
The Legendary Actor

After getting the final relief from his past sufferings, Chu Jiashu was given a second chance when he found himself in the body of an infant from an aristocratic family of Hall. Now, nothing is going to stop him from achieving his long-cherished dream of acting. Enter Renly Hall, a Hollywood miracle of 21st century. Note from the translator - from me, that is. "Honestly, I get frustrated too much when I look at countless subpar novels being translated day after day. So much human resources wasted. I kinda get what Qidian International is doing, but it is just, I can't bear the notion of having so many wonderful novels that belong to the Chinese platform to be left in the dust. English-speaking community should know of the existence of such brilliant works, and more so, they should enjoy them. The novel is by a Chinese dude "Qiqi Jia D Mao Mao", whatever that might mean, who wrote several showbiz novels (he is probably the best at what he is doing). It is not my work, I'm just a dude who, with the help of two free machine translators (DeepL and good ol' Google), can show you a hidden gem. Wait, you said machine translators? Sadly, yes. I can't speak Chinese at all, but fortunately, this novel is structured in a machine-translation-friendly way, like really so. Most of the time context is saved. I'm just polishing the edges with my superb (not really) editing skills, so you all chaps have a splendid experience with this good staff indeed. Actually, you can go and read machine translation or just wait for my updates. Up to you dudes and dudies. And then I go away...blewb, blewb, blewb, blewb, blewb....." P.S. "I am a knife for a hire. So the managers of the site can employ me for this novel, but please don't remove it. Oh, please, I'm begging you on my knees. You guys won't even think of translating this novel, and here I am "translating" it for free,.... well for the time being, that is mwahahaha!" P.S. for P.S. This novel does not contain the following: Harem, definitely not NTR, stupid characters, NTR again (God, I hate NTR (secretly beating the meat for a one in hentai)) But this novel contains: Great storyline, relatable characters, realistic situations, very fun moments as well as tear jerking ones (so much so, you will find your throat hella sore from crying all the time), surprise after surprise for the decisions that author went with. You will have a good time indeed WARNING! READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION!

Shallowman · Realistis
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600 Chs

Never late to settle the scores

The filming had come to a standstill.

Justin announced that the crew would resume work and reshoot the scene from earlier. However, the filming process soon hit a snag. Because Vin wasn't in the right state of mind.

During the fight, Vin seemed hesitant and lacked the forward momentum and dominant aura he'd displayed previously. His punches and kicks were restrained, as if invisible ropes bound his hands and feet, robbing the confrontation of its once vibrant chemistry.

Unexpectedly, it was Renly who remained unharmed, while Vin's right leg was genuinely injured. In the midst of Renly's rapid and fierce barrage, the final blow landed on Vin's right leg, resulting in a muscle contusion. While not very severe, it affected his mobility and strength. This had a tangible impact on the filming of the action sequence.

What was worse, Vin had lost the wild fervor and dominance he'd displayed earlier. The final part of the fight scene lacked vitality, and the outcome was flat, disappointing. It even gave the impression that Vin was constantly overshadowed in the face-off between Dominic and Hobbs, a situation that left the film in jeopardy. How could the movie continue this way?

Influenced by Vin's performance, Renly's combat also lost the edge it had before, causing the chemistry of the entire scene to fall short of satisfaction.

This resulted in a fragmented, disjointed filming process. Justin had to slice the fight into seven or eight different angles or segments to capture it bit by bit.

Sometimes, they would film for less than ten seconds, only to realize that something wasn't right and halt the process, starting again. Other times, they'd film for three seconds, it would feel correct, but when the two actors changed positions, something would feel off, requiring them to pause and readjust before continuing from that part.

Had it not been for the fact that everyone present had experienced the seamless and smooth filming just before, and the footage on the camera reels still contained the sequence, they might have thought it had all been a dream.

The only silver lining was that Justin could be somewhat relieved. He no longer worried that Renly and Vin might end up hurting each other, or that their excessive physicality might result in serious injuries.

Although the smooth flow of the filming was compromised, at least the crew could meticulously sculpt each scene, working towards the effect Justin desired. After all, Justin would conduct extensive fragmented editing on the filmed shots. In many instances, a single shot might last less than a second.

In this moment, Justin didn't know whether he should feel fortunate or frustrated. They had captured a perfect wide and establishing shot, but they had to film close-ups and inserts shot by shot.

The filming of the first shot took less than three minutes, yet carving out the details from those three minutes took a full two days.

"Cut!" Justin called out loudly. Seeing the cameraman signal with a thumbs-up, he finally relaxed and announced, "That's a wrap for this scene. We're ready for the next setup!"

Upon hearing this news, a collective sigh of relief spread among the crew members.

This long ordeal had finally come to an end. They couldn't even determine whether the previous anxiety had been more terrifying or the subsequent fragmented filming had been more agonizing. It was a mixed journey of filming, but regardless, it was finally over, and that was a good thing.

The crew members were back on set, moving props and preparing for the next scene. Renly took steps toward the rest area and spotted Nathan amidst the crowd, along with Andy Rogers standing by his side.

Renly's surprise was evident, but he still managed a smile and extended a welcoming gesture to Andy. "What brings you here? Los Angeles winter must be more comfortable compared to this, right?"

