
The First Day


"Deamon it's time for breakfast. If you don't get up now you won't be able to eat before your first day." The woman said while moving the door curtain to the side.

"I'm up mom. I couldn't sleep well because I'm nervous for today..." Deamon said meekly.

"Honey, there's no reason to be nervous. You know some of the other children going today including Scarlet."

"Plus you're OUR kid and you've been taught well by your mother." The man said abruptly entering the room.


"He's only five Savage so it's only normal that he's nervous. Even so, we will be there with you okay?"

"A-alright I'll try," Deamon said.

He looked at his parents while they talked about what was going to happen today. "Scarlet's right, we don't look like the other families here in Verdis." He thought. In Verdis nearly the whole population were ferals but Deamon's mom wasn't a feral. She was human. He hadn't seen many humans but from the few he had seen, his mother Autumn seemed quite pretty. She had long golden hair that she usually had in a bun or ponytail. Her bright green eyes clashed with the tan robes she usually wore. She always had a smile on her face that made her even more lovely. The only thing someone might say negatively about her is about the scar she has that goes from the bridge of her nose almost to her ear, either that or that she was a human in a feral village.

Savage on the other hand was large in comparison to Autumn, nearly a head and a half taller while being two of her wide. He was a wolf feral, a dark-grey bipedal wolf that was quite muscular.

Normally a child born from a Feral and a Human would be a Feral. Deamon was one of the exceptions, he looked like a normal human boy. He had medium-short black hair and light brown eyes like his old man. The only thing that would set him apart from a human was his senses, his hearing and smell were as good as any wolf feral maybe even better than some.

Savage looked over at Deamon and lightly smiled. "C'mon if we don't hurry we will be late, so let's scarf down some food and head out."

The three of them left the room and into the living room where they can eat. Their home was small, especially for a tribe leader's residence. There were 2 rooms, a small bathing room, and a living room that had a stove in one corner and a table across from it.

While eating their breakfast consisting of eggs, bread, and some forest boar ham a light knocking came from the front door before it opened.

"Morning neighbor, you guys ready for the big day?" A cheerful voice said.

"Morning Thom, we're as ready as we're gonna get," Savage replied whilst standing up to greet his friend at the door.

"Morning Uncle Thom," Deamon says while trying to look past the wide cat. "Where's Scarlet and auntie Roa?"

While fighting to give savage a hug, he stopped and took a step back before replying. "Oh! They are outside waiting for us so we better be on the move!"

Deamon put the empty dishes in the cleaning bucket before joining everyone outside. There he saw Thom's family waiting for them. Thom's wife Roa was a calico cat feral that was black and red. She was wearing her prized kimono given to her by her late mother that she wore whenever it was clean.

"Good morning Autumn. How are you today?" Roa said with a smile.

"I'm doing well, just curious about how the teachings will go since I've never been to them."

"Mama, Miss Autumn hasn't been to the teachings before?" Scarlet asked while pulling on Roa's sleeve.

Roa looked down at Scarlet before looking back at Autumn but before she could say anything Autumn answered her. "No sweety, humans don't have teachings. Most humans don't learn to read or write unless they are nobles or are strong enough to be invited."

"But that sounds mean! Why don't they teach everyone like we do?" Scarlet questioned.

"Well... That's a pretty dress! Did you get it for today?" Autumn hurriedly changed the subject.

"Huh? Yeah! Mama got it for me because it matched my hair!" Scarlet excitedly announced.

Scarlet looked mostly human save for the red cat ears on her head and tail from the bottom of the dress. She had bright red shoulder-length hair with matching fur on her ears and tail. Just like her dress and hair, her eyes were also red. Scarlet was what they called a twenty-eighty feral. The two numbers signified how human or animalistic they looked. Some are born with no difference between them and humans and others could pass as the animal of the Feral they were.

Deamon was a five-ninety-five feral.

"Hi, Scarlet are you nervous for today?" Deamon asked.

"Nervous? I'm super super excited! Today they will tell us what we are so we can train in it! I hope I'm a mystic like mama!"

Deamon thought about it and remembered that they will also be sorted into their abilities today. Mystic uses mana to use elemental powers. Brawler uses internal energy to fight with weapons or fists. Weaponizer uses environmental energy to make things. Weaponizers are usually craftsmen because, for most, it takes too long to use their powers in combat.

Deamon wondered what he would be. His mother said she was a mystic but he never saw her use it and his father was a brawler like all wolf leaders before him. Deamon wanted to be like his dad to make him proud, to make people not say the things they do about his family in hushed tones.

"Well Wolves, Brightfangs lets set out to the first day of the teachings!" Thom spoke while he took the lead. "To the southern group we go!"

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