

The sun was already hanging at the sky when Lander came back as he slept at the slum due to exhaustion. Arriving, he saw a very long line that stretched untill the edge of the Amphiptere Capital.

When he went inside, he saw the waiters and waitress doing their job, Lute was calculating the cost of the customer's meal and the purple haired old man was at his usual spot playing a fireball on his hand. He couldn't find Yan Yan so he asked about her. Lute told him that she was practicing her aura all night and went to her room.

Lander wasn't a bit bothered as long as he knew that she was safe. Then he went to the kitchen and helped Adriel in cooking.

It was lunch time when Itzel and her siblings came back followed by the Amphiptere Academy professors. Not long after, Great Duke Bobby, the Respected Druid and an eight year old skinny child also entered the restaurant.

Lute was the one who welcomed them and served them. When the Great Duke sat down, "I see, the business is booming? Why don't you upgrade your restaurant then? Are you guys short of money?" The Great Duke asked Lute.

"I am merely doing the order of my Master and I have no idea about his plans so forgive me Great Duke if I can't answer your questions," Lute politely bowed when he answered.

"Don't bother, just tell him that I am always here if ever he needed my help," Great Duke Bobby replied and smiled at Lute.

While waiting, they also noticed the purple haired old man and they both nodded with each other. Great Duke and the Respected Druid wanted to ask why that old man was there but they never find the chance.

When those big shots finished eating, they then left as Great Duke Bobby and the Respected Druid asked the professors after leaving the restaurant if they knew why that purple haired old man was there.

Learning the truth, they were stunned speechless. The most dreaded killer was actually guarding a restaurant? They wouldn't believed it if other people told them that but it was told to them by the professors. Moreover, Itzel's siblings also confirmed this piece of information.

The restaurant operated like normal and it was again nearing midnight when the last customer left so Lander and Adriel went out of the kitchen and suddenly heard a child's voice, "Father!"

"My Child!" Adriel rushed and embraced his son not wanting to let go of him while tears strolling down his face.

"Father, you won't leave me again will you?" The child asked Adriel also crying.

"I didn't know you have a child," Lander said from the side.

"Forgive me Master as I never mentioned this to you and I was afraid that he would be implicated due to my wrong doing," Adriel bowed down his head and asked for forgiveness. Lander just nodded and smiled at the boy. Adriel also smiled, "Anyway Master, he's name is Zed. Zed, meet my Master, Lander."

"Thank you uncle Lander for helping my father!" Zed bowed down to Lander earnestly.

"Uncle?" Lander twitched when he heard how Zed addressed him. He coughed twice before looking at Zed, "Call me elder brother next time alright?"

Zed nodded and smiled. Lander then asked how the child arrived when Lute explained to him everything, Adriel asked Lute when they first entered the restaurant to look for his child as he was always worried and when Lander asked Lute to distribute the letters he prepared, Lute added another note to Great Duke Bobby's letter.

Lander nodded his head and told Lute to head over to the Slave Market the next day to acquire a slave who has a talent in cooking or enthusiastic in learning cooking. Then Lander proceeded again in his training.

The third day since the opening, the business continued as usual. But this time, Adriel was even becoming faster and faster as he was somehow competing with Lander's swiftness in cooking. People already got used to the business style and never complained as long as they could fill their tummies.

Because of the speeding up of Adriel's cooking, they managed to close earlier. Lute also introduced the two slaves to Lander and Adriel. Lander nodded and told Adriel to make them as his slave and teach them the ways of cooking. Adriel was smiling widely and thanked Lander respectfully.

The fourth day of business continued as usual. But when they closed the restaurant, the purple haired old man told Lander that he would leave on the next day. Knowing that, Lander asked the old man to train with him, that was to suppress Lander with his aura. until the next day arrived.

The purple haired old man agreed and they went to the slums as they trained there. At first, the old man only showcased a bit of his aura and Lander has to have a distance of 5 meters. He has to move forward and he could only pass if he could touch the old man.

Their training went until morning and Lander was suppressing one fourth power of the old man's aura when they stopped. They went back to the restaurant, the old man filled his tummy before leaving.

Lander, who was exhausted still persevered and joined Adriel in cooking until they closed.

A week passed when Lute and Lander went to the Crowd Village riding their own mounts. Lute's mount resembled a dinosaur, a ranked D beast level 1 named Argon.

When they arrived at the Auction House, people were starting to arrive one by one filling up the room almost immediately. Lander then went on the stage and calmed the people down, "Ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning to all of us. If you need to auction something then please come her on the backstage and present your item with the consent of your appraiser."

"Why is an outcast the one talking?"

"It was a pleasant morning but when I saw you, it was ruined. This stupid outcast!"

"Let's get out of here! What good things can we have in this place knowing that they hired an outcast as a worker?"

"Agreed! Let's go!"

Lander clenched his teeth hearing those insults but he was still smiling and seeing a lot of people leaving and only one fourth remained. When it was silent again, Lander explained the rules to the remaining people, "

Rule 1: The highest bidder wins.

Rule 2: Anyone can raise the price as long as you have money.

Rule 3: Raise your hand and shout your desired price.

Rule 4: Do not ask about the person who auctioned the items. That is a private matter no to be shared to others.

Rule 5: You can only receive the items after paying."

"If there are any other questions please asked right away before we begin our auction," Lander asked the people around.

"Since there are no other questions, let us begin. The first item is this Energy Soul Stone and the value is 1 gold coin and you can only increase it with 5 silvers. Let the bidding begin," Lander officially started.

"One gold five silvers."

"One gold 10 silvers."

"One gold 15 silvers."

"One gold 50 silvers."

"Two golds!"

"Two golds 50 silvers!"

"Two golds 50 silvers, going once, going twice and boom, we already have our winner. Thank you elder!" Lander smiled upon seeing the price of one Energy Soul Stone.

After auctioning the first one, Lander continued auctioning the other four Energy Soul Stone. The second to forth stones were the same as two golds 50 silvers but the last stone suddenly, the price erupted sold for 4 golds.

"Our next item is a Golden Metamorphosis Plant. The starting price is also 1 gold and the increment is 10 silvers." Lander explained.

The people gave their best bid and it actually costed 3 golds and 10 silvers. The 14 other pieces of Golden Metamorphosis Plant was also sold costing 3 gold coins and above and the last piece was sold for 6 golds.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be patient for a while as we are going to have a little break before we continue. There are more items to be auctioned later on." Lander exited the stage.