
The legend of yeshia

In a world of supernatural abilities and extended lifespans, Yeshia's life takes a tragic turn as she loses her only family - her father. But her journey doesn't end there. Determined to uncover her true identity and find her long-lost mother, Yeshia sets out on a quest that will take her on a thrilling adventure through a mystical land filled with surprises and challenges at every turn. As she unravels the mystery of her past, Yeshia discovers hidden secrets about herself that will change her life forever. Follow Yeshia's journey as she discovers the truth about her origin and confronts her own destiny in a tale that will keep you hooked till the very end. [New chapters will be available daily]

Yaschalig · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


When Yeshia woke up again, it was already dark.

Because of the moonlight, she could see the destruction around her; she was shocked. She didn't know how this happened.

In front of her was the dead body of her father. The rage started growing once again, but she suppressed it.

She started digging using her hands and the small knife that she used to carry around in order to collect herbs. After a few hours, she was out of breath and her hands were bleeding, but she had made a grave large enough for her father. She placed the body in the grave and then covered it.

After finishing, she stared at the grave for a while thinking about all the memories of her father. She got up and started searching for the place where she had hidden Azure.

The innocence, playfulness, and nativity were no longer visible on her face. She resembled a veteran warrior who has lost his family members, close friends, and countless comrades in a war

. After searching for a while, Yeshia found the place she had hidden Azure. Lifting the leaves covering it, she found Azure. Azure looked terrified; he was shaking. Noticing Yeshia, it jumped and embraced her by wrapping its wings around her. Yeshia was glad to see Azure. A little smile formed on her lifeless face; she feared Azure might have died due to the mysterious destruction of the forest. Holding Azure, Yeshia prepared to leave the forest. Her father had instructed her to look for Gimrick, so she returned back to the place where they left Gimrick.

While travelling towards the place, Yeshia remembers that her father told her to search for a woman named Lingxi. She has never heard that name before. She wonders how Lingxi knows her mother and why Han didn't just tell her about her mother rather than Lingxi. She might have questioned him, but at that time, she was overwhelmed by sadness and rage.

Finally reaching the place, she saw the broken carriage, but Gimrick was nowhere to be found. The general for Stormhold was also absent; she wonders what happened here. Yeshia is sure that Grandpa Gimrick will be alright and will eventually find her; after all, he is the strongest person she knows. She approached the carriage; the horse used to pull the carriage was dead. Inside, the carriage was full of scattered herbs which are now useless to her as she can no longer carry them, neither does she know how to make medicine from them. She searched for her books inside the carriage and finally found the bag in which she used to keep her books. She picked up the bag and a box containing a jade pin that belonged to her father, tied it to a thread, wore it on her neck, and started her journey towards 'Jade Grove'.

It is a small village in the southwest where Han was born. Han and Yeshia used to visit there often, and many people there know her. Maybe there she can find information about Lingxi

To reach the village, Yeshia had to traverse through a dense forest where Azure was found. Despite the scarcity of spirit beasts in the area, the forest still posed a threat due to the presence of wild animals. Being an eight-year-old child without any means of transportation or adult supervision, Yeshia's journey was perilous. However, she was determined to find her mother and uncover the reason why she abandoned her and her father. As she walked through the forest, she came across animal corpses, chunks of meat, and blood scattered all over the ground. The stench was unbearable, and Yeshia had to cover her nose as she made her way to the inner part of the forest.

As the noon sun shone down through the dense trees, Yeshia was relieved to find a clean and beautiful area. Azure flew above, keeping an eye out for any potential danger. The lack of wild animals so far was a blessing, but Yeshia's hunger pangs reminded her of her dire situation. She signaled to Azure, who landed on her shoulder, and together they scouted for food. Yeshia spotted a tree with fruit and climbed it, but as she reached for a higher one, she slipped and fell. To her surprise, she landed in a soft embrace. The person was a beautiful girl, wearing luxurious gold clothing adorned with sparkling jewels that shone in the light. Her dark hair cascaded down her back, framing her striking features. Her eyes were a piercing blue, and her skin was as white as freshly fallen snow. Her facial features were defined, and her lips were full and inviting . Yeshia was stunned and tried to escape her hold, but the girl smiled and gently placed her on the ground.

The girl introduced herself as 'Nuwa' and explained that she was roaming in the forest when she saw the spirit owl and came to investigate. Yeshia was initially wary, but Nuwa's friendly demeanor put her at ease. Yeshia explained that Azure is a part of her family. Nuwa assured her that she won't steal azure from her, and offered her a fruit that she had casually plucked from the tree with a flick of her finger.