
The legends are true!

When they turned around, their faces turned pale and no one dared to move an inch. Infront of them, there stood a giant wolf. It was a dire wolf, it was ten feet in length with jet black fur and huge fangs as it's maw and razor sharp claws that looked like it could tear down anything at sight.

But the dire wolf wasn't the only thing that took away their breath. The being that mounted the wolf was just breath taking. It was huge compared to humans with pale bluish skin, long white hair. It was an female ice giant. So the legends were true! Ice giants really exists! Johan thought.

Only when the giant hopped of the wolf they came to their senses. With every step the giant took towards them their heart beat increased. The ice giant stopped infront of Kasper. In one Swift motion it snatched the bag that he was carrying. When she checked the contents of the bag, what greeted her sight was one silvery flower. A frown appeared on her face. When she looked up their hearts stopped beating.

She was really angry, her face showed rage and disgust when she looked at us but she didn't say anything. With one flick of her finger, the bags hanging around our neck fell on the ground. And there was a small cut on Johan's neck from which blood started dripping.The ice giant collected all the bags then she waved her hand and shackles made of ice bound our hands, necks and legs.

Kasper and Andrew started crying and Lukas was looking at Johan anxiously. Johan wasn't doing any better. He never expected such turn of events. He never thought that they would come across an ice giant one day. The ice giant hopped back on the dire wolf and pulled chains. We tried to resist but it was futile, we were mercilessly dragged back to the forest.

Back in the village on the other side of the river. A woman was was anxiously pacing in front of a house. She kept looking at the village gate. Mary, what are you doing outside the house. The woman turned around and ran towards her husband. Dear! Johan hasn't returned home. The sun is almost down, I am worried said Mary. The man held her face and looked into her eyes and said calm down, nothing will happen. I am sure he is just hanging out with his friends as usual. But Ned, he always comes back by this time said Mary. Don't worry our son isn't a child anymore, he is capable of taking care of himself. Now go back inside, I am sure he will reach here anytime soon and he would be quite tired and ask for food. You wouldn't want him to starve right? Now go back inside and prepare something to eat. I will stand here till he returns said Ned.

While Mary went inside the house Ned looked at the village gates and the setting sun. He too was worried about his son. He always returned home before the sun was down so that his mother wouldn't be worried. He decided that just standing here won't do any good. He left the place to look around the village.