
The Legion (A Walking Dead Fanfiction)

WARNING!!: This story has extreme themes some may consider triggering, you have been warned!! Augustus Luthen, a teen from Eastern Australia who lived in the foster system most of his life, finds himself in better circumstances when one evening, tensions between him and his foster father boiled over as he pushed them both through a window to their deaths. Awakening to find himself in Imperial command over a small but varied group of mystical Roman-themed soldiers given through a system, he decides that for the first time in his life, he will take matters into his own hands and build an Empire from the remains of America.

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"Master, I have the scout's reports" A gruff, deep and metallically muffled voice spoke, shocking August awake in a daze of shock and confusion. 

"Scouts discovered little of import within a two-hundred-meter radius around our current location. Have you any orders for them or our Legionnaires?" The voice spoke with Augustus only then looking up at the towering figure of metal and muscle before him.

All he could remember was breaking through the window and impacting the ground with his foster father Frank hitting just before he did, with the both of them meeting their quick ends. The figure who now stood before him was unmistakable, for he was none other than Legate Lanius, one of his favorite characters from one of his favorite games ever, Fallout New Vegas. As the giant offered a hand to the teenager, he hesitantly accepted his assistance, not knowing if he was about to be helped up or have his arm torn off. As he was brought to his feet, the realization that he had been wearing some kind of suit of armor this whole time presented itself, with it having flown over his head with all that had happened. 

Removing the helmet, he looked down at the marvel of craftsmanship, with it also carrying the Roman theme that presented itself with Lanius and his mention of 'Legionnaires' In the attempt to sit on the side of a bed to catch his breath, he noticed the bed's occupant, the man who'd bring him to the realization of a lifetime.

He quickly rose back to his feet before slowly he slowly approached and loomed over the sleeping man, realizing the situation he was likely in, with this man and the room he was slumbering in bearing a striking resemblance to the one in the first episode of The Walking Dead.

"Dead or dying, useless!" Lanius said.

"You're exactly right. You mentioned scouts...how many others are there?" August asked as he pushed past his shock and confusion for the moment.

"Ten scouts, twenty Legionnaires, your ten Praetorian guard, four Arcanus, two Fabri and one Centurion with his Optio. With us, that equals Fifty" Lanius replied as a holographic panel then appeared before August, displaying the same information. 

Scrolling through the menu that was labelled 'Party', August was intrigued at the level of detail it gave. Every soldier under his command had their own back stories, with two names having caught his eye, Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus. Pressing on their descriptions and reading them, they were indeed the same individuals from the 'Rome' tv show, only placed in what appeared to be a modern setting. Looking through other sections such as Inventory, Quests, Map and Market, he exited with renewed confidence about his situation. Whether this was all one hell of a fever dream or his new reality, he'd make the most of it.

"Kill him, make it quick and clean," August said as he made his way out of the room with a swift snapping sound following only a few seconds later, causing August to pause with a brief second of aftershock. 

"The conditions to the hidden Quest 'Officer Down' have been met. Five-Thousand points have been awarded" A system notification read, surprising August. If these points were how he'd come to survive, then all regrets that defied the impossible in germinating in his empty soul died just as quickly. 

Spooked upon walking into the outside corridor, he was met with five silver and violent-armored individuals on each side of the hall who thudded the buts of their spears into the ground upon seeing him. Statue's would be put to shame at their stance as they stood ever vigilant, gifting anything that would come their way a swift death. 

The Praetorian guard was his guess, a handy troupe to help in the effort of not being devoured. Lanius quickly joined his Lord in his venture back out into the broken world. The resources of the Hospital had long since been plundered by the scouts, whatever remained anyway. The greatest were many dozens of liters of water gathered from taps and toilet cisterns, collected and placed within the 'Inventory' section of the system, leaving only the now purged dead to litter the halls. 

Making their way down a pitch-black stairwell and out a very bright door, they found themselves standing upon a ledge that overlooked a loading dock that the rest of his men had assembled in. 

"IMPERATOR PRESENT!" A familiar face yelled, causing all present men to stand to attention. 

Slowly walking down the stairs and through the assembly, he half inspected, half admired his new men. The Legionnaire's in their fusion of traditional roman and medieval knightly armor, the scouts looking more like Persian Immortals, and the four women of the mysterious 'Arcanus' order. 

Opening the 'Party' section of the system, August scrolled down until he reached the 'Arcanus' section. The order of the Arcanus are the battle mages of the Legion. Extremely capable in all fields from offensive, defensive and supportive roles in both battle and in camp, these mystic women can bend the elements of nature to their will, controlling Earth, Air, Water, Fire and more to aid the Legion in more ways than just killing it's enemies, often with impunity. The current Mistress of their order is Aurelia Benedictus, who wields the Helm of Fate. Battle Mages...He certainly did NOT see that one coming. 

"A-Auralia Benedictus?" August spoke as she stepped forward from amongst her three other sisters.

"Imperator!" She addressed with a salute. 

"I have an inquiry that I hope won't come off as offensive or intrusive..." August said placing his hands together.

"Never Master! I live to serve, and if to serve is to give you the deepest secrets of my knowledge or die in my duties, then It shall be done!" She replied without hesitation.

"Yeah...how do you see with that helmet on?" He asked

"I have never possessed the sight in the fashion that all from plebs to the Emperor himself possess, for I have something far greater, the winds of change forever blow, giving me sight unparalleled!" She replied before pointing her finger and letting off a small arc of electricity that disintegrated a single fly amongst a horde that buzzed around a nearby corpse. 

"So you see through the air...Interesting. As you were" August replied with intrigued and a bow from Auralia. 

"Centurion Lucius Vorenus and Opito Titus Pullo! I expect great things!" August said as the two soldiers nodded and saluted in return. "Well then, let us move. I have more than a few things in mind" August said with a smile as he walked down the center of his formation who all turned to begin marching.