
The legend of vampire

Ashina is a normal teenage girl who loves to hang out with her friends and family. One day, Ashina is bitten by a vampire and she starts to feel strange changes in her body. She starts to develop an aversion to sunlight, an increased craving for blood, and heightened strength and senses.

Thatsrichard · perkotaan
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4 Chs

The Gem Ring

"Now, my lady, I need you to look out for my brother. He is the youngest, and they tend to get lost easily. So, watch out for him, will you? And my other half, the one I lost years ago.They will be looking for me, and I don't want to give them the pleasure of finding me. So, keep an eye out for the two ', will you?" His voice cracked as he said the last words, and tears fell from his eyes as he turned away from her. He was young then, and inexperienced.But he had cared for her, and she had cared for him. It had been a beautiful thing, until it had been taken from him by the hunters. Now, he was older, and more experienced. He would not make the same mistake twice. He would find her, and he would kill her.Because that is what vampires did. They found their prey, and they killed them. It was what they were born to do.

She smiled at his back, wiping a tear before it fell to the ground. "I will do my best, my lord. But I fear you are mistaken. There is no one here but us.No one that would seek to harm you." He said it as a challenge, but it didn't faze the boy. He knew he was wrong and he would prove it to the boy. "Come with me, my lord. I will show you the way out of this meadow, and we will head for the mountains. There you will find what you are looking for.I promise you that."

He turned to her, his eyes meeting hers. "You are not going to find what you are looking for here, he said. 'This is the oldest vampire meadow in the world. It has been used for centuries as a hideout for vampires who wish to avoid detection. But you are not one of them, are you? You are one of the younger ones, aren't you? So, you will not be detected here. Come with me, and I will take you to the ones that have gone before us. He pulled his sword from its sheath, holding it out to her. "If you try anything, I will cut you down. I am not bluffing, my lady. to the ones that have gone before us. He pulled his sword from its sheath, holding it out to her. "If you try anything, I will cut you down. I am not bluffing, my lady.