
Vol. 9 - Chapter 7: The Village on Fire

Part 1 – Raondare Village- Uriel´s side

Uriel walks with Betty and Abi along the houses as he sees people doing their daily routine, kids playing with a ball, mother´s washing clothes and cleaning with a broom. The few men that are in the village are working gathering some wood and cleaning stuff in the roofs of the houses.

"It´s so peaceful here, it´s almost like a dream." Uriel says as he observes his surroundings. Betty looks at him and asks:

"Hey, I wanted to ask you; how is the outside world like?"

Uriel looks at both Betty and Abi with curious eyes and asks:

"You´ve never been to the outside world?"

Both of them lower their heads and reply:

"No, you see, the wendigo does let us get outside the barrier, the moment someone gets outside, he or she is killed immediately by the beast."

"I see that´s too bad." Uriel replies, he pats both of their heads and says:

"Very well, I will explain the outside world to you."

Uriel and the two girls walk along the small lake, as the moon begins to shine illuminating the lake. Uriel explains his story on how are the buildings, the technology, and many other things that happened outside the village. The girls looks at Uriel with excitement, they have star-shaped eyes as they both scream:


Uriel laughs and pats their heads one more time. He remembers the words they said before and asks:

"You said that no one has ever go outside before right, how come Samantha was outside the village?"

Both of the girls change their expressions to more serious ones. Betty steps forwards and says:

"You see, the wendigo was created to leave the outsider away from here, but Alexandria did not take into consideration that it would also prevent us from leaving. This is why people in our village, especially the witches are chosen as tributes to try to defeat that monster. However it's been more than 150 years and the people that have the witch´s blood are going extinct."

Uriel looks shocked and asks:

"What do you mean by that?"

Abi looks down and explains:

"You see, at the beginning of the colony there was the White Witch´s cult that included 4 witches that studied directly under Alexandria; Annette Hutch, Jeannette Beldam, Sarah Wicca and Patricia Sorcer. The four of them were pure witches, and were the town leaders. After the trials in Salem they fled to here, Alexandria made this special, unbreakable barrier to protect us, and the wendigo was created for the same purpose. At first the village was full of pure blooded witches, but since the tribute system began the witches have gone extinct. Now there are only four witches that exist in this country; Betty, Abi, Samantha and Mercy."

Uriel, surprised on what he just heard begins to ask; "Is there a way to defeat the wendigo?"

"We don´t know, it appears to be immune to magic, this is why if we destroy the witch´s heart, maybe the monster would disappear." Abi replies as she looks at Betty. Uriel once again asks:

"I understand, so the ritual will be tomorrow right?"

"That´s right, tomorrow is the last partial lunar eclipse, the moon will be red but not entirely and that is when the heart must be destroyed."

Uriel looks back as he sees the main cabin and wonders if Samantha is doing well. As he goes to the cabin assigned for him.

Part 2 – Samantha´s side

"Well now, you know the true goal of why you brought the heart right?" Mercy says with a smile, Samantha lowers he head and replies:

"Yes, I know but please try to leave Uriel alone, after this. I don´t want him to get involved any further."

"HAHAHA" Mercy begins to laugh as she walks towards Samantha, and grabs her from her hair saying:

"I am surprised on seeing you alive, without any knowledge of the outside world; you should have been long dead since five years ago. Now you have return to this village with the horseman of war in order to sacrifice him, and now you say you care about him?"

"Yes, in fact I love him, that is why I won´t let you hurt him." Samantha says as she struggles of pain. Mercy lets go of Samantha and replies:

"You never loved any one, you are useless, and you were the one that should've died two years ago and not my daughter. But you used her in order to escape; you are unworthy of being a descendant of Alexandria."

Samantha stands up, and replies with tears on her eyes:

"You´re right, I wished I was never born in this village forsaken by God, but I will tell you this, Bridget sacrifice herself to save me, now I´m going to do the same in order to save the village she once loved. After that, Uriel will be free to go, and you won´t hurt him, I am warning you, if you hurt Uriel, I will kill you."

Samantha leaves the cabin in search for Uriel. At that moment a ghost of a woman appears in front of Mercy and says:

"You chose well, Mercy, keep on with the plan and you will have the greatest reward."

Mercy kneels to the ghost and replies:

"Oh thank you, you are very merciful, lady Alexandria."

Part 3 – The next Morning, Uriel´s side.

The next morning, Uriel woke up early and decided to go help with the gathering of the wood. He chops wood with great force leaving the man of the village surprised, Uriel worked all morning in order to repay the kindness of the village. He sees that Samantha was awake. He notices that she looks preoccupied; after lunch, he decides to walk with her in the lake as the goes down and snow begins to fall.

"Samantha, what´s been bothering you?" Uriel asks Samantha as she looks at the lake. Samantha lowers he head and replies:

"I´m sorry, but I need to ask you something?"

Uriel looks at her and asks:

"Sure, what is it that you want to ask me?"

