
The levels of insanity

There was once a child a child who was born in a world which did not love which did not care for him everyone . Seemed to not acknowledge his existence and if he tried talking to them they would look at him with a loathsome face . No one ever acknowledged him his life was alone . He had never felt love in his life and he knew he never would and so he grew up in a world filled with people who did not acknowledge . Then he felt no joy come from when he did activities that normal people called fun . All he had ever felt was pain and so here this boy is as he grows up in this world until he finally dies in his sleep a peaceful way to go for this sad boy . But life still want to torture him even after death

Animecormade · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

The first steps into madness

I wake up in a room filled with nothing but white when the colors finally come to me and all I see is black . I can't see a thing I just close my eyes and continue sleeping when I hear the blow of wind I think why . Is wind blowing when I hear a soft voice say get up get up get up get get up I try to stay asleep when I wake up screaming .

I start panting as I sweat to only find myself on the floor of a large room filled with absolutely nothing just white . From my view this room seems to go on forever and ever and ever and ever .

I get up quickly as I start walking I don't spot anything for a little while before I start spotting noticeable . Black stains on the floor I pay no mind it then and continue to walk .

But as I continue to move forward more black stains pop up . My face stays calm as I continue to walk only for me to reach a door .

When I open that door a bright light flashes in my eyes when suddenly all I see is darkness . A flash light appears in my hand as I then think why do I have a flashlight .

I turn it on and start walking into the room where the door proceeded to then close on me . As I hear the sounds of footsteps and squeaks as I walk . My pace for someone reason increases as I hear whispers and even cold breaths on the back of my neck .

Something or someone is breathing down my neck it can't be any of the other people cause none of them acknowledge my existence . So what is the place I think what is this place.