gifts he had gotten he was even more eager to open it. And once he opened it just like when he opened {Electrokinesis} Xu Xiuying fell to the ground in even more pain; And once he recovered Xu Xiuying stayed down and just sat up so that he could begin his first cultivation ever and hop into a new day as a better version of himself.