"If I did something horrible, like killing somebody, even if she was innocent, would you still forgive me?" Samantha replies to Uriel, Uriel smiles and puts his arms in both her shoulder and says:

"Of course, I would, but I know you won't, and if you are referring to the White witch, I know that there can be another way."

Samantha begins to cries and says:

"About five years ago, I killed the person I cared the most, her name was Bridget and she sacrificed herself in order for me to escape."

Uriel looks at her and hugs Samantha tight saying:

"I understand that you feel pain, but it wasn't your fault."

Samantha cries harder and begins to scream:


Uriel hugs her tighter and replies:

"Let it go, you must be strong, you are about to do something good, if we succeed then you will be free."

Samantha opens her eyes and sees Uriel smiling at her; she wipes her tears and asks:

"I know that you love another woman, and that you won't love someone else, but I´m going to ask you anyways."

"What do you want to ask me?" Uriel looks at her with a clueless face. Samantha blushes and with a low tone she asks:

"Would you let me stay with you, after this night?"

Uriel smiles and pats her head replying:

"Of course, you can come and live with me and my family in the Ministry of San Juan, everyone will welcome you. My brother and sister are really good persons, you will be treated well. I just want you to be happy."

Samantha smiles and hugs Uriel tighter saying:

"Thank you; you know how much I love you"

Behind a tree, Betty and Abi are looking at them with a really jealous expressions, Abi begins to say:

"Aww come on, I wanted to hug him, I bet his back is really strong."

"I know, he is really hot, I bet I can seduce him better." Betty says to Abi who looks at her with her eyes half way close and replies:

"You´re wrong, I can seduce him better."



The sisters begin fight behind the tree; suddenly a loud noise reaches everyone in the village.


Everyone looks up and sees a huge crack in the barrier causing it to break. Suddenly a black lance lands in the middle of the town causing a huge explosion.


"WHAT´S GOING ON?" The girls scream as they see the town catching fire.

Part 4- The forest near the village; A few moments before.

The sky has a twilight effect because of the sun´s setting. In the forest the wendigo appears from behind a tree.


The sound of bones getting crush echoes around the woods. The wendigo eats a pair of hikers that were unfortunately climbing a small mountain. The monster roars as he finishes eating one of the hikers, the second one tries to escape as he crawls slowly without making a sound. A figure appears in front of him, a person wearing a black cloak and a red stripe skeleton mask stands in front of him. The hiker begins to say:

"Please, h-h-help me"

El Muerto makes a lance appear in his right arm, and says:

"Rest in peace you pour soul."


El Muerto decapitates the hiker, the wendigo notices and walks forward revealing its form. It was a giant beast with the body of a bear, large claws, and a fur covering all over. Its head had a skull with two large antlers coming out of its head and blue eyes shining out of the skull.

"So, I take it you are the wendigo, you sure are ugly." El Muerto says as the wendigo charges straight at him, he dodges every attack made from the wendigo. Two large black wings grow from his back making him fly; he throws two rocks at him causing the wendigo roar:


"FOLLOW ME, YOU BEAST" El Muerto says as he begins to charge at the village, he arrives at the barrier with the wendigo chasing him from below. El Muerto stops and looks at the barrier saying:

"So, this is the lost colony of Roandare made from the White Witch, the sun is almost gone, I think it´s about time."

El Muerto takes out his lance, and changes into a throwing position. He begins to gather a massive amount of manna taking the purple and black colors. The manna also take form of a lance, he begins to move his arm back and chants:

"Lanza Demonica; Proyectil" (Demonic Lance; Projectile)

El Muerto throws the lance directly to the special barrier that covers the village; it makes it look like there is only a lake.


The lance destroys the barrier causing it to break; the lance hits the center of the town creating a massive wind to blow. The lamps that were in the cabins falls and create a fire that passes through the town.

"AAAHHHHHHH" People begin to panic as the fire spreads to the cabins and the trees in the surroundings. The barrier begins to shatter and parts of it begin to fall like crystals or parts of a broken mirror crashing into the cabins.

"Hurry, we need to get out of here or we will be burned." A man says as he tries to run, however, the wendigo appears in front of him and roars:



The man is cut in half by the wendigo;-GYYYAAAAAHHHH- The women begin to scream as they witness the horror, the wendigo begins to attack everyone that comes across its path, instantly killing everyone it sees.


The monster kills both men and women alike; he even begins to kill children without mercy. The monster goes on a rampage and at the moment, he closes in on a small child.


Uriel appears, punches the wendigo with all his power, and sends it flying to one of the cabins.


The cabin collapses, Uriel looks at the trail of corpses the monster left behind. He kneels and begins to pray:

"May you find peace in heaven."


The wendigo stands up, Uriel looks at him with rage as he says; "I will defeat you."

Meanwhile in the main cabin, Mercy looks outside the window and smiles saying:

"It's like you predicted my lady, the end of Roandare is tonight."