In recent times, Andy had been busy in Los Angeles, caught up in the bustling awards season. The PR efforts of the Academy had begun to unfold, and almost every day was filled with never-ending tasks. Moreover, Renly wasn't his sole artist; he had heard that Harrison Ford was currently considering a new project.

From a pragmatic standpoint, Renly was immersed in the set, focused on his work; his presence on location required only an assistant, as his manager didn't need to accompany him.

Andy responded with a smile to Renly's tone. "Though I expected your reaction to be this way, it's still quite incredible. My artist was involved in an accident, and it even posed a threat to his safety. If I didn't come in person, who else would dare to cooperate with me in the future?"

"I thought you had already dealt with it," Renly wasn't naive; he had noticed the changes on the set over the past two days.

The props department had undergone a major overhaul, with seven staff members replaced in one go. Considering that the entire department consisted of only about thirty people, this was a significant change. Later, James Currier had also left. Officially, it was termed a job reassignment, but Renly suspected that he had been dismissed from the crew. Additionally, doctors and nurses examined him thrice a day, ensuring that the wound remained infection-free. The crew even had a massage therapist on hand, providing Renly with relaxation massages after each day of shooting.

These shifts in detail, if not orchestrated by Andy behind the scenes, wouldn't have been attainable by a newcomer actor like Renly. Of course, it was also possible that Renly was reading too much into it, and all these changes were indeed just regular job adjustments.

Andy shook his head with an amused smile. "Your reaction robs me of any sense of accomplishment."

In reality, on the day of the incident, Nathan had called him immediately, explaining the situation in detail. The reason Andy hadn't come to Rio de Janeiro immediately was to apply pressure on Universal Pictures. This incident had crossed the bottom line, and strict action was necessary.

Going to the set only addressed the surface conflict. Only by targeting Universal Pictures could they truly solve the root issue.

Universal Pictures didn't want the situation to escalate to the point of involving SAG; that would be a real disaster. Even if legal issues weren't at stake, the moral condemnation alone would be unbearable. Facing Andy's "reasonable" demands, Universal Pictures readily agreed without hesitation. They assured him they would deal with the culprits severely. Their only hope was to put the matter to rest.

However, Andy wasn't ready to compromise easily. Show of force was just one aspect. Following that, he personally came to Rio de Janeiro to assess Renly's condition firsthand.

If Renly was truly fine, Andy would use this incident to secure more benefits for him, maximizing compensation for the "harm". But if Renly's situation defied expectations, Andy wouldn't back down easily. Reporting to the guild was inevitable, and that was just the first step.

As a manager, he had to stand by the actor's side, unwaveringly safeguarding their interests. Otherwise, it would only leave the actor disheartened. Fellow professionals wouldn't miss the chance to kick a man when he's down, and the guild would certainly not swallow their pride. If he didn't firmly support the actor, signing any actors in the future would be as difficult as reaching the sky.

Seeing the composed Renly before him, Andy's heart finally eased, allowing him the energy to make a jest.

Renly, however, responded, "Do you care about that sense of accomplishment?"

A hint of amusement glinted in Andy's eyes. This version of Renly was the one he was most familiar with. He slightly raised his chin, neither confirming nor denying Renly's jest, but accepting it as a form of recognition. "How are you feeling now? Did the doctor examine you today? Are you sure you don't have a concussion?" Andy inquired once again, as the current disheveled appearance of Renly gave away some hints.

Noticing Andy's expression, Renly smiled. "It's all makeup."

In reality, his wound was already healing. The shooting of the past two days hadn't been affected. The doctor's thrice-daily check-ups even made him feel embarrassed. However, to maintain continuity with his previous scenes, the makeup artist had added some fake blood to create the appearance of a wound. His current disheveled appearance was purely due to makeup.

"Rest assured, I value my life more than you do," Renly defended himself, earning Nathan's scoff about who had thrown themselves into the shooting without any regard for safety these past two days.

Renly lifted his head to glance at Nathan, a look of innocence on his face. He spread his hands as if he didn't comprehend where Nathan's "complaint" was coming from.

Andy glanced at Nathan standing beside him. Initially, he had chosen Nathan as Renly's assistant as a transitional measure. The idea was to get through this period for now. After all, finding a competent assistant wasn't that easy, and Renly truly needed one by his side. Unexpectedly, Nathan's work had been quite commendable during this time.

Andy's smile grew broader. "I'm just reminding you, actors rely on their appearances for their livelihood. You must be careful, very careful."

"I seriously doubt that," Renly smiled, shaking his head. He replied with a serious tone, "If that were the case, I'd probably end up begging on the streets."

This playful banter lightened the atmosphere entirely. Not just Andy and Nathan, even the other crew members standing nearby couldn't help but chuckle. This eased Andy's concerns slightly. He didn't want to see conflicts arise within other departments.

"Great, I'll come by again later. I have some matters to attend to now." After confirming that Renly was alright, Andy spoke succinctly. He turned around, his slightly plump figure swaying as he ambled toward the location where... Vin was positioned.

Although Renly was fine now, it didn't mean Andy's anger had subsided. More accurately, his anger hadn't even fully manifested yet.

Universal Pictures belonged to Universal Pictures, and the parties involved belonged to themselves. It was one thing, but it was also two things. For Universal Pictures, it was a game of interests. But for the perpetrator of the incident, it was a direct confrontation. Andy was not someone who was soft-hearted.

Now, it was time to settle accounts in the aftermath.