
The Legend Of The Dragon And Holy Sword

The story of a king's son who was destroyed by power and destroyed by darkness in the kingdom. Planning the assassination and abolition of the power of the entire royal family including himself. But what happened??? All his family died and perished... But he survived!!! He survived and met "something" and will return for revenge for what has happened to his family....

Liem_Prince · Fantasi
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23 Chs

Chapter 007 : Destiny Of Love

After the long journey of the king and generals from the palace to the holy city area for more than five days, they finally arrived at the holy city residential area.

Kings and generals dare not enter the area. They could only see from afar the city. The holy city that has been razed to the ground and has been occupied by most of the Kerson troops.

The troops set up camp and temporary shelter. And they brought many slaves and palace workers to clean and rearrange the city according to the direction of King Harkan who had previously gone there after the destruction of Narmeda.

The king saw with his own eyes the destruction of the city of Narmeda.

The king was silent and could not say anything.

The king was sad to see the city that had been considered a holy and sacred city for the worship of the gods to be destroyed and nothing left.

Then the two of them started walking towards the back of the wilderness. The king was sure that there were still the rest of the townspeople who ran and fled there.

Initially the general asked the king to just wait for fear that in the forest he would meet Kerson's troops or even meet wild animals.

But the king didn't want to and forced the general to join in and look for him too. A day of searching was not found and finally they made a tent camp to spend the night in the forest.

The general asked the king to sleep while the general was outside the tent to keep watch and protect the king.

The next morning they continued their search and found nothing. Until finally the king found a small cave between a long small river.

The king wanted to go in and see in the cave but was not allowed by the general, but the king insisted that he wanted to find himself and wanted to find out for himself if there was anyone in the cave.

Yes, that's right, it turns out that in the cave they found a family. Father, mother and son and daughter.

The father and mother were old and the mother had a wound on her leg and was being treated by her son. The daughter who treated her mother was named Zelvira. She is a beautiful and kind young girl. And he has a brother, his younger brother named Gorman, who is twelve years old.

After the meeting between the King and the family, the king and general took the family out of the forest and brought them to the palace.

On the way out of the forest, unfortunately the king met the criminals. These criminals apparently like to rob and steal people's money and they are also rebels in Kerson.

They totaled 4 people.

How shocked the king was and finally the fight was inevitable. The general so quickly directly in front and protect the king.

General Qarsim fought the four criminals at once. And when the fight happened, the father and mother of the family were accidentally attacked by the criminals and they were injured.

Soon General Qarsim was able to finish off the four criminals. After the fight was over Zelvira checked on the condition of her parents. And unfortunately they could not be helped because of the injuries caused by the criminals.

Zelvira and her younger brother cried and grieved seeing their parents die because of that fight. Zelvira really wants to see her parents live happily.

But fate said otherwise.

Finally the king and general buried the two parents in the forest and took Zelvira and her sister left the forest and went to the palace after coming out of the forest and a few days they passed the border of Kerson city finally the king, general and Zelvira and her younger brother arrived at the palace .

A few days later, after arriving at the palace and the king re-occupying the palace, the king summoned Zelvira in person and they had a private talk and the king explained why the king was able to go to the forest and was able to find them.

The king tells Zelvira about his dream and his encounter with the Dragon God. Then the King asked if Zelvira wanted to be the king's companion and mother to his children someday. Then Zelvira asked for time to think and pray to the gods.

After some time, Zelvira met the king and agreed to the king's request to be his wife. Then the king held a big wedding ceremony and announced to all corners of the city that Calkarus had a Queen named Zelvira.

Zelvira was the only queen at that time who did not come from the city of Calkarus and was not from the nobility.

The king also said that after the marriage, the king and queen would soon plan to have children who would later become princes or princesses as successors to the royal throne in the city of Calkarus.

The king was very happy about his meeting and marriage with Queen Zelvira. Because the king felt that Zelvira was someone who could accompany and accompany him as a king and until the king's old age.

The king was very grateful because his companion was a gift and guidance from the god and the king had a destiny that had been set by the god.